Latest Liberal Response to Terrorist Incident: Can the Can

These same morons will now be running our healthcare system as ineptly as they are running the NSA. scary isn't it!!! God help us!!! Morons need apply Obama and friends will find you incompetants a new joB in the healthcare industry!!!

There have been precisely three attempts over the last eight years to commit acts of terrorism aboard commercial aircraft. All of them clownishly inept and easily thwarted by the passengers. How many tens of thousands of flights have been incident free?​
Let's expand Joyner's scope out to the past decade. Over the past decade, there have been, by my count, six attempted terrorist incidents on board a commercial airliner than landed in or departed from the United States: the four planes that were hijacked on 9/11, the shoe bomber incident in December 2001, and the NWA flight 253 incident on Christmas.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides a wealth of statistical information on air traffic. For this exercise, I will look at both domestic flights within the US, and international flights whose origin or destination was within the United States. I will not look at flights that transported cargo and crew only. I will look at flights spanning the decade from October 1999 through September 2009 inclusive (the BTS does not yet have data available for the past couple of months).

Over the past decade, according to BTS, there have been 99,320,309 commercial airline departures that either originated or landed within the United States. Dividing by six, we get one terrorist incident per 16,553,385 departures.

These departures flew a collective 69,415,786,000 miles. That means there has been one terrorist incident per 11,569,297,667 mles flown. This distance is equivalent to 1,459,664 trips around the diameter of the Earth, 24,218 round trips to the Moon, or two round trips to Neptune.

Assuming an average airborne speed of 425 miles per hour, these airplanes were aloft for a total of 163,331,261 hours. Therefore, there has been one terrorist incident per 27,221,877 hours airborne. This can also be expressed as one incident per 1,134,245 days airborne, or one incident per 3,105 years airborne.

There were a total of 674 passengers, not counting crew or the terrorists themselves, on the flights on which these incidents occurred. By contrast, there have been 7,015,630,000 passenger enplanements over the past decade. Therefore, the odds of being on given departure which is the subject of a terrorist incident have been 1 in 10,408,947 over the past decade. By contrast, the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are about 1 in 500,000. This means that you could board 20 flights per year and still be less likely to be the subject of an attempted terrorist attack than to be struck by lightning.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Odds of Airborne Terror

Exactly! As originally stated terrorists are "less deadly than lightening strikes and peanut allergies"...

So how much more humiliation will Americans take? When will we stop frisking grandma and the babies, stop submitting to body scans, stop spending 3 hours to board a plane, stop taking our shoes and clothes off, carry whatever personal items we wish, go to the bathroom when we want to.....etc., etc.?

Americans need to resist this Homeland Security "training" that is being implemented through the airlines....we should not be afraid to move about freely....there are much more effective methods of surveillance....

Or do you think Americans should wear "taser bracelets" when flying.....?
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Maybe Hopey Changey can pull himself off the golf course and start addressing these serious problems? Just a thought anyway.
These same morons will now be running our healthcare system as ineptly as they are running the NSA. scary isn't it!!! God help us!!! Morons need apply Obama and friends will find you incompetants a new joB in the healthcare industry!!!
There have been precisely three attempts over the last eight years to commit acts of terrorism aboard commercial aircraft. All of them clownishly inept and easily thwarted by the passengers. How many tens of thousands of flights have been incident free?​
Let's expand Joyner's scope out to the past decade. Over the past decade, there have been, by my count, six attempted terrorist incidents on board a commercial airliner than landed in or departed from the United States: the four planes that were hijacked on 9/11, the shoe bomber incident in December 2001, and the NWA flight 253 incident on Christmas.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides a wealth of statistical information on air traffic. For this exercise, I will look at both domestic flights within the US, and international flights whose origin or destination was within the United States. I will not look at flights that transported cargo and crew only. I will look at flights spanning the decade from October 1999 through September 2009 inclusive (the BTS does not yet have data available for the past couple of months).

Over the past decade, according to BTS, there have been 99,320,309 commercial airline departures that either originated or landed within the United States. Dividing by six, we get one terrorist incident per 16,553,385 departures.

These departures flew a collective 69,415,786,000 miles. That means there has been one terrorist incident per 11,569,297,667 mles flown. This distance is equivalent to 1,459,664 trips around the diameter of the Earth, 24,218 round trips to the Moon, or two round trips to Neptune.

