Law abiding black man uses legal gun to defend himself from five white racists who tried to kill him

I know people from my hometown that jumped on the BLM bandwagon, until I showed them what BLM believes in and some of the shit they pull? Once they find out they're racists and communists, people I know usually re-evaluate their opinions.

Oh. So you have some anecdotal data from a few idiots you know.

That's great. Thank you so much for sharing.

There are plenty of awake people who don't support BLM. But not for the reasons you ignorantly assume. But because awake people know it's not a grassroots organization, it's funded by some very powerful wealthy people with ulterior agendas that have nothing to do with helping Black people.

This rapper, for example:

(skip ahead to 3:30)

The plenty people who don't support BLM are almost always conservatives. Like you. That was the point.

The racists in the OP article stated that they didn't like BLM and that was a dead-giveaway that they were almost certainly conservatives.

Article: "McCray said they threatened him and returned with three more people, attacking him physically, saying “they don’t give a darn” about “my black life and the Black Lives Matter stuff,” and telling him they would “kill” him."

Don't like BLM = conservative. Almost guaranteed.

You, Ray, Mudwhistle all fit that same narrative. And so does the data I provided.

Yes, you may have a point here. If you hate BLM, it's likely you are a conservative. If you hate cops, it's likely you're a liberal.

If you hate the FBI?

So who hates the FBI?
I know people from my hometown that jumped on the BLM bandwagon, until I showed them what BLM believes in and some of the shit they pull? Once they find out they're racists and communists, people I know usually re-evaluate their opinions.

Oh. So you have some anecdotal data from a few idiots you know.

That's great. Thank you so much for sharing.

There are plenty of awake people who don't support BLM. But not for the reasons you ignorantly assume. But because awake people know it's not a grassroots organization, it's funded by some very powerful wealthy people with ulterior agendas that have nothing to do with helping Black people.

This rapper, for example:

(skip ahead to 3:30)

The plenty people who don't support BLM are almost always conservatives. Like you. That was the point.

The racists in the OP article stated that they didn't like BLM and that was a dead-giveaway that they were almost certainly conservatives.

Article: "McCray said they threatened him and returned with three more people, attacking him physically, saying “they don’t give a darn” about “my black life and the Black Lives Matter stuff,” and telling him they would “kill” him."

Don't like BLM = conservative. Almost guaranteed.

You, Ray, Mudwhistle all fit that same narrative. And so does the data I provided.

Yes, you may have a point here. If you hate BLM, it's likely you are a conservative. If you hate cops, it's likely you're a liberal.

If you hate the FBI?

So who hates the FBI?

Trump and many of his supporters.
I'm very confused by the actions of the police in this case. He called 911. He was on his own property. 5 people were unlawfully trying to put a fridge in his dumpster. They threatened him. He had a legal permit for the gun.

What part of this story, involves the pastor being arrested?

What was going through their minds when they decided to do this?

I'd like to know what those cops were thinking.

I don't know why they arrested him. It would have been good if the writer of the article had looked more into that, and written about it.
They were thinking about an old man brandishing a weapon with a bunch of rednecks speaking louder at the time. Black or white, when the cops show up, you do not want to be the one waving a gun. Usually enough to pull your shirt up and put your hand on it, to dissuade most unarmed attackers. The thrust was that when it was found the ones saying he was brandishing a weapon were proved to be the criminals the story changed and possible hate crime charges considered by the authorities added to other charges against the red necks. How did you miss it? No familiarity with weapons laws? Or is it just your bias?

The weapons laws are different in each jurisdiction. My bias in this story is in favor of the law abiding gun owner.
I favor the gun owner also, but that is a common weapons law in probably a majority of jurisdictions. It keeps people from loosely using their gun to threaten people. That is why he was arrested. If you pull you weapon whether you shoot it or not, there is a good chance you are going downtown if the cops have to come. That is why (if you are smart) and a weapons carrier, you carry insurance and your lawyers phone number in your wallet, and are conservative with your use if at all possible.

I think there's a vast difference between pulling your weapon to scare people, and pulling it to show you're prepared to use deadly force against an attack or threatened attack.

