Leaked pics show Bud Light exec who wants to update company’s ‘fratty’ culture enjoying fratty party


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Do as I say, not as I do, (hiccup).


ABud Light executive who claimed the beer company needs to update its “fratty” and “out-of-touch” image appeared to enjoy the Greek Life at Harvard while partying at an alleged “haven of inebriated ditzes.”

Budweiser’s vice president of marketing Alissa Heinerscheid could be seen in images on her now-deleted Facebook page enjoying a campus scavenger hunt, blowing up condoms like balloons, and downing beers during a 2006 “boozefest”

This is proof that the dame knows better, and had to know Bud Light's position in the market.

Makes me wonder if she is actually an industrial spy/double agent working for the folks at Coors or Strohs and trying to sink the competition from within.
This is proof that the dame knows better, and had to know Bud Light's position in the market.

Makes me wonder if she is actually an industrial spy/double agent working for the folks at Coors or Strohs and trying to sink the competition from within.

Perhaps she has matured in the last 16 years.

Did none of your views change in the last 16 years?

I mean granted I didn't go to a traditional college with frats and so on or live on a campus but throughout my life all I've ever seen of people drinking bud light is at comedy clubs, bars, restaurants, ball games and so on. And more than half of those people were over the age of 30.

I don't see many college age drinkers drinking bud light, they all seem to be about ipa micro brew shit with fancy names and descriptions. The only ones that don't are the poor ones and they don't drink bud light, they drink like natural light cause it's cheap as shit.
Perhaps she has matured in the last 16 years.

Did none of your views change in the last 16 years?
This is how dictatorships exist. People trade in their integrity and character for the employment that the elites push. To the point of force. Trump made statements that some of the police/security when he was arraigned felt upset. Yet they did nothing. In history many people were tortured and killed and still are because of this. Human fear of personal destruction is a huge one.
This is how dictatorships exist. People trade in their integrity and character for the employment that the elites push.

Or people change during the 16 years after college. Odin knows I was a very differnt person at 40 than I was a 24.

To the point of force. Trump made statements that some of the police/security when he was arraigned felt upset. Yet they did nothing.

That is because Trump lied, you should be used to that now.
The left are the biggest group of hypocrites on planet earth (and probably their home planet of Mars as well).
This is how dictatorships exist. People trade in their integrity and character for the employment that the elites push.
she now embraces transsexuals freaks as the image for Bud Light

Speaking for just my singular avatar......well, he thinks this Bud Light brouhaha is just the gas. Simply cool fun. Not to mention a little peek into the world of MAGA SocialJusticeWarriors (MSJW).

Thes MAGA SJW's are ever on the hunt for some cultural tic to get outraged and 'grievanced' over.
Today it is some advertising for a cheap and bland beer. Tomorrow it'll be 'The Diary of Anne Frank' in the school library (oh wait, they've already hyperventilated over that one). OK, well tomorrow, it'll be about explaining the Jim Crow era practices in high-school civics class (oh wait, they've done that one too).

Well, you get the picture. These MSJW's are just vibrating in their chairs waiting to be outraged over some black girl on a TV commercial pitching Ivory soap. Or some Asian guy holding hands with a white gal. Or some Hispanic guy pitching corn flakes.

Could MSJWarriors really be QAnon gone dark? Meaning, gone mufti? Gone camo?

Is QAnon = MAGA Social Justice Warrior?
Taller, thin, fast-talking, book-smart, bossy, Liberal know it all, sheltered, brainwashed. It knows whats best for the planet.

not bad looking. Needs to be screwed down a bit IMVHO.

Speaking for just my singular avatar......well, he thinks this Bud Light brouhaha is just the gas. Simply cool fun. Not to mention a little peek into the world of MAGA SocialJusticeWarriors (MSJW).

Thes MAGA SJW's are ever on the hunt for some cultural tic to get outraged and 'grievanced' over.
Today it is some advertising for a cheap and bland beer. Tomorrow it'll be 'The Diary of Anne Frank' in the school library (oh wait, they've already hyperventilated over that one). OK, well tomorrow, it'll be about explaining the Jim Crow era practices in high-school civics class (oh wait, they've done that one too).

Well, you get the picture. These MSJW's are just vibrating in their chairs waiting to be outraged over some black girl on a TV commercial pitching Ivory soap. Or some Asian guy holding hands with a white gal. Or some Hispanic guy pitching corn flakes.

Could MSJWarriors really be QAnon gone dark? Meaning, gone mufti? Gone camo?

Is QAnon = MAGA Social Justice Warrior?

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring, report claims​


Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons....

And those young adopted sons are Bud Light drinkers?
How old are they?
And wouldn't allowing under age boys to drink alcohol be on your MAGA SJW outrage list too?
Or, would you prefer those adoptees drink some IPA craft brew?
Your grievance-filled persona seems awfully selective.
In my avatar's opinion ;)

Speaking for just my singular avatar......well, he thinks this Bud Light brouhaha is just the gas. Simply cool fun. Not to mention a little peek into the world of MAGA SocialJusticeWarriors (MSJW).

Thes MAGA SJW's are ever on the hunt for some cultural tic to get outraged and 'grievanced' over.
Today it is some advertising for a cheap and bland beer. Tomorrow it'll be 'The Diary of Anne Frank' in the school library (oh wait, they've already hyperventilated over that one). OK, well tomorrow, it'll be about explaining the Jim Crow era practices in high-school civics class (oh wait, they've done that one too).

Well, you get the picture. These MSJW's are just vibrating in their chairs waiting to be outraged over some black girl on a TV commercial pitching Ivory soap. Or some Asian guy holding hands with a white gal. Or some Hispanic guy pitching corn flakes.

Could MSJWarriors really be QAnon gone dark? Meaning, gone mufti? Gone camo?

Is QAnon = MAGA Social Justice Warrior?
Yeah ... we're the ones worried about what's on product labels:

And those young adopted sons are Bud Light drinkers?
How old are they?
And wouldn't allowing under age boys to drink alcohol be on your MAGA SJW outrage list too?
Or, would you prefer those adoptees drink some IPA craft brew?
Your grievance-filled persona seems awfully selective.
In my avatar's opinion ;)

sweet jesus! What are you babbling about? you twisted lunatic.

Gay couple charged with molesting their adopted sons also pimped them out to pedophile ring, report claims​


Straight moms pimps out their children...are you going to start hating all straight people now also?


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