Latest CBS News Lie: Statue Of Liberty Was Modeled After Cloaked Muslim Woman

I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.
Oh Good God Almighty. Originally, the statue was suppose to be placed at the Suez canal to celebrate it's completion. The original intent was for the statue to be of a "veiled peasant woman" representing the people of Egypt. Veil, woman, Egypt--yeah MUSLIM.

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

Note, that article is from November of 2015.

And now the right is all incensed over this? Who cares? She's OUR lady, and whether she is modeled after an Egyption woman or some other, her inclusive and wonderful symbolism remains unchanged except by those who seem to be offended that she might have been Muslim. Her identity carries NO religion and ALL religion.

"And now the right is all incensed over this?"

Because the increasingly disgusting slugs in the MSM are deliberately perverting actual Ancient History now in a twisted attempt to further push the Propaganda that EVERYTHING is linked to Islam and Muslims in SOME way which is why EVERYONE should just agree to open the floodgates for EVERY Muslim on the PLANET to just walk into Western nations and OMG if you disagree well you're just a filthy bigot or a filthy racist or something.

This is something everyone should be incensed about regardless of Right or Left, the deliberate perverting of actual Ancient History to fit The Agenda, unless of course the people who aren't incensed support The Agenda.

I don't think anyone is deliberately perverting it. It is what it is - and I had no idea it was originally destined for the Suez Canal. If it was modeled after an Egyptian woman, she probably was Muslim - what?

No one is saying we should open the floodgates for every Muslim. That's part of the problem with even trying to talk about it - people rush to assume extreme ends and extreme positions. But it does make it particularly poignant in light of the very real horrors that the refugees of Syria, are going through at the hands of ISIS, Assad, and countless autonomous militias.

I'm not calling anyone filthy bigot or filthy racist.

"If it was modeled after an Egyptian woman, she probably was Muslim - what?"

No it WASN'T modelled after an Egyptian woman who was probably Muslim. Did you read my comments? Apparently not, so I'll copy and paste them again for you to read:

From my post # 10

"the statue was to be based on an Ancient Egyptian fellah, the Ancient Egyptians were not Muslims, so the Ancient Egyptian fellah it was meant to be based on could NOT have been a Muslim woman could she?

The key point is that Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi went to Isma'il Pasha who was the Khedive of Egypt, a Khedive was a sort of Viceroy, anyhow Bartholdi had an original plan to construct a form of lighthouse in the shape of an Ancient Egyptian fellah, which were peasant girls and the statue was to be ROBED and holding a torch in her hand pointed toward the Northern entrance of The Suez Canal.

No it has and hasn't ANYTHING to do with a Muslim woman, the Ancient Egyptians were not Muslim, Islam wasn't founded until the 7th Century."

From my post # 13

"An Ancient Egyptian woman Coyote, which is very different than an Egyptian woman.

The Ancient Egyptians were not Muslim, they pre-dated Jesus Christ and Islam wasn't founded until the 7th Century. The Ancient Egyptians were Pagans, and their Goddess Isis is still very much revered by all Pagans today.

Isis | Egyptian goddess

Ancient Egyptian Gods: Isis

I love it when people cite themselves!

Sent from my iPhone using

Well I had to cite myself because....Coyote didn't have her contact lenses in or something the first time I made those comments :smoke: :eusa_doh:
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.
Thank you. Also he himself referred to the statue as Libertas.

Anyway, shariah lover Linda Sarsour was screeching that the Statue of Liberty was a Muslima at the protest a few weeks ago. Therefore it must be a lie! :)
And without fact checking, the libs will believe it to be true when it is not. Emperor Trump must step in and end the media's constant obfuscations.

Considering the original location for the Statue of Liberty was Egypt, not New York Harbor, it makes perfect sense.

No it doesn't make sense, the entire notion is the depth of absolute ignorance, it seems that the MSM is now gearing itself towards the brain-washed and the uneducated.

The Statue of Liberty and the Goddess it was modelled on and the Goddess that that one in turn was modelled on NONE of them were Muslim.

Oh Good God Almighty. Originally, the statue was suppose to be placed at the Suez canal to celebrate it's completion. The original intent was for the statue to be of a "veiled peasant woman" representing the people of Egypt. Veil, woman, Egypt--yeah MUSLIM.

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

Note, that article is from November of 2015.

Lol read the comments after that absolute HORSECRAP article you've posted, yes they are right, just as I am right, just as the article is HORSECRAP and you are wrong and obviously uneducated.

