Lawmakers concerned about Trump's mental health invited a Yale psychiatry professor to brief them

So in your mind not using god grammar or spelling is uneducated? I never needed it the real world..... To be a middle class guy.
uneducated | Definition of uneducated in English by Oxford Dictionaries

  • Having or showing a poor level of education.
    synonyms: untaught, unschooled, untutored, untrained, unread, unscholarly, illiterate, unletterd,ignorant, ill-informed, uninformed

It's called who gives a flying fuck clown
I am saying that the armchair analysis of a few "brain peepers" that have never sat down and given so much as an inkblot test to President Trump doesn't mean diddly squat to me.........need I make it clearer?
There are miles of video of Trump in action. They aren't doing it based on a quick observation, they can analyze his behavior for the last 10 years. And the results are troubling. Trumps speech has deteriorated, his behavior has deteriorated, as a celebrity they have more coverage of his behavior than anybody else.

He is a 70 year old blue collar worker and I can imagine the stress having to deal with libtards like you every day

Crying because the heir to your messiah didn't win.
When all else fails (no evidence), question his sanity...

Snowflakes/libs are pathetic / seditious...
None of them have diagnosed him, and anyone who took action on an assertion from someone who has never even spoken to the president face to face should be seized by the Secret Service. Would you have taken the word of a doctor who never met JFK in person, but said he was dangerously ill and needed to be removed from office for his own health's sake?

During WWII psychiatrists did a full psychiatric profile of Adolph Hitler based on the hours and hours of footage of his behavior. I'm sure you realize they never had a face to face with the fuehrer.
He is a 70 year old blue collar worker and I can imagine the stress having to deal with libtards like you every day
Crying because the heir to your messiah didn't win.

Trump is turning into Howard Hughes. And we're talking the "me and howard" version.
When all else fails (no evidence), question his sanity...

Snowflakes/libs are pathetic / seditious...

Obama is wiretaping my phone. - Paranoia
I had the biggest inauguration in history - Delusion
I signed more bills than Truman - Just plain crazy
Every American should be concerned about Trump’s mental health – or actually the lack thereof.
None of them have diagnosed him, and anyone who took action on an assertion from someone who has never even spoken to the president face to face should be seized by the Secret Service. Would you have taken the word of a doctor who never met JFK in person, but said he was dangerously ill and needed to be removed from office for his own health's sake?

During WWII psychiatrists did a full psychiatric profile of Adolph Hitler based on the hours and hours of footage of his behavior. I'm sure you realize they never had a face to face with the fuehrer.
They had a clue when he started taking over Europe. Let me know when Trump tries to annex Mexico.


Seditious, Intolerant, violent, mentally unstable snowflakes came UN-F*ING GLUED at just the THOUGHT of Trump potentially beating Hillary and winning the Presidency.

The Democratic Party's DNC was left decimated and financially in debt - $24 million in the hole thanks to Obama, allowing Hillary to 'buy' the DNC.

Obama's DOJ, FBI, Intel Agencies, and the DNC - bought by Hillary Clinton collaborated to rig the DNC primaries, cheated during debates, engaged in voting / election fraud, violated election Law, illegally used DNC donations meant for other candidates for Hillary's campaign, worked with foreign agents and a company working for the Russians to push a false Russia propaganda-filled report, and protected Hillary from indictment for proven crimes to include 'Espionage'', 'Gross Negligence', 'Mishandling of TOP SECRET/SCI Information', over 15,000 counts of Illegal Non-Compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act...

The amount of crimes proven to have been perpetrated by the former administration - Obama's Cabinet, his DOJ, FBI, Intel Agencies, Hillary - they are the most in US history. There is enough existing evidence to send Mueller, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Holder, Lynch, Hillary, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, Rice, Abedin, Mills, and Obama himself to prison.

And the snowflakes, who eagerly, prematurely celebrated Hillary's 'landslide victory' while taunting Conservatives LOST THEIR DAMN MINDS when Hillary conceded the Presidency, losing to Donald Trump.

The squealed about insignificant 'popularity contest' victories, openly WEPT, engaged in violence, seditiously called for MILITARY COUPS, seditiously called for assassinations, ATTEMPTED TO CARRY OUT THOSE ASSASSINATIONS (gunning down GOP politicians, ramming the President's motorcade), screamed for IMPEACHMENT for no other reason than they were heart-broken and pissed that Hillary lost, and have conducted the butt-hurt witch hunt investigations for over a year with no evidence of the 'NON-CRIME' of Trump Collusion' (aside from un-related 'Scooter Libby' indictments to justify the witch hunt ...except THEY SUCCESSFULLY EXPOSED THE CRIMES, SEDITION, PERJURY, COVER-UPS, ETC PERPETRATED BY DEMOCRATS.

One could EASILY describe this as the Democrats and snowflakes throwing a CRIMINAL TANTRUM after having lost the election, but Hillary Clinton said it best herself when she declared:


'TANTRUM'? NO - The Democrats have been and continue to engage in all-out SEDITION against the President of the United States and the country itself because it did not get it's way in an election, having a proven criminal who abandoned Americans to die, sold this country out to the Russians for $145 million, and who jeopardized this nation's national security for her own benefit be made President.

The Democrats / snowflakes continue to seek the Impeachment of President Trump for no other reason than they wanted Hillary as President. The country is not just being forced to endure the greatest tantrum thrown in US political history, it is under attack by seditious, fascist, intolerant, anti-Constitutional, pro-criminal politician, THREATS TO OUR DEMOCRACY!

Trump is in serious need of psychological intervention!
Trump is in serious need of psychological intervention!

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