NBC dismisses second democrat attempt to kill trump as "GOLF CLUB INCIDENT"

People with convictions should be behind bars, right.
Known dangerous people who are an obvious danger to society should be behind bars and kept there. I don't see where Trump has killed anyone or is a danger of killing anyone. But, there have been numerous people who have killed or tried to kill and we let them right back out to kill. And, there have been many times where these known dangerous people are released and then are caught with guns they shouldn't have and then we let them right back out. How stupid are we? Then the left claim we need gun control legislation to keep criminals from getting guns when we already have gun control legislation to keep these people from getting guns and, even after being caught with guns they shouldn't have, we let them right back out again.
This is where you guys get it wrong. Law abiding people have second amendment rights. People known to be a danger to society should be locked up. You guys let them right back out, and even though there are laws in place against these people carrying guns, they get the guns anyway, despite gun control legislation that is already in place. They wouldn't be able to get the guns if they are locked up. And, even after they are caught with guns they shouldn't have, you let them right back out yet again.
Don’t blame us
We are the ones trying to restrict access to AR15s and AK47s
Don’t blame us
We are the ones trying to restrict access to AR15s and AK47s
The issue isn’t AR15s it’s radicalized ActBlue donors. We root out why these ActBlue donors are being radicalized we won’t see them undermining our democracy trying to assassinate political rivals
Don’t blame us
We are the ones trying to restrict access to AR15s and AK47s
You people are so stupid. You think if you pass laws preventing felons from getting guns it will actually stop felons from getting guns, even when there is plenty of evidence that they seem to get guns anyway. Likewise, you think if you outlaw the sale of automatic weapons that shootings with automatic weapons magically won't happen. All you ever do is restrict the rights of law abiding citizens in a failed attempt to stop things you won't stop anyway.
You people are so stupid. You think if you pass laws preventing felons from getting guns it will actually stop felons from getting guns, even when there is plenty of evidence that they seem to get guns anyway. Likewise, you think if you outlaw the sale of automatic weapons that shootings with automatic weapons magically won't happen. All you ever do is restrict the rights of law abiding citizens in a failed attempt to stop things you won't stop anyway.
How do you stop a felon from getting guns when there are so many in circulation?
How do you stop a felon from getting guns when there are so many in circulation?
Holy shit. You might be smarter than I thought. What a great question! Since, you admit that felons can indeed get guns even with gun control legislation then, obviously, gun control legislation isn't going to work and isn't the answer. The answer is that known dangerous people who are a known danger to society should be kept locked up.
Not so hidden meaning: These assassination attempts we're inciting will help Trump politically, unless we stop missing and actually murder the president.

CNN's Juliette Kayyem lamented the possibility that former President Donald Trump could benefit politically after a second assassination attempt over the weekend, calling the situation a "problem" and "unfortunate."


Kayyem continued: "And the reason why this is, you know, in some ways, you know, you said how close the election is, the problem is this is a safety issue that is being thrown into a very intense political environment in which the very fact of an assassination, a constitutional moment, because it's, it could have impacted voters, will be used for political purposes."

"And that, to me, is, is just as not as a, you know, exceptionally unfortunate, because whatever your beliefs are, we do deserve to have campaigns that are not part that where violence isn't being used as either a sword or a shield," she added.

Chris Cuomo, meanwhile, gets close to admitting that these assassins are incited and encouraged by his friends at CNN, and asks why people aren't "apologizing" to Trump. Like I said, he doesn't quite say the words but he seems to be aware that the left is programming assassins to kill. He doesn't say why people should be apologizing to Trump.

If he did, the left would start inciting assassins against him.

........ People, there is no more scuzzy, scumbag, piece of shit criminal disgusting filth on the Planet Earth than the dimocrap scum party and its Hangers-On.

From the top of the ticket down to the Welfare-Dependent crack whore down the street, from the "I am better than you" educators to the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Media, from the Union Thugs to the Students planning their next terror-inducing riots.

Scum. All of them. To the very end. Scum.