My HUD neighbors are once again having one of their loud outdoor parties. It's 10:15 pm. Now if I go in front of them with an AK and tell them to shut up, or I'll shut them up permanently, that's a criminal offense. If they know I called the cops and come to my property with threats of violence or death and I pull my gun, that's justified brandishing of a firearm.

Now the reason I say there is something missing in this story is because I am skeptical that it happened the way reported. It could be that the Pastor accosted them with his firearm when they were throwing the fridge in his dumpster. That's not going to fly. But if they approached him after dumping it as the story is reported, that's not a criminal offense. That's self-defense.
Not saying I wouldn't pull and hold at my side and that can be considered brandishing also. Just saying there are brandishing laws. They are one of the most common weapons charges, and one that vary well may require bail and a lawyer to get past, and one that could lose you your carry permit if you do not. Must be in the back of your mind if you have one out in public, even on your own property, but must not let it interfere in you actions of judicious self defense.

If brandishing a firearm is a "common" infraction, then I'd ask to see where you got that information from. CCW holders are rated the most law abiding people in the country, even more than police on a national level. IF this Pastor was accosted and used his weapon to deter a possible attack, then there was no legal reason for the deputies to arrest him. It's a false arrest, and the department and county can be held liable for the actions in a civil suit.
CCW holder usually use good judgement and usually get off. I lean toward the class I was trained in and the warnings of the professional instructors on youtube and have seen the charge in the papers here in TN. But, I am also the type if stopped even for a traffic stop to hand the office my drivers license, weapon license, and Officer's ID all at the same time. You just read one where the preacher was charged and the chief said he would talk to the prosecutor about dropping the weapon charge. It is a real thing, black or white. Intelligent people who carry, carry knowing they may at some time have to spend money, time and inconvenience (to say the least) to "prove" they are in the right, just because other citizens think or tell the authorities they are in the wrong. Take them all downtown and let a judge sort it out is a real deal.

My point is I really don't think that if this person is on the level, the police wouldn't have arrested him. I think there is something left out of this story to sensationalize it, especially given the current environment in regards to race. The media makes big bucks by influencing these protests and riots, and even better yet if it spreads across the US as this past one has.

Can you be hauled away for questioning? Perhaps, but that's all it would be. To bring charges, they would have to have legitimate evidence that you broke a law. The only real expense in using deadly force is a possible civil suit against you by the criminal or his family if you killed him. Unfortunately, there is no law here in Ohio prohibiting that.
There is no law anywhere prohibiting it, that I am aware of. I and maybe even you, grew up being told that if you are in the right, the authorities and society will be on your side and it will work out. To an extent, this is true, but not always. People in the right have gone to jail, just like people who have not harmed society have been shot. Being in the right and having the money and where with all to quickly have good professionals on you side before you say something that seems innocent that gets you into trouble is just the same proper planning as you should be conducting the rest of your life. Talking to police when you have had to draw you weapon is no place to voice your righteous indignation. My guy says answer their questions, saying the least you can without looking like a jerk, and call him as soon as possible. Pretty much what you will hear from any other legal professional. You may carry your weapon strictly because of "what if", but you should have your lawyers card in you wallet for exactly the same reason. If something comes up, it is not the time for relationship building. It is time to call somebody that gives a damn about you already. For my self one is a former muli-time client of mine and another card is a former JAG Ofiicer, I worked and drank with, now a judge. That said, don't flaunt who you know.

I don't have a lawyer because I never needed one outside of small claims court. If I do end up in some sort of trouble, I will hire the best in that particular field that I can afford.

Years ago when I finally earned my black belt, I asked my instructor what would happen if I used a deadly move on an attacker, or otherwise killed him with a succession of moves? He told me to say nothing except I defended myself from the attacker, disabled him from further attack, and went no further.

There is a difference between self-defense and a felony. If I'm in a bar or something and somebody attacks, I'm allowed to defend myself from that attack. When the police arrive, the witnesses can testify to that. But if the cops come, and they see me beating an unconscious guys head into the corner of the bar, I will be arrested for felonious assault, and of course financially liable for all injuries I caused.
You are in a better position on that than I. Haven't seen a bar fight in person in 40 years. I don't do many bars anymore, and not allowed a weapon if I do. I will say this. I don't go in anywhere without scoping avenues of egress, preferring the ability to choose my ground in a meeting engagement and possibly shape or take advantage of the battlefield. That is what I was trained in. Hope it always works out for you.
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

I know people from my hometown that jumped on the BLM bandwagon, until I showed them what BLM believes in and some of the shit they pull? Once they find out they're racists and communists, people I know usually re-evaluate their opinions.

