Leaked pics show Bud Light exec who wants to update company’s ‘fratty’ culture enjoying fratty party

Folks that give up their core values are not trustworthy in my opinion.

One does not have to give up core values to change and grow as a person, just the opposite in fact.
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Why do you care who or what AB markets their product to? If you don't like it, just don't drink it. And if you don't drink anyway, maybe go to your nearest coffee shop and get a cup of chill the fuck out.
In what world do you not know what males act like in reality? That corporate giant is in danger of people not going back to drinking that product. That can have an effect if people decide to drink other products produced. People get used to something once they start using it. Its familiarity. They opened the doors to potentially a percentage of people using another company's product and then other products they produce. This may be a time for smaller companies to expand their product. Especially more economical ones. I am sorry. The Clydesdales and some funny commercials worked for the whole company. Now not so much to many guys. Whether it is liked or not.
This will blow over. Bud Light will get new customers, including many who appreciate their stand on this topic.

Cancel culture rarely works out the way it's intended - for both sides, frankly.
Bud Light is not getting any new customers from the wine sipping faggot community to make up the real men they are losing
Bud Light is not getting any new customers from the wine sipping faggot community to make up the real men they are losing

They're going to get a new generation of 21-year-olds (okay, 18-21 year-olds) looking for a cheap way to get drunk, just as they always have. They'll probably lose some sponsorships here and there, which will suck in the short term, but a few years on, they will be fine. Nobody will be talking about it a year from now. They'll let the firestorm die down and they'll gradually start working Bud Light back into everyone's mainstream without much notice.
She is definitely on the plain to downright ugly side
Well, it could be argued that when one cannot marshal an argument, nor demonstrate logic and a compelling opinion.....then one can always fall back on an entrenched misogyny. Or so it seems.


"Bud Light is not getting any new customers from the wine sipping faggot community to make up the real men they are losing"

Who knew?
  • "Real Men" drink Bud Light"? (Beer Advocate Rating: 47 / 'Awful'; 4.2% ABV.)
  • "Real Men" don't drink Cabernet, or Port, or Madeira, or Barley Wine?
  • "Real Men" don't hide behind misogyny?

Methinks the good poster Mac-7 just may be an incel, or an alcoholic, or a old short fat guy, or maybe just 14yrs old. Now, to be sure, my avatar doesn't know any of that for sure, so will rightfully not make firm assertions on any of those character issues that Mac-7 may harbor. 🖖
AB has been around for what, 150 years? They survived 14 years of Prohibition for fucks sake. This is nothing to them, trust me.
You CLEARLY don't understand the fury they are no doubt getting from shareholders. They don't give a fuck about woke politics. PROFITS are all that matter and that stupid bitch cost them 7 billion. Divide that between the top shareholders and you'll get the rage then.

They're going to get a new generation of 21-year-olds (okay, 18-21 year-olds) looking for a cheap way to get drunk, just as they always have. They'll probably lose some sponsorships here and there, which will suck in the short term, but a few years on, they will be fine. Nobody will be talking about it a year from now. They'll let the firestorm die down and they'll gradually start working Bud Light back into everyone's mainstream without much notice.
The new generation is drinking micro brews. There are literally hundreds of new beers available every year.

Budweiser fucked up their stranglehold and sent people elsewhere.

Not enough fags to buy their shit to make up for the lost customers.

Walk into any beer cooler. They're now FULL of Budweiser 😆
You CLEARLY don't understand the fury they are no doubt getting from shareholders. They don't give a fuck about woke politics. PROFITS are all that matter and that stupid bitch cost them 7 billion. Divide that between the top shareholders and you'll get the rage then.


Haha, you can wish this all you want, but conservatards aren't going to kill off Disney and they're not going to kill off Anheuser Busch either. We're talking about the same Anheuser Busch that survived the temperance movement, survived Prohibition, and survived the craft beer revolution. They'll survive the cute little fizzy buzz in a can that all these young pop tarts seem to love these days, and they'll survive your manufactured outrage, too.
The new generation is drinking micro brews. There are literally hundreds of new beers available every year.

