Latest gillette ad features dad teaching transgender son to shave for the first time

Latest Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son To Shave For The First Time
Months after releasing an ad shaming all men for being 'toxic' pigs (while curiously cutting out a scene from the original ad featuring a booty-grabbing fake rap video), Gillette wants female-to-male trans individuals to know that once those hormones kick in, they've got your shaving needs covered.

whenn your dumbasses in society LOL..... bye Gillete those stock will tank now bahahh
And the iditos can't figure out how INDOCTRINATION takes place over the population.

Gillette apparently feels there is a market for this. If you don't like the company you don't have to purchase their products. If enough people like you are out there to make a difference they will feel it in the purse and likely adjust accordingly. That's how the market works.
Even if you do express your conserns it won't matter much. Folks will likely still buy razors from these guys. They just want to shave their face, and give two fucks about some eunuch helping a girl pretend she is a boy.

Pretty much.
They’re going to loose business in a big way.

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The folks at Gillette are pretty smart. They see the trends and how the number of Trannies is increasing exponentially.

Attracting these folks to their brand might be a brilliant ideal.
They’re going to loose business in a big way.

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The folks at Gillette are pretty smart. They see the trends and how the number of Trannies is increasing exponentially.

Attracting these folks to their brand might be a brilliant ideal.

U dumbass they make you think ther is more of them than us so you sway over to that way of thinking..

THEY BANK ON PPL THINKING JUST LIKE YOU----------- want to know a trick they do this before elections to because the easily swayed will " FOLLOW THE MAJORITY" even when it's fkn lie.
Latest Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son To Shave For The First Time
Months after releasing an ad shaming all men for being 'toxic' pigs (while curiously cutting out a scene from the original ad featuring a booty-grabbing fake rap video), Gillette wants female-to-male trans individuals to know that once those hormones kick in, they've got your shaving needs covered.

whenn your dumbasses in society LOL..... bye Gillete those stock will tank now bahahh
And the iditos can't figure out how INDOCTRINATION takes place over the population.

Gillette apparently feels there is a market for this. If you don't like the company you don't have to purchase their products. If enough people like you are out there to make a difference they will feel it in the purse and likely adjust accordingly. That's how the market works.
Thats how YOU THINK it works.

Did he teach it how to tape the sausage and eggs back tight so it can wear a bikini ?
Latest Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son To Shave For The First Time
Months after releasing an ad shaming all men for being 'toxic' pigs (while curiously cutting out a scene from the original ad featuring a booty-grabbing fake rap video), Gillette wants female-to-male trans individuals to know that once those hormones kick in, they've got your shaving needs covered.

whenn your dumbasses in society LOL..... bye Gillete those stock will tank now bahahh
And the iditos can't figure out how INDOCTRINATION takes place over the population.

Gillette apparently feels there is a market for this. If you don't like the company you don't have to purchase their products. If enough people like you are out there to make a difference they will feel it in the purse and likely adjust accordingly. That's how the market works.
Thats how YOU THINK it works.


Maybe they will, maybe they won't. What a lot of people like you fail to understand is that the vast majority of the public doesn't pay attention to this stuff. People who post here on this forum and others are far more heavily involved and attentive to politics than the average person on the street. You seem to assume that everybody is seeing this stuff and paying as close attention to it as you are because that's how YOU think it works. In a few cases that's true, but by and large the reality is quite different. People only tend to care about things that affect them directly.

Proctor and Gamble's stock is up 15% since their man hating ad aired, so there is no historical evidence that what you say will come to pass.
Latest Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son To Shave For The First Time
Months after releasing an ad shaming all men for being 'toxic' pigs (while curiously cutting out a scene from the original ad featuring a booty-grabbing fake rap video), Gillette wants female-to-male trans individuals to know that once those hormones kick in, they've got your shaving needs covered.

whenn your dumbasses in society LOL..... bye Gillete those stock will tank now bahahh
And the iditos can't figure out how INDOCTRINATION takes place over the population.

