Lawrence O’Donnell smirks while essentially accusing Trump of mass murder


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Lawrence O’Donnell smirks while essentially accusing Trump of mass murder
15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
Two things are necessary to analyze information: (1) perspective; and (2) recognizing source bias. These tools have never been more useful than now, in a time of coronavirus. We are not the first to suggest that Democrats in and out of the media are exploiting coronavirus for political benefit. Having failed to take President Trump down with the Russia hoax and the faux impeachment, they’re grabbing on to coronavirus, with none more openly virulent than MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, a grinning jack-o-lantern of doom. Here’s some perspective: On March 13, 2020, when President Trump declared a national emergency and mobilized the entire government to fight coronavirus, there were 1,629 cases and 48 people had died. As Sharyl Attkisson detailed, all but five were over 70, with several over 80. Four others were younger but with underlying medical conditions. Seventy-seventy percent of the deaths were in Washington State. The data were different on
October 26, 2009, when President Obama declared a national emergency because of H1N1, which had then been ravaging America for seven months. For a direct comparison to coronavirus, two months after H1N1 got its start, 43,677 people were infected and 302 people had died. By the time Obama announced a national emergency, CNN reported even higher numbers albeit in a calm, rational fashion:
~~ snip ~~
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.​
H1N1 originated in Mexico, but Obama left the border open – and did so with media encouragement.

MSNBC's @Lawrence O'Donnell peddles the worst kind of fear mongering, claiming that "more people are sick... dead and dying" because Donald Trump is president.

Media bias is so extreme and unbalanced, and so manifestly contrary to coverage during the H1N1 era, that reasonable people must discount media hysteria. Yes, there’s something serious going on here; yes, we should be proactive to flatten the curve; but no, President Trump has not been a disaster. Instead, he’s been on top of things and it’s the Trump deranged media that’s the disaster.

Many of we 'Deplorables" were expecting the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA paid media talking heads to take this opportunity to spew their hateful disinformation and lies. Nothing would please them more than the deaths of thousands of people in the U.S., that they will blame on Trump. This is preparing the way for that accusation.
O'Donnell a self proclaimed Marxist Socialist has proclaimed his life long hate for America makes no bones about it. The fact that he hates Trump is because Trump loves America. O'Donnell did not do any research before this broadcast. He trumpets whatever the DNC and the Marxist Socialist Left say. He sounds intelligent but he is a mean (proven) bitter commie who become rich on capitalism.
All anyone has to do is watch MSNBC once to see that their star talking heads Maddow, Lemon, Mathews, Scarborough, Brzezinski, etc, spew is well aware of their spread of disinformation, biased and hate of anything less than Marxism.
MSNBC, Lawrence and their fellow conspirators have forsaken real journalist factual information to the people to satisfy their Marxist ideology.
Lawrence O’Donnell smirks while essentially accusing Trump of mass murder
15 Mar 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
Two things are necessary to analyze information: (1) perspective; and (2) recognizing source bias. These tools have never been more useful than now, in a time of coronavirus. We are not the first to suggest that Democrats in and out of the media are exploiting coronavirus for political benefit. Having failed to take President Trump down with the Russia hoax and the faux impeachment, they’re grabbing on to coronavirus, with none more openly virulent than MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, a grinning jack-o-lantern of doom. Here’s some perspective: On March 13, 2020, when President Trump declared a national emergency and mobilized the entire government to fight coronavirus, there were 1,629 cases and 48 people had died. As Sharyl Attkisson detailed, all but five were over 70, with several over 80. Four others were younger but with underlying medical conditions. Seventy-seventy percent of the deaths were in Washington State. The data were different on
October 26, 2009, when President Obama declared a national emergency because of H1N1, which had then been ravaging America for seven months. For a direct comparison to coronavirus, two months after H1N1 got its start, 43,677 people were infected and 302 people had died. By the time Obama announced a national emergency, CNN reported even higher numbers albeit in a calm, rational fashion:
~~ snip ~~
Since the H1N1 flu pandemic began in April, millions of people in the United States have been infected, at least 20,000 have been hospitalized and more than 1,000 have died, said Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.​
H1N1 originated in Mexico, but Obama left the border open – and did so with media encouragement.

MSNBC's @Lawrence O'Donnell peddles the worst kind of fear mongering, claiming that "more people are sick... dead and dying" because Donald Trump is president.