Assuming an average airborne speed of 425 miles per hour, these airplanes were aloft for a total of 163,331,261 hours. Therefore, there has been one terrorist incident per 27,221,877 hours airborne. This can also be expressed as one incident per 1,134,245 days airborne, or one incident per 3,105 years airborne.

There were a total of 674 passengers, not counting crew or the terrorists themselves, on the flights on which these incidents occurred. By contrast, there have been 7,015,630,000 passenger enplanements over the past decade. Therefore, the odds of being on given departure which is the subject of a terrorist incident have been 1 in 10,408,947 over the past decade. By contrast, the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are about 1 in 500,000. This means that you could board 20 flights per year and still be less likely to be the subject of an attempted terrorist attack than to be struck by lightning.

FiveThirtyEight: Politics Done Right: The Odds of Airborne Terror

Exactly! As originally stated terrorists are "less deadly than lightening strikes and peanut allergies"...

So how much more humiliation will Americans take? When will we stop frisking grandma and the babies, stop submitting to body scans, stop spending 3 hours to board a plane, stop taking our shoes and clothes off, carry whatever personal items we wish, go to the bathroom when we want to.....etc., etc.?

Americans need to resist this Homeland Security "training" that is being implemented through the airlines....we should not be afraid to move about freely....there are much more effective methods of surveillance....

Or do you think Americans should wear "taser bracelets" when flying.....?
It seems we agree, for once. But judging from the response of the "conservatives" posting on this thread and others, they are scared shitless and ready for the taser bracelets.
The insanity of liberalism is on full display with the airlines. Your personal freedoms are being curtailed more and more in the name of "protecting" you...

You are being treated like a criminal suspect every time you take a flight. Your freedoms are being severely hampered while a potential terrorist can scamper around every new rule that is made. Every time there is another incident, more of your freedoms are taken away.....It's to the point now that liberals seem to think banning the bathroom an hour before landing would help....this is liberal insanity......what would prevent a terrorist from setting off the bomb 1.5 hours before landing.....?

How about some effective PROFILING.....something any SANE GOVERNMENT should do to protect its citizens from the obvious....why can't we REVOKE the searches on ordinary people and can the inane, insane, suffocating rules.....or is there something more insidious going on here...........?

As a result of the highly suspicious incident on Christmas Day where a Nigerian man on a terror watchlist with no passport and explosive materials was allowed to board Delta Flight 253, suffocating security paranoia has been implemented to the point where bathroom visits are now considered potential terrorism.

And yet this farce represents merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of the intensified harassment and lunacy now being witnessed in airports across the world all in the name of preventing a threat that is in reality less deadly than lightening strikes and peanut allergies, both of which have killed more Americans over the past few decades than terrorism.

If you thought that mothers having to taste their own breast milk and naked body scans was a little over the top, it’s only going to get worse as a result of an incident that has all the hallmarks of a staged event. Body searches, baggage searches and vehicle searches even outside of the airport are now taking place with a wanton disregard for the 4th amendment.

Authorities are too busy shaking down Grandma to really care about how a man who was known to be a security threat, was on a terror watchlist, had no passport and had explosive materials embedded in his clothing was allowed to board a plane, aided by a sharp-dressed man who lied about his circumstances.

Once again, Americans who will willfully endure whatever humiliation they are ordered to undergo are being trained to obey the most ridiculous rules in the airport so that similar measures can eventually become a normal routine on the streets, in shopping malls and any other places of public gathering

Bathroom Visits Now Considered Potential Terrorism

Yeah profiling, that'll stop the terrorists!!!

God help a terrorist if he is on the golf course Obama is on he will be in serious trouble might have to wait an hour or so for the Obama party to finish!!!! will be a 6 hour round for that guy!!!
The insanity of liberalism is on full display with the airlines. Your personal freedoms are being curtailed more and more in the name of "protecting" you...

You are being treated like a criminal suspect every time you take a flight. Your freedoms are being severely hampered while a potential terrorist can scamper around every new rule that is made. Every time there is another incident, more of your freedoms are taken away.....It's to the point now that liberals seem to think banning the bathroom an hour before landing would help....this is liberal insanity......what would prevent a terrorist from setting off the bomb 1.5 hours before landing.....?

