Latest ObamaCare Victims: Dudes of Juicy Couture


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
The latest victims of ObamaCare are the Dudes of Juicy Couture, whose hours have been cut back so that the retailer won't have to provide affordable health care.

I'm betting most of the Dudes voted for Obama. If it weren't so tragic, it would be funny that the people being most hurt by ObamaCare are the cohorts who voted for The Won.

The Saga of ObamaCare Carnage is far from over.

Yesterday, some person (or group) tweeted to me a link to a campaign (allegedly) by and for the current and former employees of Juicy Couture to demand “just hours.”

You see, according to the campaign, the hip and trendy Juicy is doing what other companies are doing in an effort to cope with the burdensome regulations and costs of the “Affordable Health Care Act” (aka ObamaCare)–the company is downsizing its full-time payroll to (mostly) part-time workers.

Surprise! Well, not if you have a functioning brain.

The group has taken the campaign to Twitter.


From their hilarious petition:

"When we began working at Juicy Couture, many of us were full-time. Now, only 19 of the store’s 128 employees are full-time! Not only are they firing full-time workers and replacing us with a part-time workforce, just this month Juicy capped all part-time workers hours at 21 hours per week. We quickly realized that Juicy Couture is doing everything they can to not take care of its workers.

See, it was hard enough for us to make ends meet in New York City as full-time retail workers. But by keeping hours under 30 per week, Juicy Couture will no longer be required to offer their workers affordable health care – part of the Affordable Health Care Act’s plan to make sure more working Americans have basic health care. Further, we were told we’re only eligible for paid time off in case we’re sick or have other responsibilities if we work 1400 hours in one year. We did the math, and realized part-time workers reach that at 21 hours per week. This means that the vast majority of Juicy Couture’s workers will not ever get one single paid sick day."

That mean old company won’t throw extra cash at them so that they can live the New York City lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed! Dear Dudes: Companies are in business to stay in business and employ people. Obamacare regulations are making that increasingly more difficult; the costs are staggering and burdensome. That whole “you can keep your plan” deal? Obama lied....

Reality Bites Back: ?Dudes of Juicy Couture,? Left shocked Obamacare is costing them work hours | Twitchy
Scary how many people won't look to themselves and the consequences of their decisions, in order to place the blame on others.

You voted for him DUDES!!!! Live with it!
The LoFo voters are learning the hard way.
New Yorkers should start asking why it's so hard to make ends meet even when working full time.
You dummies, it's because of the City, State and Federal Government liberal policies that are causing the prices of things to rise that makes it hard for all of you to make ends meet.
They don't get that the expansion of government makes unemployment worse. And now it's causing more underemployment. Thanks Obama!

Since 1970, all six instances when our government got larger as a percent of GDP, the unemployment rate went higher. All six times when government got smaller as a percent of GDP, our unemployment rate went lower.

Data Clearly Show Government Spending Pushes Up Unemployment -
Yeah because companies never ever employed this strategy for reducing benefits before the AHC Act huh?
What a stooge.

ObamaCare is driving out full time jobs. That's a fact and it's going to get worse.
What a stooge.

ObamaCare is driving out full time jobs. That's a fact and it's going to get worse.

What a fish.

Companies have been employing that strategy to fight the rising cost of health care long before the AHC Act was passed. I have no doubt that the trend will continue.
What a stooge.

ObamaCare is driving out full time jobs. That's a fact and it's going to get worse.

What a fish.

Companies have been employing that strategy to fight the rising cost of health care long before the AHC Act was passed. I have no doubt that the trend will continue.

It is rising in much larger numbers than before and it's because of the new Health Care Bill.
Why do you think that is?
It's because of Government.
The Government should not be in the health care business at all, just like it should not be in the housing market.
OK. Time to go to Universal Single Payer Health Care. Cut off the for profit Health Care companies.

We have the most expensive health care system in the world at present, and are getting third world results.

[ame=]"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube[/ame]
What a stooge.

ObamaCare is driving out full time jobs. That's a fact and it's going to get worse.

What a fish.

Companies have been employing that strategy to fight the rising cost of health care long before the AHC Act was passed. I have no doubt that the trend will continue. that justifies ObamaCare making it even worse.

What happened to not losing your insurance and being able to keep your doctor?
OK. Time to go to Universal Single Payer Health Care. Cut off the for profit Health Care companies.

We have the most expensive health care system in the world at present, and are getting third world results.

"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube

As disgusting as you are, I have to give you 10 Points for Honesty.

Despite the Dems' claims to the contrary, nationalizing health care was the plan all along.
OK. Time to go to Universal Single Payer Health Care. Cut off the for profit Health Care companies.

We have the most expensive health care system in the world at present, and are getting third world results.

"We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp - YouTube

That was the plan all along. Bankrupt insurance companies and drive up the costs. Just like Obama's promised plan for the energy sector.
Hey, I would rather see those insurance companies bankrupt than the 700,000 families that are bankrupted every year by our present health care system. We are the only major industrial nation in which workers go bankrupt because of an medical emergency in the family.

Medical bills prompt more than 60 percent of U.S. bankruptcies -

Bankruptcies due to medical bills increased by nearly 50 percent in a six-year period, from 46 percent in 2001 to 62 percent in 2007, and most of those who filed for bankruptcy were middle-class, well-educated homeowners, according to a report that will be published in the August issue of The American Journal of Medicine.

"Unless you're a Warren Buffett or Bill Gates, you're one illness away from financial ruin in this country," says lead author Steffie Woolhandler, M.D., of the Harvard Medical School, in Cambridge, Mass. "If an illness is long enough and expensive enough, private insurance offers very little protection against medical bankruptcy, and that's the major finding in our study."
Once again we see the "Conservatives" argueing that the working men and women of this nation should have to pay through the nose to the very rich, and get nothing for it.
Really? And what about the employees of the insurance companies?

It's not a coincidence that health insurance has gotten more expensive as government interference in the health care markets has become more pervasive. The real answer is free market reforms.

- Get rid of the preferential tax treatment for employee health coverage; let individuals deduct the cost on their returns instead.

- Malpractice reform similar to the model in Texas.

- Breakdown the state barriers to competition.

For a start.
Once again we see the "Conservatives" argueing that the working men and women of this nation should have to pay through the nose to the very rich, and get nothing for it.

Once again we see a leftwing moonbat demonstrate his blindness to economics and markets.
My blindness to markets? What do Canada, Japan, and Germany pay per capital for their very superior health care compared to ours?

No, you stupes are simply defending the rich mans dollar. You care nothing for the person on the factory floor, or the American families that face bankruptcy because of our nineteenth century health care system.
And what are the waiting lines?

They feed off of American innovation, btw.

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