LOL the person who wrote the article Erin Blakemore also writes for THE ONION! :lol:

Everyone should ignore the article which is pure bullshit and just scroll down and read ALL the comments:

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

Here are just some of the comments:

Ian Huntleya year ago

"This is some poor scholarship. The only thing that's true is that Bartholdi was going to build a giant woman statue. His original project got cancelled, and he went with Libertas instead. Implying that it is a "Muslim woman" is just... wrong. I mean, it's not a defensible position from an academic standpoint. Moreno was mis-cited, and the author owes him an apology, as well.

I expect better from the Smithsonian. Erin Blakemore has conducted historical research on many projects and should know better. This is a propaganda piece designed to promote an agenda, and it is intellectually dishonest at its core. The author was hoping no one would check her "facts." I've read Moreno's book, and in no way does he imply that the statue was ever anything but Libertas. In fact, he was casting around looking for an American counterpart for Britannia and Marianne. At what point during that thought process was he supposed to have come up with "Muslim peasant?"

The Smithsonian should retract the piece and apologize, not cling to the tiny sliver of fact contained in the article.

Bin Ian Huntleya year ago

I don't think Erin Blakemore has done much historical, scientific or cultural research for her articles. Almost all her pieces here

Charlie Alvarez Ian Huntleya year ago

That includes writing articles for "The Onion" which is a tongue-in-cheek phony-news website. Surely this ridiculous fabrication was adopted directly from the Onion.

in Smithsonian are cut-and-pasted from other sources. And she often misunderstands and exaggerates the original stories.

Sharon Presley Robert D Anti Intolerance3 days ago

No, it isn't accurate. "Bartholdi became fascinated by the ancient architecture" --a line from the article. But the ancient architecture predated Islam by many centuries. In fact Muslims don't even build statues. So where does the "Muslim" part come in? Nowhere that I can see."

But comments can be made by anyone and everyone. The Smithsonian has always been considered to be a credible source, not a partisan source. I don't understand why everyone is so incensed they're now attacking the Smithsonian.

Edward Berenson is the author of a 2012 book, and is cited in the Smithsonian article:
Edward Berenson, author of Statue of Liberty: A Translatlantic Story, writes that Bartholdi’s concept morphed from “a gigantic female fellah, or Arab peasant” into “a colossal goddess.” But Egypt, which had invested enormous amounts of time and money into the landmark canal, was not as eager about Bartholdi’s idea. Isma’il Pasha, the reigning khedive, rejected the plan as too costly.

She is not robed like the ancient Egyptions. The term "fellah" is not ancient Egyption, but was commonly used during the Ottoman rule.
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.

I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?
And without fact checking, the libs will believe it to be true when it is not. Emperor Trump must step in and end the media's constant obfuscations.

Considering the original location for the Statue of Liberty was Egypt, not New York Harbor, it makes perfect sense.

No it doesn't make sense, the entire notion is the depth of absolute ignorance, it seems that the MSM is now gearing itself towards the brain-washed and the uneducated.

The Statue of Liberty and the Goddess it was modelled on and the Goddess that that one in turn was modelled on NONE of them were Muslim.

Oh Good God Almighty. Originally, the statue was suppose to be placed at the Suez canal to celebrate it's completion. The original intent was for the statue to be of a "veiled peasant woman" representing the people of Egypt. Veil, woman, Egypt--yeah MUSLIM.

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

Note, that article is from November of 2015.

Lol read the comments after that absolute HORSECRAP article you've posted, yes they are right, just as I am right, just as the article is HORSECRAP and you are wrong and obviously uneducated.

LOL the person who wrote the article Erin Blakemore also writes for THE ONION! :lol:

Everyone should ignore the article which is pure bullshit and just scroll down and read ALL the comments:

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

Here are just some of the comments:

Ian Huntleya year ago

"This is some poor scholarship. The only thing that's true is that Bartholdi was going to build a giant woman statue. His original project got cancelled, and he went with Libertas instead. Implying that it is a "Muslim woman" is just... wrong. I mean, it's not a defensible position from an academic standpoint. Moreno was mis-cited, and the author owes him an apology, as well.

I expect better from the Smithsonian. Erin Blakemore has conducted historical research on many projects and should know better. This is a propaganda piece designed to promote an agenda, and it is intellectually dishonest at its core. The author was hoping no one would check her "facts." I've read Moreno's book, and in no way does he imply that the statue was ever anything but Libertas. In fact, he was casting around looking for an American counterpart for Britannia and Marianne. At what point during that thought process was he supposed to have come up with "Muslim peasant?"