Oh. So you have some anecdotal data from a few idiots you know.

That's great. Thank you so much for sharing.

There are plenty of awake people who don't support BLM. But not for the reasons you ignorantly assume. But because awake people know it's not a grassroots organization, it's funded by some very powerful wealthy people with ulterior agendas that have nothing to do with helping Black people.

This rapper, for example:

(skip ahead to 3:30)

The plenty people who don't support BLM are almost always conservatives. Like you. That was the point.

The racists in the OP article stated that they didn't like BLM and that was a dead-giveaway that they were almost certainly conservatives.

Article: "McCray said they threatened him and returned with three more people, attacking him physically, saying “they don’t give a darn” about “my black life and the Black Lives Matter stuff,” and telling him they would “kill” him."

Don't like BLM = conservative. Almost guaranteed.

You, Ray, Mudwhistle all fit that same narrative. And so does the data I provided.

Yes, you may have a point here. If you hate BLM, it's likely you are a conservative. If you hate cops, it's likely you're a liberal.

If you hate the FBI?

So who hates the FBI?

Trump and many of his supporters.

Well you'd be wrong at that, and if need be, I'll dig up the videos to prove you're wrong.
If you hate the FBI?

So who hates the FBI?
Trump and many of his supporters.

Well you'd be wrong at that, and if need be, I'll dig up the videos to prove you're wrong.

Trump hates the FBI, they keep going after his friends. Trump hated Comey, he came close to firing Ray when he dropped the charges against another FBI guy he hated, Andrew McCabe.
Well you'd be wrong at that, and if need be, I'll dig up the videos to prove you're wrong.

You know a Trump video is useless to try to show he's pro FBI. You can find videos of Trump praising a lot of people, he later cut the legs out from under.
Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort, Michael Cohen, Reince Pribus, Gen Mattis, Omarosa, the list is endless.
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

View attachment 352695
Post a link for goodness sake!


Could not figure out what was missing. Even went to CBS46 and put the article title in and it still did not come up, even on their own website, and using title as search argument in DuckDuckGo just brought back wild assortment of barely related even on 30 day under news only.
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

View attachment 352695
Post a link for goodness sake!


Could not figure out what was missing. Even went to CBS46 and put the article title in and it still did not come up, even on their own website, and using title as search argument in DuckDuckGo just brought back wild assortment of barely related even on 30 day under news only.

I wouldn't make it up. And my intention is not to paint blacks as murderers. My intention is to demonstrate that, without question, the media gas lights us with their emphasis on white on black crime. They build a false reality with their one sided racist headlines. You needn't have looked that particular story up...any of them will do. No black is ever identified..and I mean never..unless the victim of a white. They are waging a propaganda war against whites.
The fact is black on white crime is far more the norm.
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

View attachment 352695
Post a link for goodness sake!


Could not figure out what was missing. Even went to CBS46 and put the article title in and it still did not come up, even on their own website, and using title as search argument in DuckDuckGo just brought back wild assortment of barely related even on 30 day under news only.
Good report. What was missing was the reference "Linked To Fentanyl". Son is an EMT. Tells me that even experienced heroin users are kicking the bucket because shooting heroin in no way relates to shooting heroin cut with fentanyl. Opium addiction of any kind is a suck lifestyle and has been for hundreds of years, at least. Heroin has come back in a big way, but cut with fentanyl it is clearing junkies off the street as potency and mixture are not exactly a science or experience anymore when cut with unknown quantity of fentanyl. Charging murder is the ultimate product liability and should be used.
If you hate the FBI?

So who hates the FBI?
Trump and many of his supporters.

Well you'd be wrong at that, and if need be, I'll dig up the videos to prove you're wrong.

Trump hates the FBI, they keep going after his friends. Trump hated Comey, he came close to firing Ray when he dropped the charges against another FBI guy he hated, Andrew McCabe.