How about some effective PROFILING.....something any SANE GOVERNMENT should do to protect its citizens from the obvious....why can't we REVOKE the searches on ordinary people and can the inane, insane, suffocating rules.....or is there something more insidious going on here...........?

As a result of the highly suspicious incident on Christmas Day where a Nigerian man on a terror watchlist with no passport and explosive materials was allowed to board Delta Flight 253, suffocating security paranoia has been implemented to the point where bathroom visits are now considered potential terrorism.

And yet this farce represents merely the tip of the iceberg in terms of the intensified harassment and lunacy now being witnessed in airports across the world all in the name of preventing a threat that is in reality less deadly than lightening strikes and peanut allergies, both of which have killed more Americans over the past few decades than terrorism.

If you thought that mothers having to taste their own breast milk and naked body scans was a little over the top, it’s only going to get worse as a result of an incident that has all the hallmarks of a staged event. Body searches, baggage searches and vehicle searches even outside of the airport are now taking place with a wanton disregard for the 4th amendment.

Authorities are too busy shaking down Grandma to really care about how a man who was known to be a security threat, was on a terror watchlist, had no passport and had explosive materials embedded in his clothing was allowed to board a plane, aided by a sharp-dressed man who lied about his circumstances.

Once again, Americans who will willfully endure whatever humiliation they are ordered to undergo are being trained to obey the most ridiculous rules in the airport so that similar measures can eventually become a normal routine on the streets, in shopping malls and any other places of public gathering

Bathroom Visits Now Considered Potential Terrorism

Yeah profiling, that'll stop the terrorists!!!


Yes it will.....a lot better than telling you that you can't go to the bathroom on a flight....:cuckoo:

you're a typical lib in ANY of these terrorists look anything like McVeigh?



The insanity of liberalism is on full display with the airlines. Your personal freedoms are being curtailed more and more in the name of "protecting" you...

You are being treated like a criminal suspect every time you take a flight. Your freedoms are being severely hampered while a potential terrorist can scamper around every new rule that is made. Every time there is another incident, more of your freedoms are taken away.....It's to the point now that liberals seem to think banning the bathroom an hour before landing would help....this is liberal insanity......what would prevent a terrorist from setting off the bomb 1.5 hours before landing.....?

How about some effective PROFILING.....something any SANE GOVERNMENT should do to protect its citizens from the obvious....why can't we REVOKE the searches on ordinary people and can the inane, insane, suffocating rules.....or is there something more insidious going on here...........?

Yeah profiling, that'll stop the terrorists!!!


Yes it will.....a lot better than telling you that you can't go to the bathroom on a flight....:cuckoo:

you're a typical lib in ANY of these terrorists look anything like McVeigh?




You are not too bright are you? the point being with the use of profiling a Tim Mcveigh would not be singled out but since he was a right wing conservative terrorist that would be fine with some.
Yeah profiling, that'll stop the terrorists!!!


Yes it will.....a lot better than telling you that you can't go to the bathroom on a flight....:cuckoo:

you're a typical lib in ANY of these terrorists look anything like McVeigh?




You are not too bright are you? the point being with the use of profiling a Tim Mcveigh would not be singled out but since he was a right wing conservative terrorist that would be fine with some.

Sorry....but your trick play on the word "terrorist" doesn't work here....we need more than just "generic" terrorist profiling that might pull out another McVeigh.......if you have more than a pea brain you realize this is about ISLAMIC terrorists.....not about one stupid homegrown libertarian anarchist nutball..... will you next be defending their religious rights?......:lol:
More & more Americans are becoming very concerned with this White House & Homeland Security's astounding incompetence. They have developed some very disturbing patterns. The facts show that they were well aware of both of the last two Terrorist attackers' ties with known Terrorists yet they chose to do nothing. Pretty sad and frightening blunders on their part. They also seem to want to rush out publicly right after the attacks and make blustery declarations that are easily proven to be completely inaccurate.

The Ft. Hood Terrorist was immediately declared not a Terrorist but rather just a poor guy suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). How could they immediately declare such a thing when they haven't even investigated the attack yet? Their declaration has since been proven to be completely inaccurate anyway. In this most recent Terrorist attack they immediately came out and declared that the "System worked perfectly" and that this Terrorist was likely just a "Lone Wolf" with no connections to Al Qaeda. Both of those blustery declarations have of course been proven to be completely inaccurate as well. How can they declare such things before the investigations have even started? Personally i feel that Napolitano has to go immediately. She is clearly in way over her head. Lets hope the President figures this out before it's too late for many.
Yes it will.....a lot better than telling you that you can't go to the bathroom on a flight....:cuckoo:

you're a typical lib in ANY of these terrorists look anything like McVeigh?