Is this a joke?

What would possess a company to cater to 0.01% of the population while disgusting the rest?

Evidently, it doesn't disgust that many people. Sure, the crazies are upset by it, but all those companies aren't going to intentionally spend millions of dollars to piss everybody off.

Link? I think it does sleeve out many people.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna look for a link that proves corporations don't intentionally lose money. If you can't accept that at face value, you are free to think anything you want, no matter how stupid that might be.

Marketing is always a loss for companies. They generally have a tough time gauging the return on capital. Sometimes they get major hits like the Jared Subway commercials but more often than not it is a crapshoot. Gillette just lost a customer in me. I am only one person and won’t move the needle but maybe there are more like me?
If your son is already asking about shaving it's time to think about how you'll prepare him for the milestone. Shaving is a big deal to many boys and they look forward to it, even if they have to wait a while for puberty to catch up with them. Most boys won't develop facial hair until they're well into puberty (generally around age 14 or so), while others may need to begin shaving in the later tween years. Either way, arm yourself with a few handy shaving tips to help your child learn to do it the right way, and so that he knows how to shave safely while practicing good hygiene.

How Your Tween Son Can Learn to Shave Safely
All boys transition to where they need to shave.

This ad isn't about a boy. It's about a mentally-defective girl, who thinks she's a boy, and a father who is pandering to this delusion. Presumably, she's already f•••ing her body up with male hormones; otherwise, she wouldn't have facial hair to shave.
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Evidently, it doesn't disgust that many people. Sure, the crazies are upset by it, but all those companies aren't going to intentionally spend millions of dollars to piss everybody off.

You would think not, but Gillette already ran an ad, some months ago, that directly insulted and offended men and masculinity in general, alienating a very large part of their intended customer base. Now, they are running this ad, which is only a further step in that direction.

Who are really the crazies, here?
Is this a joke?

What would possess a company to cater to 0.01% of the population while disgusting the rest?

Evidently, it doesn't disgust that many people. Sure, the crazies are upset by it, but all those companies aren't going to intentionally spend millions of dollars to piss everybody off.

I agree, but those companies will dump several million dollars on a bad guess. It's not uncommon at all.

If you own stock in the company, you should make your concerns known to the board of directors. If not, I don't think the care what you might think.

Do you say the same thing to regressives that complain about Trump companies?

If they are Trump companies, they are expected to make dumb decisions. The difference is that other companies aren't usually out to cheat everybody they interact with.

Spoken like a true liberal scumbag

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You told me Jews came from Satan. So you believe too. Captain Rube.

Given I'm an atheist, I doubt I would have even said a thing like that as a joke.

But it's okay, I'm sure I've become every one of your "oppressors" at this point. Sad, really.
Latest Gillette Ad Features Dad Teaching Transgender Son To Shave For The First Time
Months after releasing an ad shaming all men for being 'toxic' pigs (while curiously cutting out a scene from the original ad featuring a booty-grabbing fake rap video), Gillette wants female-to-male trans individuals to know that once those hormones kick in, they've got your shaving needs covered.

whenn your dumbasses in society LOL..... bye Gillete those stock will tank now bahahh
And the iditos can't figure out how INDOCTRINATION takes place over the population.

Is this a joke?

What would possess a company to cater to 0.01% of the population while disgusting the rest?

Evidently, it doesn't disgust that many people. Sure, the crazies are upset by it, but all those companies aren't going to intentionally spend millions of dollars to piss everybody off.

Link? I think it does sleeve out many people.

Sorry, but I'm not gonna look for a link that proves corporations don't intentionally lose money. If you can't accept that at face value, you are free to think anything you want, no matter how stupid that might be.

Marketing is always a loss for companies. They generally have a tough time gauging the return on capital. Sometimes they get major hits like the Jared Subway commercials but more often than not it is a crapshoot. Gillette just lost a customer in me. I am only one person and won’t move the needle but maybe there are more like me?
I bought some razor thingy yesterday; wasn't Gillette.

