Latina's wanting to be slapped around

Instead of a first-century crazy-ass religion?

And what religion would that be, thug?

And how would their language affect that anyway?

You really have no idea how language affects concepts and the formation of concepts?

On the contrary I'm well versed in it. So you tell me how a poster that can't even muster a simple English sentence --- check his title here --- is going to grapple with that level of mental dexterity.
lmfao...4? heh..

Sry...but THIS Latina prefers to do the slapping...

Since you say you are a Latina, what's your opinion as to why Latino's in general would want to join this 6th century crazy-ass religion ?
Yeah...uh...I think four women 'in general' hardly constitutes the majority of the "Latina" population...get back with me when you have some sort of statistical percentage larger than a few grains of sand on the matter.

Okay, I'll try again, as I posted in the OP Latino's are one of the fastest growing groups to convert to Islam.
Since you claim to be a Latina, do you have any insight in this ?

Latinos emerge as fastest-growing group of Muslims in US: report

More and more Latinos are converting to Islam and have emerged as the fastest-growing group of Muslims in the United States, according to official measures.
According to a California newspaper, an estimated 150,000 have converted to Islam among the Latino community in the United States.
Russia sees a threat in its converts to Islam

The Islamic Society of North America has been tracking the trend of Hispanic converts to Islam, which in 2006 stood at an estimated 40,000.
Some community leaders said the recent growth of the demographic has its roots in a shared experience of immigration and the negative political rhetoric that advocates have deemed as anti-Muslim.

Mark Gonzales, a Muslim poet and artist in California, said that immigration officials’ targeting of Mexicans and Muslims after the September 11 terror attacks helped the two demographics find common ground. “Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world, and Latinos are converting to Islam at a rate higher than any other [ethnicity],” Gonzalez, who converted to Islam 12 years ago, said.

Latinos emerge as fastest-growing group of Muslims in US: report - The Express Tribune
Latino's are one of the fastest growing groups converting to Islam.
What fucking idiots !

Four Muslim Latinas open up about their journeys to Islam

Two days had passed since the Islamic State’s attacks in Paris, which took the lives of over 120 people. While citizens from nearly every corner of the globe mourned the deaths of the victims and braced for a military response to the attacks, four Muslim Latinas and I met at the Long Beach Islamic Center in Long Beach, California, to talk about their journeys to Islam.
Prior to arriving to the mosque, I wondered if rescheduling would have been a better decision, given the somewhat hostile climate that had dawned upon us. Nevertheless, I continued to drive to the mosque and arrived just in time for our meeting.

Four Muslim Latinas Open Up About Their Journeys to Islam
They are also the fastest growing group of Christians. Hell, possibly the only group left growing more Christian.
Islam is a perfect fit for the Hispanic culture


You steal this from Stormfront?
VPC - Hispanics and Firearms Violence - The National Perspective

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