Laughing at Trump


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2017
Tell me, if you watched some other world leader give a speech in which he described himself as great, the best ever, and a bunch of other egomaniac shit, do you think you wouldn't laugh? That WOULD be pretty amusing if it was some other country's leader. A real buffoon.

Regrettably, he's ours, and it's not so funny, and we're stuck with him for another year. Maybe a lot more if the Democrats can't come up with a candidate and program that middle America will go for -- not just the self-righteous elitist liberals on the two coasts.
Tell me, if you watched some other world leader give a speech in which he described himself as great, the best ever, and a bunch of other egomaniac shit, do you think you wouldn't laugh? That WOULD be pretty amusing if it was some other country's leader. A real buffoon.

Regrettably, he's ours, and it's not so funny, and we're stuck with him for another year. Maybe a lot more if the Democrats can't come up with a candidate and program that middle America will go for -- not just the self-righteous elitist liberals on the two coasts.
The sad part is, is that braggers have believers. Its human nature, they want an alpha to lead them and so merely having the balls to bloviate to that degree will build you a cult.
Tell me, if you watched some other world leader give a speech in which he described himself as great, the best ever, and a bunch of other egomaniac shit, do you think you wouldn't laugh? That WOULD be pretty amusing if it was some other country's leader. A real buffoon.

Regrettably, he's ours, and it's not so funny, and we're stuck with him for another year. Maybe a lot more if the Democrats can't come up with a candidate and program that middle America will go for -- not just the self-righteous elitist liberals on the two coasts.
The ones laughing were snowflake socialists. Bleh.
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??
Tell me, if you watched some other world leader give a speech in which he described himself as great, the best ever, and a bunch of other egomaniac shit, do you think you wouldn't laugh? That WOULD be pretty amusing if it was some other country's leader. A real buffoon.

Regrettably, he's ours, and it's not so funny, and we're stuck with him for another year. Maybe a lot more if the Democrats can't come up with a candidate and program that middle America will go for -- not just the self-righteous elitist liberals on the two coasts.

"Zone 2": All other forums not specified as Zone 1 or Zone 3: This will apply to the vast majority of the board.: Baiting and polarizing OP's (Opening Posts), and thread titles risk the thread either being moved or trashed. Keep it relevant, choose wisely. Each post must contain enough specific thread topic content to advance the discussion, in addition to any personal flame or snark. No trolling. No hit and run flames. No hijacking or derailing threads.

Do you just like. . . want to have a brawl?

Let me suggest for you an appropriate location. . . Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .
Did all our agencies say that Russia invaded our election process ?/ Did Russia INVADE our ally Ukraine Besides all their other shit what more do you need Beale?
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .

Eddie's still fighting the "Battle of Moscow." Back in 2016 some evil Russians sneaked in his bedroom one night and stole his favorite "Hillary for President" poster.

Eddie threw some rocks and hurled some insults in an easternly direction but doesn't know that while he was doing that, the Chinese stole one of the wheels off his tricycle.
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .
Did all our agencies say that Russia invaded our election process ?/ Did Russia INVADE our ally Ukraine Besides all their other shit what more do you need Beale?

NOPE, even the NYT admitted they were WRONG.

"Correction: June 29, 2017
A White House Memo article on Monday about President Trump’s deflections and denials about Russia referred incorrectly to the source of an intelligence assessment that said Russia orchestrated hacking attacks during last year’s presidential election. The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies — the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the National Security Agency. The assessment was not approved by all 17 organizations in the American intelligence community."

Trump’s Deflections and Denials on Russia Frustrate Even His Allies

You are one of the most brainwashed posters on this site. Because of the reorganization under the Homeland Act, all of our agencies fall under that, so no, not really.

There were only a handful of guys that made that politically motivated decision to call it Russian interference. Other equally qualified folks outside of those leaders called them on it.

NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard
NYT Finally Retracts Russia-gate Canard

Exclusive: A founding Russia-gate myth is that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies agreed that Russia hacked into and distributed Democratic emails, a falsehood that The New York Times has belatedly retracted, reports Robert Parry.

". . . Clapper testified before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on May 8 that the Russia-hacking claim came from a “special intelligence community assessment” (or ICA) produced by selected analysts from the CIA, NSA and FBI, “a coordinated product from three agencies – CIA, NSA, and the FBI – not all 17 components of the intelligence community,” the former DNI said.

Clapper further acknowledged that the analysts who produced the Jan. 6 assessment on alleged Russian hacking were “hand-picked” from the CIA, FBI and NSA.

Yet, as any intelligence expert will tell you, if you “hand-pick” the analysts, you are really hand-picking the conclusion. For instance, if the analysts were known to be hard-liners on Russia or supporters of Hillary Clinton, they could be expected to deliver the one-sided report that they did.

Politicized Intelligence

In the history of U.S. intelligence, we have seen how this selective approach has worked, such as the phony determination of the Reagan administration pinning the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II and other acts of terror on the Soviet Union.

CIA Director William Casey and Deputy Director Robert Gates shepherded the desired findings through the process by putting the assessment under the control of pliable analysts and sidelining those who objected to this politicization of intelligence.

The point of enlisting the broader intelligence community – and incorporating dissents into a final report – is to guard against such “stove-piping” of intelligence that delivers the politically desired result but ultimately distorts reality.

