Leader of Oath Keepers was ready with arms across bridge in Virginia on January 6th

I don't believe you.
Just deflecting again.
Tell me the part of the article you disagree with.

I've many many articles about this, including this one.

I know you are probably going to claim that a person came back, after the riot, and got arrested. So what. He still brought a gun and that doesn't excuse the others that did, during the riot.
Just deflecting again.
Tell me the part of the article you disagree with.

I've many many articles about this, including this one.

I know you are probably going to claim that a person came back, after the riot, and got arrested. So what. He still brought a gun and that doesn't excuse the others that did, during the riot.
He had a gun and never drew it and the slimy article written by an emotionally disturbed LibTard reporter is trying to infer that he was planning to commit murder.
In the meanwhile, the same LibTard has probably never criticized a thug, who votes Democrat, who committed one or more murders.
He had a gun and never drew it and the slimy article written by an emotionally disturbed LibTard reporter is trying to infer that he was planning to commit murder.
In the meanwhile, the same LibTard has probably never criticized a thug, who votes Democrat, who committed one or more murders.
Got it.
Two previous posters in this thread said NO ONE had a Weapon.
A Weapon, let alone a loaded gun.

I challenged them and you moved the goalposts, telling me I didn't even know what/where the goalposts were.
Like you always do.
You just admitted he (and others) had a gun, so the claim that NO ONE had a gun is complete BULLSHIT.
Got it.
Two previous posters in this thread said NO ONE had a Weapon.
A Weapon, let alone a loaded gun.

I challenged them and you moved the goalposts, telling me I didn't even know what/where the goalposts were.
Like you always do.
You just admitted he (and others) had a gun, so the claim that NO ONE had a gun is complete BULLSHIT.
Who do we believe?
Whoever is advocating impeachment in 2023 is. If the Republicans follow the path of impeachment, they will lose big in 2024.

Well, I believe America expects, wants, needs and demands JUST THE EXACT OPPOSITE, which makes you some kind of RINO idiot subversive. And impeaching that criminal, incompetent, illegal bum out of the WH is just the kickstart this nation needs to get us moving forward again! Shall we take a poll here and see who the people agree with the most?

These people were ready to start shooting anyone who did not agree that trump should stay in office. These nuts are the biggest threat to the US since the civil war. trump incited this violence.
And these are the same people trump's buddy Stone was talking to discussing strategy with on Jan. 5th. on the Capitol grounds. There's a really big story of deceit and corruption that's only beginning to unfold here. trump will really have to murder a bunch of his own people to even try to keep a lid on this. He's a psychopath of the worse kind, I wouldn't put anything past him. He seems to like throwing his supporters to the wolves when he gets desperate, and if you've seen any recent photos of him he really looks desperate.
There's a really big story of deceit and corruption that's only beginning to unfold here.
Gee, I've been saying that ever since the 1990s when the Clintons got in the WH.

trump will really have to murder a bunch of his own people to even try to keep a lid on this.
Good God, please don't tell me that, I'm still not over the 100 or so mysterious dead bodies that seem to follow the Clintons around.

He's a psychopath of the worse kind, I wouldn't put anything past him.
Yeah, next thing you know, that nut will spring a great economy, prosperity, low regulations and taxes, bountiful energy and food, low crime, and a stable southern border and world climate on us.

He seems to like throwing his supporters to the wolves when he gets desperate
Yet I can't find one! Too bad Joe Biddum HAS no supporters to throw anywhere.

and if you've seen any recent photos of him he really looks desperate.

I've only seen him relaxing and having a good time enjoying life playing golf in beautiful Florida, but have you taken a look at the bum in the WH recently?

deep fake.gif
Well, I believe America expects, wants, needs and demands JUST THE EXACT OPPOSITE, which makes you some kind of RINO idiot subversive. And impeaching that criminal, incompetent, illegal bum out of the WH is just the kickstart this nation needs to get us moving forward again! Shall we take a poll here and see who the people agree with the most?
What a douche nozzle .
I think Republicans are going to be shocked by the midterms and not in a good way.
It's likely that the Republicans make huge gains. However, if they use that majority and go ahead with impeachment, all those gains will lost in 2024.

They need to use that majority to correct / reverse the disasterous policies initiated by the current administration and congress.
Gee, I've been saying that ever since the 1990s when the Clintons got in the WH.

Good God, please don't tell me that, I'm still not over the 100 or so mysterious dead bodies that seem to follow the Clintons around.

Yeah, next thing you know, that nut will spring a great economy, prosperity, low regulations and taxes, bountiful energy and food, low crime, and a stable southern border and world climate on us.

Yet I can't find one! Too bad Joe Biddum HAS no supporters to throw anywhere.

I've only seen him relaxing and having a good time enjoying life playing golf in beautiful Florida, but have you taken a look at the bum in the WH recently?

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Believe whatever fantasies you want, it doesn't change the facts.

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