Leading Climate Scientist, Dr Peiser, "we Should All Be Relieved That It Isn’t Such A Big Problem A


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Dr Benny Peiser says public are more sceptical about climate change and global warming Nature News Daily Express

One word = Ooooooooooooooooooops!!!!

So......here you have a world renowned climate science expert stating that the AGW community has been exaggerating the threat posed by global warming.

He goes on to say,

"Something is clearly balancing out the warming effect of the CO2 [carbon dioxide]," he explained.
"It might be natural factors, it might be the ocean, no one knows for sure.
"It [the warming] could start anytime - and that is an indication that we don’t fully understand the climate.
"That’s a reality that most climate scientists are reluctant to admit."

Like Ive been saying forever........we got a lot of phonies in this forum.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:
Of course the public is skeptical......which is why you go check any poll on peoples concerns and you have to go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the list to find global warming as a concern.


These fuckers are losing BIG.,
More sobering reality as stated by Dr Peiser......oh, and you know this shit stings the AGW k00ks......blows up their whole Disney Bubble >>>

Looking to the future, Dr Peiser is adamant there is no easy solution to tackling global warming - something he does not expect to see change for a long time.
With regards to the next UN Climate Change Conference, he said that it will be all "lip service" and "
business as usual".
"I’m pretty sure there will be some sort of agreement, there have always been agreements at every UN summit, but they're not worth the paper they are written on.
"They won’t be legally binding and it won’t mean that the Chinese, or the Indians, or the Brazilians, or the Russians, will cut CO2 emissions."

Of course, the epic thread on this forum, MORE PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING documents scores of links backing up what Dr Peiser is saying.
No matter. Politicians and public alike will continue to call for the massive unemployment that will ensue from shuttering the coal industry, taxing the oil and gas industries, and raising utility costs through the roof.
Benny Peiser DeSmogBlog

Benny Peiser is a past Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology & Sport Sociology at Liverpool John Moores University. He is a “historian and anthropologist with particular research interest in neo-catastrophism and its implications for human and societal evolution.” [3], [4]

Benny Peiser is also the director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWFP), a “all-party and non-party think tank and registered educational charity” founded by Nigel Lawson. [5]

The foundation describes it's main purpose as being to “bring reason, integrity and balance to a debate that has become seriously unbalanced, irrationally alarmist, and all too often depressingly intolerant… . Our main focus is to analyse global warming policies and its economic and other implications. Our aim is to provide the most robust and reliable economic analysis and advice.”

Although the group does not disclose their funding sources, they claim to be “funded entirely by voluntary donations from a number of private individuals and charitable trusts.” The organization also claims that it does not “accept gifts from either energy companies or anyone with a significant interest in an energy company.”

Peiser is also listed as the co-editor of the skeptical journal Energy and Environment, also edited by Sonja-Boehmer Christiansen.

Energy and Environment has been described as the place climate change skeptics go to when they are rejected by the mainstream peer-reviewed science publications. The journal has also drawn sharp criticism for their abuse of the peer-review process, including one from Michael Mann regarding a questionable study co-authored by Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas.

He is a social scientist, specializing in sports. No way is he an expert in climate. Pure garbage post.
Benny Peiser - SourceWatch

Benny Peiser
(b. 1957) is a UK social anthropologist and AGW denier listed among the Heartland Institute"Global warming experts" despite having no evident expertise in climate science or policy. Peiser is Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), and as of fall 2011, he is a Visiting Fellow at the right wingUniversity of Buckingham, whose current and former vice chancellors serve on the GWPF academic advisory council.

JMU department was Social Anthropology & Sport Sociology
Peiser's John Moores University departmental webpage described him as:-[2]

  • Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology & Sport Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Main research interests:
    • societal evolution and neo-catastrophism
    • social implications of historical impact disasters and the current impact hazard
    • ritualised and sanctioned violence
    • origins and evolution of sport
No evident expertise in Climate Science or Climate Policy Analysis
Although Peiser is described by Local Transport Today as a 'climate policy analyst',[3] it is unclear what academic expertise Peiser brings to bear on his climate policy analyses.

No peer reviewed climate publications
According to a search of 22,000 academic journals, Peiser has published 3 research papers in peer-reviewed journals: Sports Medicine, 2006; Journal of Sports Sciences (2004); and, Bioastronomy 2002: life among the stars (2004). None of these studies are related to human-induced climate change.

No credentials in climate science, no publications.
Well......its always the MO of the AGW crowd to kneejerk on the background of any scientist that doesn't concur with the established narrative.......its always been that way. Like the guy is some kind of dummy.

But nobody can dismiss his conclusion......that the public has become highly skeptical of "climate science". No way of getting around it. As Ive said many times, the strategy of the climate science crowd is make bold predictions on future climate events like a quarterback throws a hail Mary pass and hope it sticks. Some do.......many don't. People have obviously been keeping score. Peiser has that nailed. It is very clear that the folks have tuned out the science in 2014.......its not even debatable. Every poll shows that a vast majority don't care. Peiser is simply connecting the dots for us on the reality.......he just doesn't concur with the rigged consensus, and lets face it, it is indeed a rigged consensus. The folks have figured out that there are special interests associated with the "climate science" community and a majority of people ( by polling estimated to be near 70% ) think that the data has been rigged by the scientists.
Skook, you ought to be apologizing for lying so brazenly in your OP by calling Peiser a "leading climate scientist". Did you lie deliberately, or were you just a moron parrot again?

Until you admit you lied, apologize for it and promise to do better, why should everyone not simply assume everything you post is a lie?
Skook, you ought to be apologizing for lying so brazenly in your OP by calling Peiser a "leading climate scientist". Did you lie deliberately, or were you just a moron parrot again?