Another painful example of politicized intelligence was President George W. Bush’s 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD that removed State Department and other dissents from the declassified version that was given to the public.

Since Clapper’s and Brennan’s testimony in May, the Times and other mainstream news outlets have avoided a direct contradiction of their earlier acceptance of the 17-intelligence-agencies canard by simply referring to a judgment by “the intelligence community.”

That finessing of their earlier errors has allowed Hillary Clinton and other senior Democrats to continue referencing this fictional consensus without challenge, at least in the mainstream media.. . . "

As far as Russia invading Ukraine? That is preposterous. Europe and NATO would get involved if such a thing occurred. Do you live in a parallel universe?

No, Russia did not, and has not invaded Ukraine. The west is attempting to seize Russian assets though. . .

I would have to copy this article in it's entirety to dispel your ignorance. They were not, "our ally," till we took them over with Nazis.

RAY McGOVERN: Ukraine For Dummies
RAY McGOVERN: Ukraine For Dummies

Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .

Elementary my dear Beale, Russia is "our enemy" because it lives in the heads so many Americans 24x7x365 and like the grand prick that is... it refuses to pay a penny of rent.

On the other hand, in defense of my fellow citizens who are Russia obsessed, it's our elected boys & girls in Washington that force feed that idea into their little pointed noggins, so it's not really their fault they can't think for themselves.
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .

Eddie's still fighting the "Battle of Moscow." Back in 2016 some evil Russians sneaked in his bedroom one night and stole his favorite "Hillary for President" poster.

Eddie threw some rocks and hurled some insults in an easternly direction but doesn't know that while he was doing that, the Chinese stole one of the wheels off his tricycle.

Several months ago, I discovered something alarming which absolutely convinced me that Obama used the intelligence agencies to help Hillary to win the election.

They KNEW, very early on, and were trying to create such a strategy.

Look at here. . . Hillary KNEW this was a LIE, I just proved it in my previous post, the NYT had to correct themselves a year after the election, but SHE KNEW IT THEN. SHE had to have. And so did they. But it was planned to try to brainwash folks to vote for her.

When both Obama, the DNC, and Hillary had realized that someone in the DNC had stolen internal documents and sent them to Assange, they needed to have a scapegoat to de-ligitimize and distract from the content of those emails.

It has been that way ever since.

NOBODY has ever really focused on the CONTENTS of those Wikileaks, which has been the entire point.

What does this mean? It means, even as early at that point, in the debates, they were working on a Trump/Russian collusion narrative, DURING THAT DEBATE, because of what was in the emails, as a way to distract the public, so no one would actually pay attention to what is actually in them.

Seriously, I remember what is in them, it is much worse then all the bullshit that we are talking about now. IN fact, it is so terrible, the global elites were probably willing to even let Trump win, have the media cause all sorts of arguing and commotion about him, make an impeachment trial, etc, discuss Russia collusion, etc.

ANYTHING, so people would not read them, and forget all about them and what it means for the future of the nation and the world.

And remember, Assange is still not allowed to talk, write, or be seen, and he is still a political prisoner.
Defiler ,,,Before trumpf, the only world leaders that talked the way trumpf does were dictators.

I'm sure many of them talked about Obama, with all that bowing and scraping he did. Except you never would have heard about it on the news.
Mr Galt Bowing and scraping??? Who more than Trump ever did more to our enemy Russia?? Conversations where no one allowed tn the room?? Think they were talking about the Dallas Cowboys or adoption??

Why is Russia "our enemy?"

Prove that. . . .

Elementary my dear Beale, Russia is "our enemy" because it lives in the heads so many Americans 24x7x365 and like the grand prick that is... it refuses to pay a penny of rent.

On the other hand, in defense of my fellow citizens who are Russia obsessed, it's our elected boys & girls in Washington that force feed that idea into their little pointed noggins, so it's not really their fault they can't think for themselves.

The truth is, the political elites of all nations are the enemy of freedom loving people of all nations.
Tell me, if you watched some other world leader give a speech in which he described himself as great, the best ever, and a bunch of other egomaniac shit, do you think you wouldn't laugh? That WOULD be pretty amusing if it was some other country's leader. A real buffoon.

Regrettably, he's ours, and it's not so funny, and we're stuck with him for another year. Maybe a lot more if the Democrats can't come up with a candidate and program that middle America will go for -- not just the self-righteous elitist liberals on the two coasts.
Yeah, it's laughter, but it's kind of a nihilistic laughter: Holy shit, we may as well laugh at ourselves.

It's similar overseas, in that they've always counted on us to be a stabilizing influence in the world.
Tell me, if you watched some other world leader give a speech in which he described himself as great, the best ever, and a bunch of other egomaniac shit, do you think you wouldn't laugh? That WOULD be pretty amusing if it was some other country's leader. A real buffoon.
Regrettably, he's ours, and it's not so funny, and we're stuck with him for another year. Maybe a lot more if the Democrats can't come up with a candidate and program that middle America will go for -- not just the self-righteous elitist liberals on the two coasts.

What was that, Eddie? I'm sorry, I was too busy still wiping the tears from my eyes laughing at how Obama had 95% of the media to tell him how great he was just for being Black, for taking credit as if he personally killed bin Laden, for apologizing for America and kissing Europe's ass, for cowering from the Russians and Chinese, for ignoring Korea, for being used like a Kotex by Iran, and for getting a Nobel Prize for killing a million Muslims.

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