Latest on Texas Shooter-He Escaped From Mental Institution and Was Charged with Rape

True..they would not fight for the shooter--they would, however, fight for the right for any citizen to sell another citizen a gun without a background check, without an ID check and without a waiting period.

The NRA has fought every bill proposed that would close that loophole. I can go to a gun show..I was at one this weekend--and there were venders with little signs at their booths..'Private citizen sales'. Everyone knows that means anyone can walk up..plop down some money..and walk away with a gun. A person could be a felon..a child-molester..a murderer--no matter..they can buy the is this right?
again you are a liar are a fool..and a dull, repetitive one at that. Everyone knows the NRA and Republican position on ending the 'gun show' loophole..everyone but you..apparently.

BTW..I bought a gun at the show..the only thing I had to show..was $340.



the nra does not write any firearm law

the founding fathers did

BLAH, Blah diddy blah blah//You are either mentally deficient..or willfully stupid. I never said that the NRA wrote anything..just that they fight any attempt to eliminate the gun show loophole. Usually by throwing scads of lobbyist money to their bought and paid for Republican politicians. F**k the founding fathers..they've been dead and gone for over 250 years. The Supreme Court has said the the govt. can regulate that's the law..not your wingnut interpretation of the Constitution.

Shouting liar..instead of actually engaging in cogent the sign of some inbred, knee jerk idiot who cannot defend..or even articulate..his position.

Typical alt/right puppet.


the fact remains if the guy sold you a firearm for 340 bucks

if you are a felon then the both of you broke the law

And since I'm not..I didn't...but I could have been....and I'd have a firearm...In fact, as long as he did not knowingly sell me the gun...the seller is in the clear. No law says he has to ask me if I'm a felon.
again you are a liar are a fool..and a dull, repetitive one at that. Everyone knows the NRA and Republican position on ending the 'gun show' loophole..everyone but you..apparently.

BTW..I bought a gun at the show..the only thing I had to show..was $340.



the nra does not write any firearm law

the founding fathers did

BLAH, Blah diddy blah blah//You are either mentally deficient..or willfully stupid. I never said that the NRA wrote anything..just that they fight any attempt to eliminate the gun show loophole. Usually by throwing scads of lobbyist money to their bought and paid for Republican politicians. F**k the founding fathers..they've been dead and gone for over 250 years. The Supreme Court has said the the govt. can regulate that's the law..not your wingnut interpretation of the Constitution.

Shouting liar..instead of actually engaging in cogent the sign of some inbred, knee jerk idiot who cannot defend..or even articulate..his position.

Typical alt/right puppet.


the fact remains if the guy sold you a firearm for 340 bucks

if you are a felon then the both of you broke the law

And since I'm not..I didn't...but I could have been....and I'd have a firearm...In fact, as long as he did not knowingly sell me the gun...the seller is in the clear. No law says he has to ask me if I'm a felon.

so what it is still a crime

that is not where felons are buying the guns idiot

it places like this retard

Container Full Of Assault Rifles And Grenade Launchers Headed To USA, Seized In Spain

Container Full Of Assault Rifles And Grenade Launchers Headed To USA, Seized In Spain - The Firearm Blog

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