I'm very confused by the actions of the police in this case. He called 911. He was on his own property. 5 people were unlawfully trying to put a fridge in his dumpster. They threatened him. He had a legal permit for the gun.
What part of this story, involves the pastor being arrested?
What was going through their minds when they decided to do this?
I'd like to know what those cops were thinking.
I don't know why they arrested him. It would have been good if the writer of the article had looked more into that, and written about it.
They were thinking about an old man brandishing a weapon with a bunch of rednecks speaking louder at the time. Black or white, when the cops show up, you do not want to be the one waving a gun. Usually enough to pull your shirt up and put your hand on it, to dissuade most unarmed attackers. The thrust was that when it was found the ones saying he was brandishing a weapon were proved to be the criminals the story changed and possible hate crime charges considered by the authorities added to other charges against the red necks. How did you miss it? No familiarity with weapons laws? Or is it just your bias?
The weapons laws are different in each jurisdiction. My bias in this story is in favor of the law abiding gun owner.
I favor the gun owner also, but that is a common weapons law in probably a majority of jurisdictions. It keeps people from loosely using their gun to threaten people. That is why he was arrested. If you pull you weapon whether you shoot it or not, there is a good chance you are going downtown if the cops have to come. That is why (if you are smart) and a weapons carrier, you carry insurance and your lawyers phone number in your wallet, and are conservative with your use if at all possible.
I think there's a vast difference between pulling your weapon to scare people, and pulling it to show you're prepared to use deadly force against an attack or threatened attack.
My HUD neighbors are once again having one of their loud outdoor parties. It's 10:15 pm. Now if I go in front of them with an AK and tell them to shut up, or I'll shut them up permanently, that's a criminal offense. If they know I called the cops and come to my property with threats of violence or death and I pull my gun, that's justified brandishing of a firearm.
Now the reason I say there is something missing in this story is because I am skeptical that it happened the way reported. It could be that the Pastor accosted them with his firearm when they were throwing the fridge in his dumpster. That's not going to fly. But if they approached him after dumping it as the story is reported, that's not a criminal offense. That's self-defense.