Until you admit you lied, apologize for it and promise to do better, why should everyone not simply assume everything you post is a lie?
THAT'S the best you got? :lol:

Why even bother to get out of bed?
Benny Peiser DeSmogBlog

Benny Peiser is a past Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology & Sport Sociology at Liverpool John Moores University. He is a “historian and anthropologist with particular research interest in neo-catastrophism and its implications for human and societal evolution.” [3], [4]

Benny Peiser is also the director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWFP), a “all-party and non-party think tank and registered educational charity” founded by Nigel Lawson. [5]

The foundation describes it's main purpose as being to “bring reason, integrity and balance to a debate that has become seriously unbalanced, irrationally alarmist, and all too often depressingly intolerant… . Our main focus is to analyse global warming policies and its economic and other implications. Our aim is to provide the most robust and reliable economic analysis and advice.”

Although the group does not disclose their funding sources, they claim to be “funded entirely by voluntary donations from a number of private individuals and charitable trusts.” The organization also claims that it does not “accept gifts from either energy companies or anyone with a significant interest in an energy company.”

Peiser is also listed as the co-editor of the skeptical journal Energy and Environment, also edited by Sonja-Boehmer Christiansen.

Energy and Environment has been described as the place climate change skeptics go to when they are rejected by the mainstream peer-reviewed science publications. The journal has also drawn sharp criticism for their abuse of the peer-review process, including one from Michael Mann regarding a questionable study co-authored by Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas.

He is a social scientist, specializing in sports. No way is he an expert in climate. Pure garbage post.

The "experts" in Climate "Science" are all saying, "the Pacific Ocean ate my Global Warming"
Skook, you ought to be apologizing for lying so brazenly in your OP by calling Peiser a "leading climate scientist". Did you lie deliberately, or were you just a moron parrot again?

Until you admit you lied, apologize for it and promise to do better, why should everyone not simply assume everything you post is a lie?
Benny Peiser - SourceWatch

Benny Peiser
(b. 1957) is a UK social anthropologist and AGW denier listed among the Heartland Institute"Global warming experts" despite having no evident expertise in climate science or policy. Peiser is Director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), and as of fall 2011, he is a Visiting Fellow at the right wingUniversity of Buckingham, whose current and former vice chancellors serve on the GWPF academic advisory council.

JMU department was Social Anthropology & Sport Sociology
Peiser's John Moores University departmental webpage described him as:-[2]

  • Senior Lecturer in Social Anthropology & Sport Sociology, Liverpool John Moores University
  • Main research interests:
    • societal evolution and neo-catastrophism
    • social implications of historical impact disasters and the current impact hazard
    • ritualised and sanctioned violence
    • origins and evolution of sport
No evident expertise in Climate Science or Climate Policy Analysis
Although Peiser is described by Local Transport Today as a 'climate policy analyst',[3] it is unclear what academic expertise Peiser brings to bear on his climate policy analyses.

No peer reviewed climate publications
According to a search of 22,000 academic journals, Peiser has published 3 research papers in peer-reviewed journals: Sports Medicine, 2006; Journal of Sports Sciences (2004); and, Bioastronomy 2002: life among the stars (2004). None of these studies are related to human-induced climate change.

No credentials in climate science, no publications.
So what's your point and do you ever have a point?
Well......its always the MO of the AGW crowd to kneejerk on the background of any scientist that doesn't concur with the established narrative.......its always been that way. Like the guy is some kind of dummy.

But nobody can dismiss his conclusion......that the public has become highly skeptical of "climate science". No way of getting around it. As Ive said many times, the strategy of the climate science crowd is make bold predictions on future climate events like a quarterback throws a hail Mary pass and hope it sticks. Some do.......many don't. People have obviously been keeping score. Peiser has that nailed. It is very clear that the folks have tuned out the science in 2014.......its not even debatable. Every poll shows that a vast majority don't care. Peiser is simply connecting the dots for us on the reality.......he just doesn't concur with the rigged consensus, and lets face it, it is indeed a rigged consensus. The folks have figured out that there are special interests associated with the "climate science" community and a majority of people ( by polling estimated to be near 70% ) think that the data has been rigged by the scientists.


Educational background
Peiser was educated in West Germany and studied political science, English, and sports science in Frankfurt
jc456 said:
So what's your point and do you ever have a point

Again, the point is Skook lied, and that you're now kissing his ass in an attempt to defend the lie.

It's your unoffically assigned job here now, to reflexively leap in and asskiss other deniers when they get in trouble. You've gotten quite good at it.
jc456 said:
So what's your point and do you ever have a point

Again, the point is Skook lied, and that you're now kissing his ass in an attempt to defend the lie.

It's your unoffically assigned job here now, to reflexively leap in and asskiss other deniers when they get in trouble. You've gotten quite good at it.
I like how you keep proving you have nothing useful to say. You sir provide a link to an experiment that shows what 120 PPM of CO2 can do to the climate or shut the F up. I'm actually growing tired of your pointless posts. You have nothing to say!!!!
Stop deflecting. The topic is Skook lying.

Do you endorse the lie, or condemn it?

Rhetorical question. You're asskissing routine makes it very clear you endorse the lie.
Stop deflecting. The topic is Skook lying.

Do you endorse the lie, or condemn it?

Rhetorical question. You're asskissing routine makes it very clear you endorse the lie.
No I don't endorse your lie. I think you are one of the biggest asskissers there is. I think you are an absolute fool and have no basis for any references here. you have and continue to ignore the original question that was sent your way and that was to provide the evidence of your claim. you failed nothing more is needed on our side until that information is made available.

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