Leaked audio reveals Australian prime minister mocking Trump through imitation


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
we are the laughing stock of the world.

Leaked audio reveals Australian prime minister mocking Trump

"The Donald and I, we are winning and winning in the polls," Turnbull said, according to an airing of the address posted by Australia's Channel Nine. "We are winning so much. We are winning like we have never won before. We are winning in the polls. We are. We are. Not the fake polls. Not the fake polls. They're the ones we're not winning in. We're winning in the real polls."

"You know the online polls. They are so easy to win. I know that. Did you know that? I kind of know that. I know that. They are so easy to win. I have this Russian guy. Believe me, it's true. It is true," Turnbull said.

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