Laugh out Loud, the GOP's Leadership is now bumbling.

Oh really? You think that there still would have been a riot at the Capitol on 1/6 even if we had held a normal, aboveboard election in November and you call ME silly? :laughing0301:
Silly? No. A radicalized piece of garbage? Most certainly.

There would have been a riot either way. Magaturds would have made sure of that because any less than a win was never going be accepted by these cultists because their leader told them so.

Magaturds are at war with the rest of America. I say we give it to them.
A radicalized piece of garbage? Most certainly.
Go suck my ass, asshole.

There would have been a riot either way.
If Trump had won? If it had been a normal straight up win with Trump clearly losing? You're even dumber than I thought. Indeed, it was Biden's losing that businesses were bracing for with Trump getting a second term and America wincing at the next great BLM / Antifa race riot from your easily mobilized minions. Other than at the Capitol, there was not one other Trump protest in the whole country, buttwipe.

All you jackholes ever do it riot, protest and threaten every time you don't get your way. No, without a doubt, the only reason why there was a riot at the Capitol was because of the lying, cheating, thieving democrats and their sham of an election which destroyed democracy in America forever.

Magaturds are at war with the rest of America. I say we give it to them.
I sure can't wait to see that. You assholes have been ripping this country apart with THOUSANDS of riots, HUNDREDS injured and killed, BILLIONS in damage no problem whatsoever, but let the other side just ONCE act like the democrats and you'd think your lying, thieving, hypocritical, radicalized, socialist, globalist, anarchist faces were going to split apart!
If Trump had won? If it had been a normal straight up win with Trump clearly losing? You're even dumber than I thought.
Taking comments out of context isn't helping your pathetic narrative. Here's my comment with context:

There would have been a riot either way. Magaturds would have made sure of that because any less than a win was never going be accepted by these cultists because their leader told them so.

You either agree with it, or don't. Don't deflect with more irrelevant hyper partisan nonsense.

Indeed, it was Biden's losing that businesses were bracing for with Trump getting a second term and America wincing at the next great BLM / Antifa race riot from your easily mobilized minions.
Yeah, well Mr. Trump didn't get what he wanted. The magaturds didn't get what they wanted. Politics is a zero sum game. Tough shit. Your pathetic attempts to tie BLM/Antifa antics to anyone who disagrees with your political philosophy is just unmotivated and lazy. Keep doing it, as it affects nothing.

No, without a doubt, the only reason why there was a riot at the Capitol was because of the lying, cheating, thieving democrats and their sham of an election which destroyed democracy in America forever.
So, you admit the magaturds had a temper tantrum and committed the shittiest attempt at an insurrection ever seen in history because they refuse to accept reality. Man, you people just suck out loud at everything, doncha? How much failure must magaturds suffer before they do something different?
I sure can't wait to see that.
That, we agree on.
Elected establishment republicans are spineless wimps. Democrats are far better at standing together and fighting for what they believe in. Unfortunately today they are for turning this nation into a socialist workers paradise. If they do in a decade we will using our worthless money as toilet paper will be hard to find.

Took nothing out of context, moron, you've just proven what I said was right.

Admitted nothing, moron. Get your head out of your ass. You balless cucks can't do anything, won't do anything, and if you try, you're in for the shock of your life.
Ooo. Terrifying. :auiqs.jpg: You going to wave your stupid flags at us some more? Get the fuck outta here, magaturd.
Wow, Democrats don't understand reality. And they don't understand capitalism. Trump handled the Covid pandemic perfectly. Trump knew if he made too big of a deal about Covid, investors would panic and the stock market would crash.
You are just typing empty words and making excuses for Trump's terrible failure.

Trump had record covid cases, record covid deaths, 24+ hour lines for covid testing, insufficient PPE, and the worst response in the globe, worse than Brazil and India and other 3rd world countries.

You will believe any lie you are fed by the GOP talking heads.
Yep, you've watch Faux News yesterday and this morning, no wonder all your posts are echoes of the talking heads on Fox. I shall try to edify you, but knowing I can't take a horticulture.
Watching news on MSM is a waste of time.
Ooo. Terrifying. :auiqs.jpg: You going to wave your stupid flags at us some more?

Lemme get it: you think I'm a flag waver? And now you think the flag wavers at the Capitol have gone from the nation's top #1 domestic terror threat trying to steal democracy (as per Joe Biddum) to now just a bunch of flag-waving impotent jerkoffs?


That either makes Joe Biddum out as a total lying, idiot, ass, or YOU.

Which is it?
Ok so they said BLM was responsible.

Then they said Antifa was responsible.

Then they said the FBI is responsible.

Now they are saying Pelosi is responsible.

Their story keeps changing.

They need to pick one lie and stick with it.
Yet the don't want any more investigations into what all happened, and how !
Yet the don't want any more investigations into what all happened, and how !
I wanted to hear from the cops, and I still want to hear specifically how this won't be allowed to happen again. And other than that, I thought it was pretty much just a dem shit show. But after reading McCarthy and Jordan's statements ... yeah I want a timeline, and I want to know exactly when gop congressmen talked with trump on Jan 6 and what was said. I still doubt there was an organized attempt at a coup by the gop, but I now suspect that either there was no rush to end the riot, and Trump was not getting called to the carpet to tell his mob to gtfo
I think we all know who are bumbling idiots. The Democrats.

The idiot Democrats have given us soaring Covid infections, unbelievable inflation, racial unrest, millions of goddamn Illegals flooding across the border, tremendous debt, soaring fuel prices and immoral sicko corrupt leadership in government.
The "villain" if there must be one is the divisiveness that both sides are invested in right now...Hell, just read any political message board these days and they are filled with Republicans and Democrats at each others throats...

Joe Biden ran on a message of unity, and that we must move forward as American's...Then embarked on an all out campaign to marginalize, insult, and ignore half the country...Is that what you voted for?
Describe Joe Biden's campaign to marginalize Republicans.
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In 2024 voters will remember which party is serious about building the border wall to protect Americans.
Trump had 4 years and the entire Republican party behind him in full support. Why didn't he build the damn wall?
I wanted to hear from the cops, and I still want to hear specifically how this won't be allowed to happen again. And other than that, I thought it was pretty much just a dem shit show. But after reading McCarthy and Jordan's statements ... yeah I want a timeline, and I want to know exactly when gop congressmen talked with trump on Jan 6 and what was said. I still doubt there was an organized attempt at a coup by the gop, but I now suspect that either there was no rush to end the riot, and Trump was not getting called to the carpet to tell his mob to gtfo
What would you politically describe yourself as?
What would you politically describe yourself as?
I'm not quite sure how to answer. I admired Kasich's response to covid, opposition to trump and pursuit of balanced budgets. He supported free trade, but I think he thought it should be reciprocal. And enforced by some agreed upon standards of what was not allowed. I liked Jack Kemp too, but maybe that was football. LOL I admired McCain. I don't have to agree all the time. I don't think any of those guys cared cared or gave much thought (maybe wrongly) to what other people looked like or who they loved. The last president I was enthusiastic about was HW, and I suspect that won't change.

If I could I'd phase out all public affirmative action and base preference more on geographics and econ hardship.

Many years ago when I lost faith with govt and churches over vietnam, I thought MLKjr might have something in common ground among working people of all stripes. I still think that. And I like Warnock. But I'm big on work and not on govt aid. Educ, Healthcare really don't have free market solutions imo. But yah gotta have a job, and yah gotta pay the rent. I don't think our current public assistance really stresses that, but damned if I've seen anything better than what we've got.

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