Without a doubt we hate certain people who were or are still in the FBI, but the hard working agents themselves do not represent them. Under Comey, they were allowed to be weaponized for political reasons, and engaged in nefarious activities.
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

View attachment 352695
Post a link for goodness sake!


Could not figure out what was missing. Even went to CBS46 and put the article title in and it still did not come up, even on their own website, and using title as search argument in DuckDuckGo just brought back wild assortment of barely related even on 30 day under news only.
Good report. What was missing was the reference "Linked To Fentanyl". Son is an EMT. Tells me that even experienced heroin users are kicking the bucket because shooting heroin in no way relates to shooting heroin cut with fentanyl. Opium addiction of any kind is a suck lifestyle and has been for hundreds of years, at least. Heroin has come back in a big way, but cut with fentanyl it is clearing junkies off the street as potency and mixture are not exactly a science or experience anymore when cut with unknown quantity of fentanyl. Charging murder is the ultimate product liability and should be used.

And fentanyl comes from where?
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

View attachment 352695
Post a link for goodness sake!


Could not figure out what was missing. Even went to CBS46 and put the article title in and it still did not come up, even on their own website, and using title as search argument in DuckDuckGo just brought back wild assortment of barely related even on 30 day under news only.

I wouldn't make it up. And my intention is not to paint blacks as murderers. My intention is to demonstrate that, without question, the media gas lights us with their emphasis on white on black crime. They build a false reality with their one sided racist headlines. You needn't have looked that particular story up...any of them will do. No black is ever identified..and I mean never..unless the victim of a white. They are waging a propaganda war against whites.
The fact is black on white crime is far more the norm.
Did not think you would, but be that as it may, that is not the thrust of the story you linked and not a particularly good example. Excellent story though.
Whats missing in this headline from this same news station?

View attachment 352695
Post a link for goodness sake!


Could not figure out what was missing. Even went to CBS46 and put the article title in and it still did not come up, even on their own website, and using title as search argument in DuckDuckGo just brought back wild assortment of barely related even on 30 day under news only.
Good report. What was missing was the reference "Linked To Fentanyl". Son is an EMT. Tells me that even experienced heroin users are kicking the bucket because shooting heroin in no way relates to shooting heroin cut with fentanyl. Opium addiction of any kind is a suck lifestyle and has been for hundreds of years, at least. Heroin has come back in a big way, but cut with fentanyl it is clearing junkies off the street as potency and mixture are not exactly a science or experience anymore when cut with unknown quantity of fentanyl. Charging murder is the ultimate product liability and should be used.

And fentanyl comes from where?
How Does Fentanyl Enter the U.S., and What is the ...
How Does Fentanyl Enter the U.S., and What is the Government Doing to Stop It?
Carfentanil is the most powerful of all fentanyl analogs; according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), carfentanil's potency is estimated to be 10,000 times more than that of morphine. Overdosing on fentanyl happens so frequently because many heroin users don't realize how much stronger fentanyl is than heroin.
1592679951417.webp expected. Where the Wuhan Virus came from.

But aside from the obvious political ramifications remember kids die from it. One died here last Thursday..a beautiful 18 year old who took a counterfeit pill.

Her home life was shit. And thats the other part of the problem.
This story demonstrates the difference between conservatives and leftist racists. Conservatives condemn this action by a bunch of assholes - who, in this case, happen to be white. We're consistent in our condemnation of racist behavior. Leftists, on the other hand, defend some racism, encourage other racism, and only object when the racism is by white trash like those in this story. expected. Where the Wuhan Virus came from.

But aside from the obvious political ramifications remember kids die from it. One died here last Thursday..a beautiful 18 year old who took a counterfeit pill.

Her home life was shit. And thats the other part of the problem.
You try to connect a lot of things that flow the same way but our really not connected and certainly not with the subject of the thread about the law abiding black preacher, forced to defend himself against the red necks he caught trying to dump a freezer on his property, and keeping them at bay from whipping his a$$ by pulling his weapon. That is what this thread is about, along with what happens to gun owners sometimes even when the cops show up because gun owners had to call them, themselves.
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