Last Summers 68,541 Illegal Alien Surge cost tax payers $58.2 million


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And that's not all of it. Read this story and its quite clear why we can't support this nonsense anymore. Time pay the piper.

Deport them

"The estimated cost of deporting an illegal alien is $8,318. Using just the partial enumerated $58.2 million costs to ICE and the conservative $850 million estimate for education of [unaccompanied minors] resettled in the U.S., the amount of taxpayer money spent on dealing with unaccompanied minors would have paid for the removal of an additional 109,000 illegal aliens.”

STONEWALLED: Feds Hide Fiscal Details About Vast Operation To Resettle Illegal Alien Minors

According to data from the Justice Department obtained by Breitbart News, 96 percent of Central Americans caught illegally crossing into the country last summer are still in the United States. Now Breitbart News has learned exclusively that a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from a pro-security group about the cost of this operation is being stonewalled.

In January of 2015, the Immigration Reform Law Institute, on behalf of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), filed a FOIA request to discover the cost of accommodating the tens of thousands of illegal unaccompanied minors who came across the border encouraged by President Obama’s 2012 executive amnesty for illegal youths.

The FOIA letter made five requests of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency: that the federal agency detail (1) the costs of building of family detention centers; (2) the costs of apprehending, processing and detaining unaccompanied minors; (3) the costs transporting, transferring, removing and repatriating unaccompanied minors; (4) the costs related to ICE’s representation of government in removal procedures involving unaccompanied minors; and (5) the number of instances where objections to the return of unaccompanied minors were raised by the governments of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

The federal agency, however, refused to answer many of these questions– instead only partially answering two of the five requests. The agency provided only the costs of transporting, transferring and removing illegal minors, as well as the costs of the man-hours such tasks required. Those costs totaled $58.2 million—quadrupling ICE’s costs of $15.6 million in the year previous.

STONEWALLED: Feds Hide Fiscal Details About Vast Operation To Resettle Illegal Alien Minors - Breitbart
Let's know when it's real money. Real money is counted in billions here, like the roughly 4,000 billion the Feds spend each year.
Billions are spent on useless war equipment that usually deteriorates over time and then is replaced with billions more. Wake the heck up this was a humanitarian action. It was America at her best, The Christian thing to do.

"The national infatuation with pointless defense spending has generated expenditures that are utterly out of control. Spending rose gradually at first from its 1995 low, then soared after the terrorist attacks of 2001, reaching a high of $653 billion for fiscal year 2009 with no end in sight as the major presidential candidates had pledged to further increase the Pentagon's budget. They made these promises despite the fact that the United States at that time spent more on defense than all the rest of the world put together. China, the second most heavily armed state, had a military budget one-tenth the size of America's. Even the gigantic U.S. figure grossly underestimates the real costs of maintaining a bloated military establishment. The War Resisters League, a pacifist organization and therefore hardly impartial, compiled an interesting analysis of the full costs in fiscal year 2009 using official government publications. It is entitled "Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes" and can be found on the organization's website, As we have seen, the Pentagon's books are impossible to audit, but using publications from the Congressional Budget Office and other sources the League was able to paint a better and darker picture than one finds in most discussions of military costs." pps 387,388 'A Bubble in Time: America During the Interwar Years, 1989-2001' by William L. O'Neill

WRL Pie Chart Flyers - Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes

Where your money goes. Here’s Where Your Tax Dollars Go
Let's know when it's real money. Real money is counted in billions here, like the roughly 4,000 billion the Feds spend each year.

Moron. Is 850 million close enough?


Using just the partial enumerated $58.2 million costs to ICE and the conservative $850 million estimate for education of [unaccompanied minors] resettled in the U.S., the amount of taxpayer money spent on dealing with unaccompanied minors would have paid for the removal of an additional 109,000 illegal aliens.”

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