Latest oceanic heat content shows warming of our oceans!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

This one is the combined 2000 meters of our global oceans. As you can see since 1990 the warming for the most part has been UP!!!! You can of course see a slight slow down after 2000 that lasted up to around 2009.


Our second imagine shows the slow down between 2000-2009, but it ends in 2010 with the warming acting like the 90's.

Remember, well over 90% of all the energy in the climate system goes into the oceans...So this kind of destroys any case that it isn't.
Did anyone ever explain what this has to do with CO2 and Global Warming?

Lol, I am laughing!!! Global warming is more energy into the climate system...The oceans are taking in most of this energy and as you can see are clearly warming.

It seems to me you're suggesting something that's physically impossible, that is: that the recent 20, 30 PPM of CO2 is heating the oceans. Did you think about that?
It didn't seem to matter whether they were there or not... ;-)

I just asked Cortana for a joke:

Why did the hipster burn his mouth on his coffee?

He drank it before it was cool.
Question: When Faithers cry, do they use a tissue, because that contributes to their warming theory.
Did anyone ever explain what this has to do with CO2 and Global Warming?

Lol, I am laughing!!! Global warming is more energy into the climate system...The oceans are taking in most of this energy and as you can see are clearly warming.

If the oceans (particularly the 0-700m graph) have been absorbing roughly the SAME amount of heat each year since at LEAST 1960s --- how does this get credit for "the pause" in air temperature measurements?

There's nothing really new about these charts. Same situation since this excuse was DISCOVERED..
Took climate science almost 30 years to discover this part of the planet's thermodynamics..
Yep, no such thing as an El Nino or La Nina...

Planetary cycles are not manmade.

Lol'ed,,,the enso doesn't add or take away energy from the ocean. You do understand that? It just moves energy around either deeper into the oceans or nearer to the surface.

Of course it does. Hotter surface waters are gonna cool to the atmos.. Heat will be lost from the 0 - 700m chart you tossed up.. HOW EXACTLY this heat GETS to 600 meters is not well understood at all. But evidently, it does in some small fashion..

Enso peaks like the current one are probably where the ocean STOPS conveying heat down and loses some to the air..
Matt, I know it is tough to follow a cycle that is not related to man, but they do exist and we are try to help you understand.
Matt, I know it is tough to follow a cycle that is not related to man, but they do exist and we are try to help you understand.
Given the posts that we see, I think that Mathew's understanding of the natural cycles in climate exceeds yours by a couple of orders of magnitude. The natural cycles are being imposed on a warming created by the GHGs that mankind has put into the atmosphere. And we clearly see that with the normal ups and downs of the climate. The ups are warmer, as are the downs.
Did anyone ever explain what this has to do with CO2 and Global Warming?
Why, yes, they have. Tyndall in 1858, Arrhenius in 1896. You are only about 200 years behind, Mr. CrusaderFrank.

You're relying on experiment when thermometers were accurate to 5 degrees and when phrenology was a real science? Anything from this century? No, I didn't think so.
LOL. Mr. CrusaderFrank, stick with your hollow moon. In real science, your opinions are baseless, and worse than useless. The scientists use real evidence, not silly opinions based on rumor and maybe's. The warming of the ocean is real, measured by scientists from all over the world.

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