Latest Poll - Romney 47% Obama 43%

Good news....and doesn't surprise me. The closer to elections, the higher Romney's % will be! People are waking up to the fact that Obama has nothing to offer, nothing to run on but the same old lies he told in 2008...he has nothing to brag about (and no "he" didn't get BL). So all he can do is try to destroy Romney with stupid shit that doesn't matter. People see this crap and are really getting tired of it. His puppets here on the board will say otherwise, but they're really scared shitless! Lol!
Ratmuffin now has Willard Mitt, rhymes with ...., losing half his lead to 46% - 44%. Obama is now within 2% of the point where not even Dibold can save Willard.
National poll: Obama 47.5 Romney 44.1
Electoral College: Obama 247 Romney 191
Odds of winning : Obama 59.5 Romney 38

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
You shouldn't poo poo the Ratmuffin poll so quickly. None of the other polls take into account the Dibold Effect like Ratmuffin does, so in spite of the fact that Obama is leading, it is still not a big enough lead to overcome Dibold.

You're forgetting the effect of allowing illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters to vote. That gives the Democrats an automatic 5% advantage.
What wonderful news! We should all be so happy that instead of being scr wed we will only be uc ed!

(Sorry, some thing's wrong with the keyboard)

Vote other!
National poll: Obama 47.5 Romney 44.1
Electoral College: Obama 247 Romney 191
Odds of winning : Obama 59.5 Romney 38

RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Videos and Polls
You shouldn't poo poo the Ratmuffin poll so quickly. None of the other polls take into account the Dibold Effect like Ratmuffin does, so in spite of the fact that Obama is leading, it is still not a big enough lead to overcome Dibold.

You're forgetting the effect of allowing illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters to vote. That gives the Democrats an automatic 5% advantage.
All the illegals, dead and especially the cartoon characters I know vote Republican.
from a Libertarian party communication:
"Libertarians (sic) presidential candidate Two-Term Governor Gary Johnson and vice presidential candidate Judge James (Jim) Gray will now appear on the November general election ballot in 34 states, as Maine, New Jersey, and Wisconsin were added to the list."

There is a choice. No one can say these people are crazier than Republicans and Democrats, both of whom only deserve to be ejected from power.
You shouldn't poo poo the Ratmuffin poll so quickly. None of the other polls take into account the Dibold Effect like Ratmuffin does, so in spite of the fact that Obama is leading, it is still not a big enough lead to overcome Dibold.

You're forgetting the effect of allowing illegal aliens, dead people and cartoon characters to vote. That gives the Democrats an automatic 5% advantage.
All the illegals, dead and especially the cartoon characters I know vote Republican.

The records show they all vote Democrat. That's why Democrats are such big supporters of enabling voter fraud.

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