How two truly DUMB ASS comments by Biden will cost Americans over $1,096,045,814,024 during his presidency... JUST 2 statements!

Gee, China having the largest share of EV supply chain should tell ya something right there. But of course, you'll just ignore it.

The world's automobile market is shifting toward electrification - that's not a trend that's going away. Power plants in many countries are also going to be shifting toward renewables. That's a trend that's not going away either. So until they find other uses for fossil fuels, that's going to cut demand.

I agree that fossil fuels aren't going away, but the demand will be split between FF and other sources. That makes pricing and predicting demand difficult.
Any other lies you feel like telling today?
Obviously you didn't read the comments that I submitted SUBSTANTIATION for and more importantly where is YOUR proof they are LIES?
You see when you make such dumb ass, unsubstantiated statements like 'other lies" you are just proving to people how truly uninformed people like you ARE!
I was going to ask why you make such comments but then I concluded that's why you are truly uninformed. You make totally false statements!
Calling me a liar is offensive especially when I (UNLIKE YOU ) provide links to follow up and see the substantiation for the comments! It takes work...something you
obviously don't do!
The world's automobile market is shifting toward electrification - that's not a trend that's going away. Power plants in many countries are also going to be shifting toward renewables. That's a trend that's not going away either. So until they find other uses for fossil fuels, that's going to cut demand.

I agree that fossil fuels aren't going away, but the demand will be split between FF and other sources. That makes pricing and predicting demand difficult.
NO proof and totally stupid! How much electricity will be needed if 50% of all cars/trucks are EVs according idiots thinking like you totally didn't even think about?
READ the below and follow the links for verification!
To reach Biden's goal by 2032 will require 731 nuclear power plants..(WT and solar will cost MORE!!!)
Cost $7 billion to build a power plant. $7 billion times 731 equals $5.1 Trillion ! Where will that come from? PLUS the idiot wants to get rid of fossil fuels!
Total 3,400 of the 11,070 power plants are fossil fuel...that contribute 61% of all electricity generated... and Biden wants them gone!
So add another 3,400 to the 731 nuclear power plants that EVs will require and the cost at $7 billion each: $28,917,000,000,000 ! WHERE WILL that money
come from? 129,000,000 American households will have to pay every month an average of $900 MORE per month in higher electric bills for 20 years !
FACTS folks NOT guesses!
The world's automobile market is shifting toward electrification - that's not a trend that's going away. Power plants in many countries are also going to be shifting toward renewables. That's a trend that's not going away either. So until they find other uses for fossil fuels, that's going to cut demand.

I agree that fossil fuels aren't going away, but the demand will be split between FF and other sources. That makes pricing and predicting demand difficult.
Wow, you can be a cheerleader for China.

Relevant reading...

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry stated that wind and solar power will become “far more price competitive than oil and gas” if oil and gas companies see their costs rise because they “have to spend huge amounts of money for carbon capture and storage and utilization.”

Always the fucking leftards, thinking they can program humanity.

What a bunch of total fucking morons.
Gee, China having the largest share of EV supply chain should tell ya something right there. But of course, you'll just ignore it.
China permits two new coal power plants per week in 2022
This report from the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) and the Global Energy Monitor (GEM) takes a closer look at China’s permitting of new coal power plants in 2022, the possible implications for China’s climate commitments, and provides policy recommendations
That 's 104 carbon emitting power plants a year each plant emitting
So If 11,070 power plants in USA put out 1,650,000,000 tons of emissions or 150,000 tons per plant, then CHINA will be adding every year another 15,501,000 TONS
of emissions ... and you are ok with that???
The USA's 11,070 power plants emit about 1.65 billion metric tons—1.82 billion short tons—of carbon dioxide (CO2)Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
So while China leads in EV supplies THEY also lead in CO2 emissions!

1. China is the largest emitter of carbon dioxide gas in the world, with 10,668 million metric tons emitted in 2020.
The primary source of CO2 emissions in China is fossil fuels, most notably those that burn coal. About 55% of the total energy generated by China in 2021 came from coal alone, and because coal is rich in carbon, burning it in China's power and industrial plants and boilers releases large amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.

