What Is Wrong With This Idiot?

How would Trump know anything about commercial plane travel? Listen to him and you’d think every third flight was cancelled and people living in airports was a common thing. All lies, of course. Trump doesn’t live in the same world we do and doesn’t really care about anything but himself.

Last time I was in an airport in January my flight was cancelled and I lived in the airport for 10 hours. Sounds like Trump knows exactly what is going on.

Biden though, it is sad, the Democrats allowing a dying man to die, in office, before I our eyes. No respect for the office of the presidency.
Last time I was in an airport in January my flight was cancelled and I lived in the airport for 10 hours. Sounds like Trump knows exactly what is going on.

Biden though, it is sad, the Democrats allowing a dying man to die, in office, before I our eyes. No respect for the office of the presidency.
What’s the rate of cancellations? Your story suggests it happens all the time, but airline records will tell you it doesn’t. While 10 hours may be inconvenient, it isn’t days and nobody’s pitching tents.

Biden is a devout catholic talking to the Pope. It looks like this moment is meaningful to him. And the Pope too.
There is very little that's devout about being a Catholic for Quid Pro Joe. He's been denied Communion and actively opposes the Church's stance on abortion. That is NOT a "devout Catholic".
There is very little that's devout about being a Catholic for Quid Pro Joe. He's been denied Communion and actively opposes the Church's stance on abortion. That is NOT a "devout Catholic".
Not thinking abortion should be outlawed, isn’t the same as support. One’s political, the other religious. How do know Joe was denied communion? He certainly has acted in a more Christian manner than Trump ever has. Going to church once a year for Xmas was a chore for Don.

Not thinking abortion should be outlawed, isn’t the same as support. One’s political, the other religious. How do know Joe was denied communion? He certainly has acted in a more Christian manner than Trump ever has. Going to church once a year for Xmas was a chore for Don.

The conversation is about Quid Pro Joe, not TRUMP! And were you really ignorant of this?

The conversation is about Quid Pro Joe, not TRUMP! And were you really ignorant of this?

The conversation is ALWAYS about Trump. He’s an existential threat to democracy, but thankfully people are starting to realize grandpa is a better choice than a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. Don’t think you can hide behind what the “topic” is, when MAGAnauts have no problem dissing Biden at every turn!

The conversation is ALWAYS about Trump. He’s an existential threat to democracy, but thankfully people are starting to realize grandpa is a better choice than a convicted felon and adjudicated rapist. Don’t think you can hide behind what the “topic” is, when MAGAnauts have no problem dissing Biden at every turn!

Oh, we're well aware that democrats simply can't get TRUMP! out of their minds, they're obsessed with him. You could be talking about the weather and they would launch into a screed about TRUMP! being responsible for dogs and cats living together, people wearing white after Labor Day, and every evil imaginable under the sun. Heck, start ANY thread talking about Quid Pro Joe and you're guaranteed to have a minion swoop in and rant something about TRUMP!, it's inevitable.

So yes, I agree with you. To democrats the conversation IS always about TRUMP!, and it'll be about TRUMP! right up until the next Republican is elected president, then suddenly they'll pretend the intervening years never happened and totally absolve every democrat between of everything.
Oh, we're well aware that democrats simply can't get TRUMP! out of their minds, they're obsessed with him. You could be talking about the weather and they would launch into a screed about TRUMP! being responsible for dogs and cats living together, people wearing white after Labor Day, and every evil imaginable under the sun. Heck, start ANY thread talking about Quid Pro Joe and you're guaranteed to have a minion swoop in and rant something about TRUMP!, it's inevitable.

So yes, I agree with you. To democrats the conversation IS always about TRUMP!, and it'll be about TRUMP! right up until the next Republican is elected president, then suddenly they'll pretend the intervening years never happened and totally absolve every democrat between of everything.
He’s running for president, skippy. Of course we’re going to talk about him. I know you’d like to shut us up, but that ain’t happening! Everyone needs to know about his crimes everyday until the election.

He’s running for president, skippy. Of course we’re going to talk about him. I know you’d like to shut us up, but that ain’t happening! Everyone needs to know about his crimes everyday until the election.

Oh, you've been talking about him nonstop since his FIRST campaign season. In fact, you talked more about him in 2020 than you did about Quid Pro Joe. It's obvious that you're obsessed with him, and he's hooked you. The worst thing you could do to him is the one thing you simply cannot do, ignore him.
Oh, you've been talking about him nonstop since his FIRST campaign season. In fact, you talked more about him in 2020 than you did about Quid Pro Joe. It's obvious that you're obsessed with him, and he's hooked you. The worst thing you could do to him is the one thing you simply cannot do, ignore him.
I will continue to talk about him, as long as the Republicans think it’s OK to nominate a convicted criminal!

I will continue to talk about him, as long as the Republicans think it’s OK to nominate a convicted criminal!

Oh, I'm quite certain you will continue talking about him. He's been your sole topic of conversation for years, why stop now? The rest of the world, however, thinks it quite obsessive.
Oh, I'm quite certain you will continue talking about him. He's been your sole topic of conversation for years, why stop now? The rest of the world, however, thinks it quite obsessive.
Of course we’re not going to stop now! We’re in the middle of a campaign, genius. Have you had anything nice to say about Biden?

Of course we’re not going to stop now! We’re in the middle of a campaign, genius. Have you had anything nice to say about Biden?

I've talked about both Quid Pro Joe and TRUMP!. I don't, however, incessantly crop dust threads about TRUMP! with whines about Quid Pro, trying to deflect attention, like some on here do regularly.
It's not Konmans fault, by some measure. Though it was his weakness that opened himself up for TDS penetration in the first place.

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