You are not too bright are you? the point being with the use of profiling a Tim Mcveigh would not be singled out but since he was a right wing conservative terrorist that would be fine with some.

Sorry....but your trick play on the word "terrorist" doesn't work here....we need more than just "generic" terrorist profiling that might pull out another McVeigh.......if you have more than a pea brain you realize this is about ISLAMIC terrorists.....not about one stupid homegrown libertarian anarchist nutball..... will you next be defending their religious rights?......:lol:

Hey dipshit you do realize people other than Arabs can become radical jihadists dont you?:lol::lol:

The Americans killed by the right wing conservative terrorist Mcveigh are just as dead as the ones killed by jihadists.


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You are not too bright are you? the point being with the use of profiling a Tim Mcveigh would not be singled out but since he was a right wing conservative terrorist that would be fine with some.

Sorry....but your trick play on the word "terrorist" doesn't work here....we need more than just "generic" terrorist profiling that might pull out another McVeigh.......if you have more than a pea brain you realize this is about ISLAMIC terrorists.....not about one stupid homegrown libertarian anarchist nutball..... will you next be defending their religious rights?......:lol:

Hey dipshit you do realize people other than Arabs can become radical jihadists dont you?:lol::lol:

The Americans killed by the right wing conservative terrorist Mcveigh are just as dead as the ones killed by jihadists.



Of course....but we have a BIGGER problem with ISLAMIC TERRORISTS....or don't you get the news..........?
Sorry....but your trick play on the word "terrorist" doesn't work here....we need more than just "generic" terrorist profiling that might pull out another McVeigh.......if you have more than a pea brain you realize this is about ISLAMIC terrorists.....not about one stupid homegrown libertarian anarchist nutball..... will you next be defending their religious rights?......:lol:

Hey dipshit you do realize people other than Arabs can become radical jihadists dont you?:lol::lol:

The Americans killed by the right wing conservative terrorist Mcveigh are just as dead as the ones killed by jihadists.



Of course....but we have a BIGGER problem with ISLAMIC TERRORISTS....or don't you get the news..........?

Would the pictures I posted pass the profile test or get checked?
Hey dipshit you do realize people other than Arabs can become radical jihadists dont you?:lol::lol:

The Americans killed by the right wing conservative terrorist Mcveigh are just as dead as the ones killed by jihadists.



Of course....but we have a BIGGER problem with ISLAMIC TERRORISTS....or don't you get the news..........?

Would the pictures I posted pass the profile test or get checked?

When they start hitting this list I'll start getting worried....

Of course....but we have a BIGGER problem with ISLAMIC TERRORISTS....or don't you get the news..........?

Would the pictures I posted pass the profile test or get checked?

When they start hitting this list I'll start getting worried....


So you would let John Walker Lindh (captured fighting for the taliban)
and Adam Gadahn (the American al quaeda) pass your profiling screening process, hell you could be working for the TSA right now!!!!
Would the pictures I posted pass the profile test or get checked?

When they start hitting this list I'll start getting worried....


So you would let John Walker Lindh (captured fighting for the taliban)
and Adam Gadahn (the American al quaeda) pass your profiling screening process, hell you could be working for the TSA right now!!!!

No you idiot.....any GOOD terrorist profiling program would likely dragnet them as well...

....however you libbies think stopping people from going to the bathroom the last hour of a flight would do the trick...
When they start hitting this list I'll start getting worried....


So you would let John Walker Lindh (captured fighting for the taliban)
and Adam Gadahn (the American al quaeda) pass your profiling screening process, hell you could be working for the TSA right now!!!!

No you idiot.....any GOOD terrorist profiling program would likely dragnet them as well...

....however you libbies think stopping people from going to the bathroom the last hour of a flight would do the trick...

But you just said they wouldnt be singled out by you according to their looks. Do you think terrorists get on a plane with an Osama Bin Laden is great t shirt on while cursing America and shouting allah akhbar?

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