The Smithsonian should retract the piece and apologize, not cling to the tiny sliver of fact contained in the article.

Bin Ian Huntleya year ago

I don't think Erin Blakemore has done much historical, scientific or cultural research for her articles. Almost all her pieces here

Charlie Alvarez Ian Huntleya year ago

That includes writing articles for "The Onion" which is a tongue-in-cheek phony-news website. Surely this ridiculous fabrication was adopted directly from the Onion.

in Smithsonian are cut-and-pasted from other sources. And she often misunderstands and exaggerates the original stories.

Sharon Presley Robert D Anti Intolerance3 days ago

No, it isn't accurate. "Bartholdi became fascinated by the ancient architecture" --a line from the article. But the ancient architecture predated Islam by many centuries. In fact Muslims don't even build statues. So where does the "Muslim" part come in? Nowhere that I can see."

But comments can be made by anyone and everyone. The Smithsonian has always been considered to be a credible source, not a partisan source. I don't understand why everyone is so incensed they're now attacking the Smithsonian.

Edward Berenson is the author of a 2012 book, and is cited in the Smithsonian article:
Edward Berenson, author of Statue of Liberty: A Translatlantic Story, writes that Bartholdi’s concept morphed from “a gigantic female fellah, or Arab peasant” into “a colossal goddess.” But Egypt, which had invested enormous amounts of time and money into the landmark canal, was not as eager about Bartholdi’s idea. Isma’il Pasha, the reigning khedive, rejected the plan as too costly.

She is not robed like the ancient Egyptions. The term "fellah" is not ancient Egyption, but was commonly used during the Ottoman rule.

"The term "fellah" is not ancient Egyption"

I never said fellah was Ancient Egyptian, what I did say was that Bartholdi's original idea was to have an Ancient Egyptian fellah, an Ancient Egyptian peasant girl, my point remains correct we are dealing solely with the Ancient Egyptians and not the Modern Egyptians, the Ancient Egyptians were not Muslim, period.

"Edward Berenson is the author of a 2012 book, and is cited in the Smithsonian article:
Edward Berenson, author of Statue of Liberty: A Translatlantic Story, writes that Bartholdi’s concept morphed from “a gigantic female fellah, or Arab peasant” into “a colossal goddess.” But Egypt, which had invested enormous amounts of time and money into the landmark canal, was not as eager about Bartholdi’s idea. Isma’il Pasha, the reigning khedive, rejected the plan as too costly."

So where does that say ANYTHING about it being based on a Muslim woman? That's right, it doesn't.
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

Was Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi Egyptian peasant?

I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

The Leftist's use Mother Jones and The Huffington Post.
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.

According to the Liberty Island museum, the model for the face of the Goddess of Liberty, was Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi.
I posted about this nonsense last night, but here we go again...

For anyone shitter shattered about the statue of liberty thing being circulated now, here is the rebuttal.

Note the date. Apparently this is a very old fake news story that is being shambled out of the grave to fit the current narrative.



If is gonna help our buthurt friends on the left, it's puppy bowl now.

Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.

According to the Liberty Island museum, the model for the face of the Goddess of Liberty, was Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi.

I've heard that also.

I think it is fair to say there were many influences. People shouldn't get so upset.
And without fact checking, the libs will believe it to be true when it is not. Emperor Trump must step in and end the media's constant obfuscations.

Considering the original location for the Statue of Liberty was Egypt, not New York Harbor, it makes perfect sense.

No it doesn't make sense, the entire notion is the depth of absolute ignorance, it seems that the MSM is now gearing itself towards the brain-washed and the uneducated.

The Statue of Liberty and the Goddess it was modelled on and the Goddess that that one in turn was modelled on NONE of them were Muslim.

Oh Good God Almighty. Originally, the statue was suppose to be placed at the Suez canal to celebrate it's completion. The original intent was for the statue to be of a "veiled peasant woman" representing the people of Egypt. Veil, woman, Egypt--yeah MUSLIM.

The Statue of Liberty Was Originally a Muslim Woman | Smart News | Smithsonian

Note, that article is from November of 2015.
Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.

According to the Liberty Island museum, the model for the face of the Goddess of Liberty, was Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi.

I've heard that also.

I think it is fair to say there were many influences. People shouldn't get so upset.

"People shouldn't get so upset."

People should get upset when essentially Propagandist hacks and so-called researchers are deliberately perverting established and corroborated Ancient History so a sinister Agenda can be pushed further into the psyche of incredibly ignorant people who know no better and so will just absorb this horsecrap.

