Latino Groups Warn Congress to Fix Immigration, or Else

That's all you have, a piss drinker's bumper sticker mentality?

No wonder the GOP is getting its ass kicked. While you are blindly copying and pasting some manufactured bullshit, the left is out there working hard with no competition on the field.

The cause of the immigration problem and the solution are staring you right in the face.

The Right has gotten itself all sweaty over fags and negroes with free cell phones, and has allowed its fiscal conservatism to atrophy.

Now, I just told you we had virtually full employment even with, what, 12 million illegal immigrants? 20 million?

The bigger the number, the louder the answer you are ignoring. You are allowing your limited attention to be diverted by bigoted maniacs and idiots.

If you have full employment, and a lot of illegal workers, that SCREAMS a very simple market fact. It means your labor DEMAND is not being met with the proper labor SUPPLY. And when that happens, market forces will meet that demand one way or another, even if it means that labor supply has to get here by illegal means.

Our immigrant labor quota system is completely out of whack with our economy.

And that dysfunction has created the large illegal immigrant problem we have today.

You want to win the Hispanic vote? Then you fatten their wallets. We conservatives are at our strongest when it comes to fiscal matters.

But instead, what the fuck are you assholes doing? Sitting there, uttering profoundly retarded bumber sticker slogans fed to you by hateful ignoramuses.


no, I wasn't responding to your condescending rant is all but I'm glad you got this off your chest..maybe you need a


No. I'm sick and tired of alleged "conservatives" posting repetitive topics about how many Christmas trees Obama has this year, how many vacations his wife took, how his signature looks like a penis, and a seemingly infinite number of profoundly retarded copy and paste jobs.

Christ, this election taught the dipshits NOTHING.


carry on
The Latino immigrants with their leftist voting habits will do to this country what they did to their own countries which they fled from.

They are easy prey for corrupt politicians who offer them freebies in exchange for votes and we all end up with corrupt oppressive governments.

This is the danger of opening our borders to people who put their own interests ahead of the best interests of the nation for the good of all which was the traditional standard for the first 200 years.

Minorities have for the most part always voted according to what are you going to do for me rather than do for us but it never was a problem until so many white voters fell into lockstep with the Me-Me-Me voters.

The only hope left for this nation is if enough white voters return to the selfless standard of voting together for America and their children's future first, which is what originally elevated the this nation to its pinnacle of greatness and prosperity.

If you believe this is racist then you must also believe the latinos and blacks are racist since they always vote as a unit for their own racial goals and therefore are guilty of promoting the exact same unity I suggested for whites.

Tit for Tat, so to speak...
"And that dysfunction has created the large illegal immigrant problem we have today."

g5000 don't fret,. I'll let you clean my pool and cut my grass.
oh, well what really caught my eye was that the SEIU union was involved..
with over 8% unemployment for Legal citizens of this country.

but hey, carry on
Why are you just making up numbers? There's no good way of estimating citizens versus non-citizens in the Labor Force numbers. The closest is looking at native born versus foreign born. And native born Unemployment rate is 7.3%
the latino immigrants with their leftist voting habits will do to this country what they did to their own countries which they fled from.

They are easy prey for corrupt politicians who offer them freebies in exchange for votes and we all end up with corrupt oppressive governments.

This is the danger of opening our borders to people who put their own interests ahead of the best interests of the nation for the good of all which was the traditional standard for the first 200 years.

Minorities have for the most part always voted according to what are you going to do for me rather than do for us but it never was a problem until so many white voters fell into lockstep with the me-me-me voters.

The only hope left for this nation is if enough white voters return to the selfless standard of voting together for america and their children's future first, which is what originally elevated the this nation to its pinnacle of greatness and prosperity.

If you believe this is racist then you must also believe the latinos and blacks are racist since they always vote as a unit for their own racial goals and therefore are guilty of promoting the exact same unity i suggested for whites.

Tit for tat, so to speak...

Vote white! Save america from the godless brown hordes!


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the latino immigrants with their leftist voting habits will do to this country what they did to their own countries which they fled from.

They are easy prey for corrupt politicians who offer them freebies in exchange for votes and we all end up with corrupt oppressive governments.

This is the danger of opening our borders to people who put their own interests ahead of the best interests of the nation for the good of all which was the traditional standard for the first 200 years.

Minorities have for the most part always voted according to what are you going to do for me rather than do for us but it never was a problem until so many white voters fell into lockstep with the me-me-me voters.

The only hope left for this nation is if enough white voters return to the selfless standard of voting together for america and their children's future first, which is what originally elevated the this nation to its pinnacle of greatness and prosperity.

If you believe this is racist then you must also believe the latinos and blacks are racist since they always vote as a unit for their own racial goals and therefore are guilty of promoting the exact same unity i suggested for whites.

Tit for tat, so to speak...

Vote white! Save america from the godless brown hordes!
Yea that too, but mostly just save us from the tyranny and oppression of big government, which accompanies minority and guilt-ridden white liberal voters...
well how lovely..



WASHINGTON — The nation’s largest Latino organizations warned Congress on Wednesday that they will keep a report card during the immigration debate next year, with plans to mobilize their voters against lawmakers who do not support a comprehensive immigration bill.

Latino Groups Warn Congress to Fix Immigration, or Else -

Who give's a pile of flying horseshit what these Latino groups want. If these trash heaps would spend their energies on their home countries instead of sucking off Uncle Sam's tits, Latin America would be among the Developed Nations of the world instead of Third World.

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