This is how big corporations neuter the anti-capitalist left and turns them into their loyal lackeys. The same way the democrat party ropes in minorities and fringe radicals. -by telling them what they want to hear, and then doing what they've always done.
If your son is already asking about shaving it's time to think about how you'll prepare him for the milestone. Shaving is a big deal to many boys and they look forward to it, even if they have to wait a while for puberty to catch up with them. Most boys won't develop facial hair until they're well into puberty (generally around age 14 or so), while others may need to begin shaving in the later tween years. Either way, arm yourself with a few handy shaving tips to help your child learn to do it the right way, and so that he knows how to shave safely while practicing good hygiene.

How Your Tween Son Can Learn to Shave Safely
All boys transition to where they need to shave.

This ad isn't about a boy. It's about a mentally-defective girl, who thinks she's a boy, and a father who is pandering to this delusion. Presumably, she's already f•••ing her body up with male hormones; otherwise, she wouldn't have facial hair to shave.
They really are sick people.

Leave to a liberal to politicize a movie character.

Well, I didn't. I just said he was an awful character... you brought up imaginary concerns about "race", which isn't the complaint most of us had about the character at all.

The complaint we had was the character was buffoonish and silly. The problem with the trilogy is that it was trying to tell this great story about how the Empire rose, but then gave us characters we didn't give a shit about.
Leave to a liberal to politicize a movie character.

Well, I didn't. I just said he was an awful character... you brought up imaginary concerns about "race", which isn't the complaint most of us had about the character at all.

The complaint we had was the character was buffoonish and silly. The problem with the trilogy is that it was trying to tell this great story about how the Empire rose, but then gave us characters we didn't give a shit about.
Yes and liberals added that he looked like a Rastafarian. And called it racist, liberals are never happy. You can't even watch a movie without getting offended.
If your son is already asking about shaving it's time to think about how you'll prepare him for the milestone. Shaving is a big deal to many boys and they look forward to it, even if they have to wait a while for puberty to catch up with them. Most boys won't develop facial hair until they're well into puberty (generally around age 14 or so), while others may need to begin shaving in the later tween years. Either way, arm yourself with a few handy shaving tips to help your child learn to do it the right way, and so that he knows how to shave safely while practicing good hygiene.

How Your Tween Son Can Learn to Shave Safely
All boys transition to where they need to shave.

This ad isn't about a boy. It's about a mentally-defective girl, who thinks she's a boy, and a father who is pandering to this delusion. Presumably, she's already f•••ing her body up with male hormones; otherwise, she wouldn't have facial hair to shave.

Okay, did any of you MORONS actually bother to read the article in question? Here's a hint. It has nothing to do with trans kids. The article just tells parents what products are best and some of the concerns related to teenage skin, like acne.
His greatest victory is in those he's deceived into believing that he doesn't even exist.

Or we see "him' for what he is, a literary construct.

Here's the problem I've always had with Satan as a concept, reading the bible. Is he God's enemy or one of God's enforcers?

The bible seems to indicate he's both. One one side, he's tempting people into sin, on the other, he's doing God's dirty work of punishing the guilty.

Now, keeping in mind that most of our western view of Satan is molded by Dante and Milton, rather than the Bible, let's look at what the Bible says.

In the book of Job, Satan comes and goes as he pleases, and has God's permission to punish Job horribly so that God can prove a point. What point was that? Not really sure. Job demands and explanation, and God's answer was, "I'm God, I can do whatever I want. Who are you to question me." Job sure would have been pissed to find out Satan killed his whole family on a bar bet with God.

Or we can look at the First Book of Chronicles, that said Satan tricked David into taking a Census (as opposed to the 2 Book of Samuel, which said that God ordered the census).... but regardless of who made David take the Census, it was God who went all Batman Villain and made David choose between War, Famine or Pestilence, and when David picked Pestilence, thinking this would be the least bad of the three, 70,000 Israelite died.

I'm sorry, which one is the bad guy in this story again? I forget.

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