Leader of Oath Keepers was ready with arms across bridge in Virginia on January 6th

Speculation is cheap. The fact remains that the only person killed was an unarmed woman who happened to be a Veteran.
Who is also a very foolish person because she believed a lie and committed a crime.
Or I should say was a very foolish person because she believed the biggest liar to come down the pike in ages, a super hypocrite con man.
And I think everything's catching up with the bastard.
Trump has been in the pubic eye for decades. If there were any tax issues with him, they would have been exposed years ago. If there was any illegal business dealings they would have been exposed years ago too.
Trump has been in the pubic eye for decades. If there were any tax issues with him, they would have been exposed years ago. If there was any illegal business dealings they would have been exposed years ago too.
I thought he was going to release his taxes after the audit. I know President Trump does not lie. So I just must have missed the release of his taxes.
I thought he was going to release his taxes after the audit. I know President Trump does not lie. So I just must have missed the release of his taxes.
If the IRS hasn't prosecuted him for tax issues, why do you care?
Sure, Stunn, now just tell us exactly what I said that wasn't a FACT, otherwise, go blow.
Trump never addressed immigration. A bad-mouthed the whole process. He basically one handily disassembled the immigration courts which are the basis of our immigration laws. The immigrants massed at the border and waited for a reasonable president to prevail. We're on catch up now and it's going to take time to rebuild the immigration courts to the levels that are needed to handle all the immigrants. The mere fact that 62 million jobs go unfilled in this country reflects the fact that we need more immigrants not less.
I thought he was going to release his taxes after the audit. I know President Trump does not lie. So I just must have missed the release of his taxes.
President Trump doesn't lie, you are a delusional and a total hypocrite. He told over 30,000 lies while he was in the White House.
So....you are saying with this post...

1) Trump never asked for or ordered an attack....

2) As we already know, there were no guns at the capitol that day....

3). The Trump supporters that were there didn't shoot anyone, even those twits who disagreed with them........

Thank you for confirming what we already knew....

Now for you...

At some point, we are going to find out the names of the blm/antifa brown shirts who actually were the democrat party thugs attacking the police...and we will also see the video the Department of Justice is hiding about the rest of the non violent Trump people who simply walked through the capitol and took selfies...
What does "fight like Hell" mean to you? Maybe Hugs and Kisses?
Trump never addressed immigration. A bad-mouthed the whole process. He basically one handily disassembled the immigration courts which are the basis of our immigration laws. The immigrants massed at the border and waited for a reasonable president to prevail. We're on catch up now and it's going to take time to rebuild the immigration courts to the levels that are needed to handle all the immigrants. The mere fact that 62 million jobs go unfilled in this country reflects the fact that we need more immigrants not less.

TOTAL CROCK OF BULLSHIT aside from totally deflecting from what I originally asked and what you originally said! Illegal invasion is NOT "immigration."

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Ok thanks, but that was my point, all he does is lie.
Sorry I missed the irony of it. I got a bunch of these messages all day so I just started scanning them instead of reading and carefully my bad.
Was her crime worthy of killing her?

Was her version of 'legitimate political discourse' requiring the defianace of police orders to stand down?

It seems, what we had on January 6th.......was a failure to communicate.

If only she would have attempted to talk reasonably with the police on the other side of that purpose-built barricade. Perhaps, if she had sincerely tried they may have felt less threatened.

After all, she had the numbers and the momentum. She was in a perfect position to negotiate.....being at the head of her delegation.

Yupper, she failed to communicate.
And it cost her.

Was her version of 'legitimate political discourse' requiring the defianace of police orders to stand down?

It seems, what we had on January 6th.......was a failure to communicate.

If only she would have attempted to talk reasonably with the police on the other side of that purpose-built barricade. Perhaps, if she had sincerely tried they may have felt less threatened.

After all, she had the numbers and the momentum. She was in a perfect position to negotiate.....being at the head of her delegation.

Yupper, she failed to communicate.
And it cost her.
Shit happens when you break the law, and even when you don't. Lives were threatened and the police acted appropriately. It was the final line to be drawn by the enemy and they crossed it.
Was her crime worthy of killing her?
No one needs to die that way. But she crossed the final defense line that the police had drawn up they had to act then. Protecting that chamber and the people in it was their duty. In trying to breach that room she calls her own death. And I'm being nice. In truth if I was one of those policemen I would have shot them all down as they entered the front door and those windows they were breaking the law then and they were threatening to murder people they were terrorists in my opinion and to make it worse they were American citizens. Never in my life would I believe that American citizens could become terrorists a bigger threat to our nation than foreign terrorists.
TOTAL CROCK OF BULLSHIT aside from totally deflecting from what I originally asked and what you originally said! Illegal invasion is NOT "immigration."

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There's no such person as an illegal immigrant. Immigrants are classified as undocumented and documented both are welcomed in our country that is the law. Once undocumented immigrants have their day in court and are denied the right to immigrate then you could call them an illegal immigrant. These people are immediately deported. So we have no illegal immigrants in the country. So your argument is starting on a false premise. That makes it totally flawed.
There's no such person as an illegal immigrant. Immigrants are classified as undocumented and documented both are welcomed in our country that is the law. Once undocumented immigrants have their day in court and are denied the right to immigrate then you could call them an illegal immigrant. These people are immediately deported. So we have no illegal immigrants in the country. So your argument is starting on a false premise. That makes it totally flawed.

Illegal aliens.

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