Laura loomer up 9 points in internal poll! As big tech bans her

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

Laura is a friend of mine in RL, I was banned from Shitter for defending her, Laura was banned from Shitter for criticising Ilhan Omar, so I then got on Shitter to defend Laura and I knew they were going to ban me anyhow for defending Laura so I decided to go all in and call Ilhan Omar a Pro-Islamic Terrorist Raghead who hates America and yes they banned me, but I did not care because I had already told Shitter to fuck off and said that ONLY Bots and Faggots and Islamic Terrorist supporters like Shitter. I add that being banned from Shitter is something we ALL wear as a Badge of Honour.

Fuck Shitter and Fuck Nosebook.
What’s RL

The Mainstream Republicans aka Cuckservatives don't want Laura to win, the same way they are not exactly loyal to Donald Trump, the NRCC at this moment are quite happy to back someone who will lose to this Leftist Lois Frankel because actually the question now is do the Mainstream Republicans aka Cuckservatives even WANT to win? So many of them support the Leftist crap about More Immigrants, caving into Muh Blacks, Diversity shit, not protecting America's borders etc on MANY things it's The Uni-Party, they do not want MAGA, they NEVER wanted MAGA to begin with which is why so many of them have worked AGAINST Donald Trump's Agenda since DAY ONE and it is for these SAME reasons they at this moment seem happy to back a candidate that IS going to lose to the Communist Frankel bitch. They all know Laura will beat that Commie bitch and so who's SIDE are they actually even ON at this moment?

Hey, the 80's called. They want the term commie and communist back. Seems you've used it way too much.
Laura Loomer has next to no shot of beating Lois Frankel.

The Left use racist too much. So what's your point again?

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

LOL. Yeah, sure she is. Let's see the breakdown of that poll.

This is a D+9 district that in 2014 and 2018 no Republican even bothered to waste their time running in. Frankel got reelected with 63% of the vote in 2016 and her predecessor Ted Deutsch got reelected in 2012 with 78% of the vote. But yes, suddenly an extremist like Loomer is up nine points in a year when Republicans' popularity is plummeting.

You guys will believe anything.

Loomer handily won her primary. That district may not want white families thrown out of their homes.

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

I live in Florida so I'll have to watch how that one turns out.
Laura is clever, ballsy and HOT. She'll run circles around those dizzy gashes in The Squat. If she ever needs her neck massaged, I'll volunteer.

Just trying to be patriotic.

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

Laura is a friend of mine in RL, I was banned from Shitter for defending her, Laura was banned from Shitter for criticising Ilhan Omar, so I then got on Shitter to defend Laura and I knew they were going to ban me anyhow for defending Laura so I decided to go all in and call Ilhan Omar a Pro-Islamic Terrorist Raghead who hates America and yes they banned me, but I did not care because I had already told Shitter to fuck off and said that ONLY Bots and Faggots and Islamic Terrorist supporters like Shitter. I add that being banned from Shitter is something we ALL wear as a Badge of Honour.

Fuck Shitter and Fuck Nosebook.

She WON she BEAT those Cuckservative POS. She texted me when it happened and I texted back and told her I TOLD her she WOULD win. Mega GREAT!

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!
this is sending in a tiger to tear into a misbehaving cub.

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

Botox, lip enhancement, fake boobs. Plastic, through and through.

She hasn't a hope of getting elected.

She beat ALL the Cuckservatives, she can beat the Commie bitch as well.

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

Botox, lip enhancement, fake boobs. Plastic, through and through.

She hasn't a hope of getting elected.
YEah and the man you will vote for President has had Botox and numerous plastic surgeries done
Botox, lip enhancement, fake boobs. Plastic, through and through.

She hasn't a hope of getting elected.

She beat ALL the Cuckservatives, she can beat the Commie bitch as well.

She'll get about 35% of the vote, maybe

Who knows, let's see. They ALL said she would not win in the Republican Primary, she had EVERYONE fighting so she would NOT win and she WON, so who knows what can occur in November.