This is no different than them insisting that George Washington was actually a Chinaman and Martin Luther King was a White man.
Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.

According to the Liberty Island museum, the model for the face of the Goddess of Liberty, was Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi.

I've heard that also.

I think it is fair to say there were many influences. People shouldn't get so upset.

"People shouldn't get so upset."

People should get upset when essentially Propagandist hacks and so-called researchers are deliberately perverting established and corroborated Ancient History so a sinister Agenda can be pushed further into the psyche of incredibly ignorant people who know no better and so will just absorb this horsecrap.

This is no different than them insisting that George Washington was actually a Chinaman and Martin Luther King was a White man.
"George Washington was actually a Chinaman and Martin Luther King was a White man."
Wow! You learn something new every day.
Frontpage Mag?

That's a credible fact check?

Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.

According to the Liberty Island museum, the model for the face of the Goddess of Liberty, was Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi.

I've heard that also.

I think it is fair to say there were many influences. People shouldn't get so upset.

The sculpture that Bartholdi tried to sell to Egyptians might be presented as Egyptian peasant. He wouldn't try to up sell them Jewish peasant for sure. The statue he built for US was based on Goddess Libertas, and probably not on British Queen.

Now, if you wan't to discredit someone, you should try presenting facts, instead of being triggered when they're presented to you. Leftist fact checking is mythology, where leftist political ideology is wrapped is false data driven reporting, lies presented as "facts" to disprove the opponents. You know how that turned out.

And last, here is little back story from Liberty Island, where I actually get most of the facts from.

Athelstane Lodge
Is that only argument that you got?

At this point, they have... anybody have more credibility than CNN or CBS who posted this last night.


It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?

"It says "statue originally an Egyptian peasant".

Is that inaccurate?"

Yes it is inaccurate, because the Statue of Liberty was modelled on the Ancient Roman Goddess Libertas who herself was inspired by/modelled on the ANCIENT Egyptian Goddess Isis.

And also Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was originally going to construct an entirely different statue based on an ANCIENT Egyptian peasant girl.

Coyote there is a difference between the Ancient Egyptians and the Egyptians. These what can only be termed Propagandists and perverters of Ancient History are peddling this absolute horsecrap to attempt in a vile and twisted way to say The Statue of Liberty was based on a Muslim woman, when she wasn't.

According to the Liberty Island museum, the model for the face of the Goddess of Liberty, was Bartholdi's mother, Charlotte Beysser Bartholdi.

I've heard that also.

I think it is fair to say there were many influences. People shouldn't get so upset.

"People shouldn't get so upset."

People should get upset when essentially Propagandist hacks and so-called researchers are deliberately perverting established and corroborated Ancient History so a sinister Agenda can be pushed further into the psyche of incredibly ignorant people who know no better and so will just absorb this horsecrap.

This is no different than them insisting that George Washington was actually a Chinaman and Martin Luther King was a White man.

The thing is though, the statue today WAS based on an Egyptian woman, not an ancient Egyptian. And the original design was reused and revised. So the claim isn't a lie, it's just an interesting bit of the statue's history, and main reason for outrage seems to be god forbid - it could be a Muslim. The hidden irony, which also seems to upset people, is that this bit of the statues history, is now seen in light of the ban on Syrian refugees. No one cared two years ago, when Smithsonian wrote its article. No one cared five years ago, when Berenson published his book.

This source isn't a liberal one, it's considered conservative:

The Statue of Liberty was modeled after an Arab woman
The statue's designer, Frédéric-Auguste Bartholdi, was enamored with Egyptian pyramids and monumental sculpture. According to historian Edward Berenson, in the 1860s, Bartholdi decided to build a monument to commemorate the opening of Egypt's Suez Canal.

"And that monument was going to be a woman in the southern opening of the canal holding up a torch over her head and that woman was dressed in Arab peasant garb,” Berenson says. But when the ruler of Egypt, Khedewi Ismail Pasha, went bankrupt, the colossal Suez sculpture project was jettisoned.

But the artist soon found a way to recycle his design. “A couple of years earlier, Bartholdi and his friends decided they were going to give a gift to the United States that was going to celebrate the centennial of the American Revolution,” Berenson explains. “And then, Bartholdi thought, ‘Ah! I’ve got a great idea! I can reuse this image but change it to fit the American Revolution.’”

Bartholdi changed the woman that was originally dressed in Arab garb into a Greco-Roman goddess of liberty. And the Statue of Liberty, as we know her today, was born.

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