Yep, competition is a thing and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. This is absolutely nothing new. AB will survive because they've invested in a variety of different brands that appeal to a wide range of market demographics. I mean, people still drink Busch and Natural Light apparently. I don't get it, but they still sell enough of that god-awful shit to keep the brands, so if you think that AB's gonna just roll over and die because MAGA's pissed, you're probably wrong.

Budweiser fucked up their stranglehold and sent people elsewhere.

It's called competition and changing market forces. Craft beer got off the ground due to changes in regulations back in the 1970s. Once that happened, and once the smaller companies like Samuel Adams and others developed their marketing and distribution strategy, it was game over for macro dominance. AB (it's actually InBev now) has seen this coming for a while and they've bought up smaller competitors and invested in a variety or products and brands.

Not enough fags to buy their shit to make up for the lost customers.

They probably don't care about the sexual orientation of their consumers. Again, it's you guys who sexualize literally everything.
Walk into any beer cooler. They're now FULL of Budweiser
Oh ouch, ouch, ouch!!
That will absolutely deadsolidperfectly kill off A-B, doncha think Maidiac?
When all those Bud Light drinkers switch over to Budweiser.
That'll teach A-B, no?
And that uppity brand manager gal?

(although, too.... A-B may be able to streamline the SKU's they need to put on their trucks, that retailers need to inventory, that production people need to brew up. The horror! The horror!)
I am saddened that you think growth takes giving up core values.

No wonder you are such a waste of a human being
I'm very respected by people that know me. I have always been honest about my beliefs and try not to judge others despite our differences. I also don't troll folks on this message board like you enjoy doing.
Yep, competition is a thing and there's no putting that genie back in the bottle. This is absolutely nothing new. AB will survive because they've invested in a variety of different brands that appeal to a wide range of market demographics. I mean, people still drink Busch and Natural Light apparently. I don't get it, but they still sell enough of that god-awful shit to keep the brands, so if you think that AB's gonna just roll over and die because MAGA's pissed, you're probably wrong.

It's called competition and changing market forces. Craft beer got off the ground due to changes in regulations back in the 1970s. Once that happened, and once the smaller companies like Samuel Adams and others developed their marketing and distribution strategy, it was game over for macro dominance. AB (it's actually InBev now) has seen this coming for a while and they've bought up smaller competitors and invested in a variety or products and brands.

They probably don't care about the sexual orientation of their consumers. Again, it's you guys who sexualize literally everything.
I never claimed they were going to go under. Those are your dumbass projections. They're getting shit on financially and that's all I fucking care about. Them losing money makes me VERY HAPPY
Well, it could be argued that when one cannot marshal an argument, nor demonstrate logic and a compelling opinion.....then one can always fall back on an entrenched misogyny. Or so it seems.


Who knew?

  • "Real Men" drink Bud Light"? (Beer Advocate Rating: 47 / 'Awful'; 4.2% ABV.)
  • "Real Men" don't drink Cabernet, or Port, or Madeira, or Barley Wine?
  • "Real Men" don't hide behind misogyny?

Methinks the good poster Mac-7 just may be an incel, or an alcoholic, or a old short fat guy, or maybe just 14yrs old. Now, to be sure, my avatar doesn't know any of that for sure, so will rightfully not make firm assertions on any of those character issues that Mac-7 may harbor. 🖖
She is undeniably ugly

But there are plenty of attractive woman who are just as stupid and out of touch as she is

Hollywood is full of them

So its not her looks that is causing her business failure

But just her bad luck to suffer the double whammy

If she’s a lesbian then she’s undoubtedly hooked up with Pajama Boy

Alleged control that libs like you wish you had but dont

We brush you off like yesterdays leftwing lint when what you want is to be taken seriously as a moderate

Truth is, in this one aspect he is correct.
They have in fact taken over a large swath of Americas population....at least their ideology has.
They are close to seizing absolute power yet very few dare openly admit it....or can't see it.
Who or what is defending the US Constitution? Please cite examples.

If you really think you can "brush" them off, then you probably live in a very rural, very small town in a very homogeneous area.
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Truth is, in this one aspect he is correct.
They have in fact taken over a large swath of Americas population....at least their ideology has.
Sadly libs do have a lot of influence

Then when the culture turns more to shit they wont know nuthin’ ‘bout nuthin’

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