Laura Ingraham Out at Fox?

Drudge Reports Hannity to Replace Tucker in Major Shake Up — Fox News Responds

The Drudge Report dropped a siren-blaring scoop on Wednesday announcing an imminent shake-up at Fox News, eventually reporting that Sean Hannity will take over at 8 p.m.

“WORLD EXCLUSIVE: FOXNEWS SETS NEW SCHEDULE” read the headline from Matt Drudge on the highly-trafficked website he founded. Drudge eventually updated that headline to note Hannity’s new gig as well as report both Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld would be heading to prime time.

Watters currently hosts one of Fox’s top-rated shows at 7 p.m. while Gutfeld hosts a highly-rated late-night show at 11 p.m. — both co-host Fox’s top-rated program The Five at 5 p.m. Hannity, meanwhile, broke the record for longest-running cable news prime time host in April of 2022, eclipsing Larry King at 25 years, six months, and 15 days.

“FOXNEWS is preparing to announce an ambitious new schedule, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, a schedule where ever hour of primetime will change!” Drudge reported. “TOP SOURCE TELLS DRUDGE: ‘IT’S OUR BOLDEST AND MOST FEARLESS LINE-UP EVER’…”

A Fox News spokesperson told Mediaite, “No decision has been made on a new primetime line-up and there are multiple scenarios under consideration.”

Fox News fired its top-rated opinion host, Tucker Carlson, at the end of April after a long string of controversies. While advertisers have reportedly flocked back to the 8 p.m. hour Carlson used to occupy, viewership has dropped significantly.

MSNBC on Monday beat Fox News in prime time in both total viewers and in the key 25-54 age demographic favored by advertisers. Rachel Maddow beat Hannity at 9 p.m. on Monday and helped boost MSNBC to 1.86 million average prime time viewers and 188,000 prime time demo viewers. Fox came in a close second with 1.72 million prime time viewers and 174,000 prime time demo viewers.
Ingrham is considering joining Sarah Palin and that drunk judge lady to form a three woman mud wrestling tag team.
One party controlling all of TV news doesn't sound like America to me. Oh yeah and they control the DOJ, the FBI the IRS, Homeland Security (LOL!), many of the major city DAs, judges,.........
After what Fox did to Tucker
What did Fox do to Tucker, other than fire him for insubordination, for criticizing Fox executives, for calling female Fox executives c**ts, for exposing the network to a $787 million judgement against them?

Poor Tucker.

Tell you what - tomorrow when you go to work, assuming you're even employable, go up to a female boss and call her a c**t. Report back here what happened next.
Ingrham is considering joining Sarah Palin and that drunk judge lady to form a three woman mud wrestling tag team.
If it was Jello or soybean oil I might consider watching....but mud?.....nah.
Too late, you already made one. I hope you're right! Laura Ingraham is the next best thing Fox has after Tucker, so I hope they chuck her or she leaves.

Let's go for the full castration of Fox!

Meantime, poor CNN is getting dusted by MSNBC and Newsmax. :71:
Fuck CNN. I haven't watched them since they put a camera on Trump's empty podium for an hour before his rallies in 2015-2016.
Rule for news consumption #22...

Any headline that takes the form of a question, the answer is always "no".
MSNBC on Monday beat Fox News in prime time in both total viewers and in the key 25-54 age demographic favored by advertisers. Rachel Maddow beat Hannity at 9 p.m. on Monday and helped boost MSNBC to 1.86 million average prime time viewers and 188,000 prime time demo viewers. Fox came in a close second with 1.72 million prime time viewers and 174,000 prime time demo viewers.
A spokesperson for Fox told The Epoch Times that “reports based on various tweets by left wing activists are wildly inaccurate” and that “Laura Ingraham, the top-rated woman in cable news, is now and will continue to be a prominent host and integral part of the FOX News lineup.”


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