I know it hurts to admit it. To admit to yourself that many of your acquaintances and even relatives are scum..... But there it is.

You wonder why we can never do anything about scum of the Earth dimocrap FILTH? It will never happen until you admit those sad facts to yourself........ dimocraps are scum. ALL of them
A convict who was denied gun ownership, on a course with a semi-automatic weapon -- with a scope while the man that media wants dead happened to be golfing.

Do you too, hear the little voices? If so, turn off the television.

Suddenly, a gun hugger is hating another gun hugger. All we have is 'their coming for our guns', and now you start to because a second WHITE REPUBLICAN took a pot shot at Orange Shit Gibbon.

Suck it up buttercup. You love guns. He loves guns. his one of you.
second democrat attack? there have been zero "democrat attacks." inless ypi have more evidence ?
They exist on wild hyperbole and ignorant assumptions, because that's what they're fed by the voices they choose to trust.

This wasn't even an assassination attempt. The idiot reportedly didn't yet have a line of sight to Trump when he was seen. It sure as hell looks like it was GOING to be an assassination attempt, and I hope they lock that bastard up with Bubba for a long time, but it wasn't an assassination attempt. Yet. That won't stop the wild hyperbole, though.

Pretty soon the rest of us, across the political spectrum, will need an interpreter to communicate with these people.
What death?

No shot was fired

Something is very wrong with this incident. The guy traveled from Hawaii. He's clearly nuts. Trump decided at the last minute to play golf on Sunday and that creep was there.

I'm the last person to buy into Trump type conspiracy theories....but something is wrong with this picture.
They exist on wild hyperbole, because that's what they're fed by the voices they choose to trust.

This wasn't even an assassination attempt. The idiot reportedly didn't yet have a line of sight to Trump when he was seen. It sure as hell looks like it was GOING to be, and I hope that lock that bastard up with Bubba for a long time, but it wasn't an assassination attempt. Yet. That won't stop the wild hyperbole, though.

Pretty soon the rest of us, across the political spectrum, will need an interpreter to communicate with these people.

Holy shit. You might be smarter than I thought. What a great question! Since, you admit that felons can indeed get guns even with gun control legislation then, obviously, gun control legislation isn't going to work and isn't the answer. The answer is that known dangerous people who are a known danger to society should be kept locked up.
A dimocrap; smart? Not even.

The idiot that tried to shoot Trump had no clue. He used the most useless, the most inaccurate, the worst POS round in Military History -- The 7.62 X 39.

I've fired them. I've fired a lot of them. With *tracers, at dusk-dark so you could see the round light up after about 30 meters. It looked like a Rat that someone had set fire to. Or a drunken snake on Crack doing 1,500 MPH.

IOW, if you wanted to shoot someone from a distance of over 100 feet, the last weapon in the world to choose would be an AK-47 or a knockoff of one.

People that know weapons know this to be true.

*For some reason (I used to know but not gonna look it up) the soviets used a green tracer round. We use Green tracers, too. But only on Armor Piercing rounds.

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Suddenly, a gun hugger is hating another gun hugger. All we have is 'their coming for our guns', and now you start to because a second WHITE REPUBLICAN took a pot shot at Orange Shit Gibbon.

Suck it up buttercup. You love guns. He loves guns. his one of you.
You might be able to sell that shit at your local Gay Bath House, but not in here.

As usual, you are a pathological liar. The punkass bitch was a hardcore dimocrap scumbag. Just like you...... Well, not at all like you, in fact.

He had the balls to act on his beliefs. As sick as they were, he had the courage to do something.

Something is very wrong with this incident. The guy traveled from Hawaii. He's clearly nuts. Trump decided at the last minute to play golf on Sunday and that creep was there.

I'm the last person to buy into Trump type conspiracy theories....but something is wrong with this picture.

I smelled the setup as well. Not quite as bad as the first one, but setup none the less. Diaper Don is in need of a hook for campaign, which is going down in flames right now.

He was never shot in ear and the second guy was there for 12-Hours and SS never saw him? Didn't happen. Even the most dimwitted idiot can see this was a setup.

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