2. The U.S. is the second-largest emitter of CO2, with 4,713 million metric tons of total carbon dioxide emissions in 2020
Oil companies are making record bank and you blame a guy who is not an oilman. at what point has oil companies not made bank? You think the worlds largest consumed product is going to be profit free?
You know how much money Apple makes?
You know how much money Amazon makes?
You make some of the dumbest posts sometimes.
Last edited: at what point has oil companies not made bank? You think the worlds largest consumed product is going to be profit free?
You know how much money Apple makes?
You know how much money Amazon makes?
You make some of the dumbest posts sometimes.
You're stupid enough to lie for the price gouging oil companies.
Biden has made plenty of dumb ass comments most attributed to his senility and the following two to just plain stupidity about the USA.
It was bad enough Biden stopped the southern border wall building for a truly selfish and stupid "I'll show you , Trump"... idiocy but it is costing the USA in taking care of nearly 20 million illegals who heard just three words..."surge to the border" from the President! But then this dummy went on to encourage oil companies to raise gas prices by his "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"! So completely divisive. So completely incentivizing to RAISE GAS prices..."while we can" the companies state! For example read this quote from a CEO of an oil refining company!
Mike Wirth of Chevron said is representative of fossil fuel executives, banks, shareholders and ultimately gas stations that RAISED their prices while they can!
You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’
I've calculated what in these two dumb ass comments the financial repercussions and just these two statements have caused over $1 Trillion in taxes and gas prices!
And for those of you who question? PLEASE DO! And by the way in the gas cost analysis I've not counted diesel fuel i.e. trucking uses! It will be at least equal if not more than the cost of driving a car!

Statement 1...."I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took office.
Source: FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took Office--How is Secretary Mayorkas Still Employed?
Illegal immigration now costs US taxpayers $151 billion a year, new study finds
Source: Illegal immigration now costs US taxpayers $151 billion a year, new study finds
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs incurred from the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.4 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a cost burden of approximately $8,776 per illegal alien/citizen child. The burden of illegal immigration on U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling, with the gross cost per taxpayer at $1,156 every year

View attachment 778631

Statement 2...
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

View attachment 778639

what an idiot
You're stupid enough to lie for the price gouging oil companies.
You come to conclusions that are based on your preconceived beliefs rather than what someone says.
I said no such lie. In fact, I clearly stated that oil companies have been making serious profits for decades.
And I offered no opinion on that.
If this administration gets its way - we are going to see widescale energy driven poverty in this country that we have not seen in nearly 100 years. That is not an exaggeration.
Coal is an abundant energy source that is cheap. And one of the absolute defining reason America became a superpower is abundant/cheap energy.
We ALL want to get off of oil/coal. But not before it is time. Doing so is going to result in catastrophic brown/blackouts and soaring energy costs that will cripple millions of people.
You come to conclusions that are based on your preconceived beliefs rather than what someone says.
I said no such lie. In fact, I clearly stated that oil companies have been making serious profits for decades.
And I offered no opinion on that.
If this administration gets its way - we are going to see widescale energy driven poverty in this country that we have not seen in nearly 100 years. That is not an exaggeration.
Coal is an abundant energy source that is cheap. And one of the absolute defining reason America became a superpower is abundant/cheap energy.
We ALL want to get off of oil/coal. But not before it is time. Doing so is going to result in catastrophic brown/blackouts and soaring energy costs that will cripple millions of people.
Is the US increasing oil production?

According to the EIA, an average of 11.9 million barrels of U.S. crude oil were produced per day in 2022, below the record in 2019 of an average of 12.3 million barrels per day. The EIA is forecasting a new record for this year, but barely higher, at an average of 12.4 million barrels per day.Mar 9, 2023 to the EIA, an,12.4 million barrels per day.

U.S. won't reach new record oil production 'ever again' - CNBC to the EIA, an,12.4 million barrels per day.
Why don't you lie about US production also?
Is the US increasing oil production?