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

Laura is a friend of mine in RL, I was banned from Shitter for defending her, Laura was banned from Shitter for criticising Ilhan Omar, so I then got on Shitter to defend Laura and I knew they were going to ban me anyhow for defending Laura so I decided to go all in and call Ilhan Omar a Pro-Islamic Terrorist Raghead who hates America and yes they banned me, but I did not care because I had already told Shitter to fuck off and said that ONLY Bots and Faggots and Islamic Terrorist supporters like Shitter. I add that being banned from Shitter is something we ALL wear as a Badge of Honour.

Fuck Shitter and Fuck Nosebook.


Laura is a 100% MAGA Candidate and is 100% Anti-Censorship, if you don't know anything about her then read the below biography from her website Laura Loomer For Congress and if you want feel free to send the campaign a donation, every Dollar counts:

You can also watch Laura's below video about how and why she is running for Congress, it runs down ALL the situations that lead her to decide to run, it includes clips of the time that Laura confronted both Hillary and James Comey and Maxine Waters and otherss and got into it with the Islamist Terrorist Supporter Linda Sarsour who of course is a Leftist:

Laura Loomer is going to win!
This is an empowered woman.

Gets banned by all the far left institutions - but never quits. Rises stronger and then defeats them.

What an inspiration. Best of luck to her.

If this patriot wins she will turn AOC upside down! And spank her lol

big tech uber banned her along with twitter, Facebook..

Last night she daisies 80 g’s in 3 hours on parler.

let’s go Laura!

Laura is a friend of mine in RL, I was banned from Shitter for defending her, Laura was banned from Shitter for criticising Ilhan Omar, so I then got on Shitter to defend Laura and I knew they were going to ban me anyhow for defending Laura so I decided to go all in and call Ilhan Omar a Pro-Islamic Terrorist Raghead who hates America and yes they banned me, but I did not care because I had already told Shitter to fuck off and said that ONLY Bots and Faggots and Islamic Terrorist supporters like Shitter. I add that being banned from Shitter is something we ALL wear as a Badge of Honour.

Fuck Shitter and Fuck Nosebook.


Laura is a 100% MAGA Candidate and is 100% Anti-Censorship, if you don't know anything about her then read the below biography from her website Laura Loomer For Congress and if you want feel free to send the campaign a donation, every Dollar counts:

You can also watch Laura's below video about how and why she is running for Congress, it runs down ALL the situations that lead her to decide to run, it includes clips of the time that Laura confronted both Hillary and James Comey and Maxine Waters and otherss and got into it with the Islamist Terrorist Supporter Linda Sarsour who of course is a Leftist:

Laura Loomer is going to win!

We hope so yes! Things have CHANGED, okay that Palm Beach area might be very Democratic BUT how many are Commies who support the TRASHING of America, the DESTRUCTION of America, the rioting and looting and chaos? Not many I would think and so this election is going to be different and there is every reason to think that Laura has a good chance to cause an upset on election night.
Won't her promiscuous reputation hurt her chances with Christians?

I'm a Jeffersonian Christian. She already had my support for being a tough lady who shows she will fight---unlike so many Pussy Republicans who are afraid to take a position on anything for fear of being called a RACIST! or getting their money flow cut off, or both. She's a female Jim Jordan, clearly the best man in Washington, D.C. He and Devin Nunes.

Then I hear Loomer was a Pole Dancer. It's a bonus for a Proud Deplorable. I gonna send her some money.
Won't her promiscuous reputation hurt her chances with Christians?

I'm a Jeffersonian Christian. She already had my support for being a tough lady who shows she will fight---unlike so many Pussy Republicans who are afraid to take a position on anything for fear of being called a RACIST! or getting their money flow cut off, or both. She's a female Jim Jordan, clearly the best man in Washington, D.C. He and Devin Nunes.

Then I hear Loomer was a Pole Dancer. It's a bonus for a Proud Deplorable. I gonna send her some money.
Her reputation as a promiscuous woman of a slut type did her great harm with religious folks.

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