Media bias is so extreme and unbalanced, and so manifestly contrary to coverage during the H1N1 era, that reasonable people must discount media hysteria. Yes, there’s something serious going on here; yes, we should be proactive to flatten the curve; but no, President Trump has not been a disaster. Instead, he’s been on top of things and it’s the Trump deranged media that’s the disaster.

Many of we 'Deplorables" were expecting the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA paid media talking heads to take this opportunity to spew their hateful disinformation and lies. Nothing would please them more than the deaths of thousands of people in the U.S., that they will blame on Trump. This is preparing the way for that accusation.
O'Donnell a self proclaimed Marxist Socialist has proclaimed his life long hate for America makes no bones about it. The fact that he hates Trump is because Trump loves America. O'Donnell did not do any research before this broadcast. He trumpets whatever the DNC and the Marxist Socialist Left say. He sounds intelligent but he is a mean (proven) bitter commie who become rich on capitalism.
All anyone has to do is watch MSNBC once to see that their star talking heads Maddow, Lemon, Mathews, Scarborough, Brzezinski, etc, spew is well aware of their spread of disinformation, biased and hate of anything less than Marxism.
MSNBC, Lawrence and their fellow conspirators have forsaken real journalist factual information to the people to satisfy their Marxist ideology.
Yet another so called "news anchor" who should be banned by the FCC for false and misleading claims about the President.
Same old tired song by these liberal socialists. No one cares about your worthless thoughts and emotions.
The eyes don't lie, O'donnell is hateful and rotten to the core. His words add validation. I really would like to get in a ring with him. He talks tuff, but he's a coward and deserves a major ass-kicking.
Even democrats that dislike Trump are telling me he is doing a good job with this virus under the circumstances....
The media is so far down the TDS road they will never recover....
Hanks was in Australia, where he is portraying Elvis Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker, in a yet-untitled film about the rock icon.

Production on that film is now reportedly on hold.

In his initial post announcing the diagnosis, he said the couple were feeling a “bit tired” and “like we had colds.”

They feel like they have a cold....and the world is shutting down for this?...Don't tell me this hype isn't political....And little Lawrence ought to be fired immediately....
It's idiots like O'Donnel who are responsible for their pathetic ratings. Fine with me, let the mad man rant and rave and say ridiculous things so the world can see him for what he is, a hateful person who only appeals to a very small audience of other hateful people. He doesn't realize how ugly he is, both inside and out.
Hanks was in Australia, where he is portraying Elvis Presley’s manager, Colonel Tom Parker, in a yet-untitled film about the rock icon.

Production on that film is now reportedly on hold.

In his initial post announcing the diagnosis, he said the couple were feeling a “bit tired” and “like we had colds.”

They feel like they have a cold....and the world is shutting down for this?...Don't tell me this hype isn't political....And little Lawrence ought to be fired immediately....

Like his former associate Chrissie Matthews.....
He's sorta known for his meltdowns. Lawrence definitely has anger issues.

“It’s true, my parents got coronavirus. Crazy,” Hanks’ son Chet said. “They’re both down in Australia right now ’cause my dad was shooting a movie down there.

“But I just got off the phone with them. They both are fine; they’re not even that sick, they’re not worried about it, they’re not tripping. But they’re going through the necessary health precautions, obviously. But I don’t think it’s anything to be too worried about.

“I appreciate everyone’s concern and the well wishes but I think it’s all gonna be all right. But I appreciate it, and just everybody stay safe out there. Much love.”

We are being lied to....this virus is not the killer they say it is...all of this freak out is to try and affect the next election....The NBA player is also feeling better in less than 5 days...
That's a self-loathing closeted cock-smoker... nobody gives 2 shits what that fuckwits says or thinks... here's to hoping it develops a dry cough.... lol
Nice wanking thread...

First of all O'Donnell did not accuse Trump of Mass Murder but did accuse him on incompetence. He then followed that up with clear evidence.

He pointed out mistake after mistake. The Orange worshippers can't have that, you lot believe he did everything right...

It doesn't matter if we present you with facts as you dismiss them and refuse to look at evidence.

Remeber if a loved one of yours dies (and wish it doesn't happen to anyone of us) you had a hand in supporting this gross incompetence.

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