According to the EIA, an average of 11.9 million barrels of U.S. crude oil were produced per day in 2022, below the record in 2019 of an average of 12.3 million barrels per day. The EIA is forecasting a new record for this year, but barely higher, at an average of 12.4 million barrels per day.Mar 9, 2023 to the EIA, an,12.4 million barrels per day.

U.S. won't reach new record oil production 'ever again' - CNBC to the EIA, an,12.4 million barrels per day.
Why don't you lie about US production also?
Again, you are reacting to your own thoughts not anything I said.
I never said a word about U.S. oil production. How could I "lie" about something I didn't even bring up?
You put words in people's mouth, then want to chastise them for having said it.
You might as well just create two accounts and talk to yourself.
Again, you are reacting to your own thoughts not anything I said.
I never said a word about U.S. oil production. How could I "lie" about something I didn't even bring up?
You put words in people's mouth, then want to chastise them for having said it.
You might as well just create two accounts and talk to yourself.
Energy poverty has always existed and always will.
Energy poverty has always existed and always will.
Again, reacting to your own thoughts not what someone said.
I said - energy poverty this country hasn't seen in 100 years.
That is where we are headed if this admin get's their way.
In America we have been use to very cheap/abundant energy most other countries do not possess.
That can change, and this administration wants to.

Biden Administration Oil, Gas Drilling Approvals Outpace ...​

Center for Biological Diversity › news › press-releases

Jan 24, 2023 — Center for Biological Diversity: Massive Fossil Fuel Expansion Undermines U.S. Climate Commitments.

Biden is approving more oil and gas drilling permits on ...​

Washington Post › 2021/12/06 › bide...

Dec 6, 2021 — A new report illustrates that President Biden has been slow to reverse Trump's fossil-fuel-friendly agenda.

Biden granted more oil and gas drilling permits than Trump ...​

Yahoo › biden-granted-more-oil-and...

Jan 25, 2023 — Data from the Bureau of Land Management shows that President Biden approved more oil and gas drilling permits in his first two years in ...
Keystone XL would produce zero oil since pipelines do not extract petroleum.
Biden has made plenty of dumb ass comments most attributed to his senility and the following two to just plain stupidity about the USA.
It was bad enough Biden stopped the southern border wall building for a truly selfish and stupid "I'll show you , Trump"... idiocy but it is costing the USA in taking care of nearly 20 million illegals who heard just three words..."surge to the border" from the President! But then this dummy went on to encourage oil companies to raise gas prices by his "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"! So completely divisive. So completely incentivizing to RAISE GAS prices..."while we can" the companies state! For example read this quote from a CEO of an oil refining company!
Mike Wirth of Chevron said is representative of fossil fuel executives, banks, shareholders and ultimately gas stations that RAISED their prices while they can!
You’re looking at committing capital 10 years out, that will need decades to offer a return for shareholders, in a policy environment where governments around the world are saying, ‘We don’t want these products.’
I've calculated what in these two dumb ass comments the financial repercussions and just these two statements have caused over $1 Trillion in taxes and gas prices!
And for those of you who question? PLEASE DO! And by the way in the gas cost analysis I've not counted diesel fuel i.e. trucking uses! It will be at least equal if not more than the cost of driving a car!

Statement 1...."I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, "

5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took office.
Source: FAIR Analysis: 5.5 Million Illegal Aliens Have Crossed our Borders Since Biden Took Office--How is Secretary Mayorkas Still Employed?
Illegal immigration now costs US taxpayers $151 billion a year, new study finds
Source: Illegal immigration now costs US taxpayers $151 billion a year, new study finds
At the federal, state, and local levels, taxpayers shell out approximately $182 billion to cover the costs incurred from the presence of more than 15.5 million illegal aliens, and about 5.4 million citizen children of illegal aliens. That amounts to a cost burden of approximately $8,776 per illegal alien/citizen child. The burden of illegal immigration on U.S. taxpayers is both staggering and crippling, with the gross cost per taxpayer at $1,156 every year

View attachment 778631

Statement 2...
"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM

View attachment 778639

When the creep is finally convicted of treason ... I volunteer to operate "the lever."

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