Leave it to Texas republicans to ban books. Free speech is circumstantial, apparently.

Sure. We're okay with a married male and female in a book. We're not okay with married queers in a children's book. Do you get it yet?
So you really DON'T have an issue with sex and gender being brought up to little children. You were lying before.
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

Yeah, who do they think they are?! Facebook? Twitter?
Nope. We pay for the schools. Go to hell, queer.
WE...not just you alone. Public schools are the default position for those who CHOOSE to not home school or CHOOSE the private school of their choice. It's not just all about YOU and what you seem to con-sider your possessions.
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

Yeah.....the first 3 books mentioned in the article are more than just "gay" characters and have graphic sexual content, you doofus....this was discussed in detail in another thread... blow jobs and dildos for young children are not "gay" characters being banned.....

A mom reading from Lawn Boy for the School Board...

WE...not just you alone. Public schools are the default position for those who CHOOSE to not home school or CHOOSE the private school of their choice. It's not just all about YOU and what you seem to con-sider your possessions.

No, moron.........first, they have to pay for the public schools out of their own pocket, then, they have to come up with the money to either send their kids to a private school, or lose the income to home school......again, after first shellling out tax money to pay for the public schools.....
And here we have what the so-called con-servatives are REALLY thinking about..........more gay sex than any gay person does. ;)

Idiot.....you morons are putting it in the reading materials of school kids.....
No, moron.........first, they have to pay for the public schools out of their own pocket, then, they have to come up with the money to either send their kids to a private school, or lose the income to home school......again, after first shellling out tax money to pay for the public schools.....
And? If you want a specific kind of education for your children.....plan on it. Or don't have children. Just like anything else. If you really really want something specific, make sure you can afford it.
Idiot.....you morons are putting it in the reading materials of school kids.....
I've not put anything in any reading materials for school kids. You lying so glibly isn't making a case for you.
And? If you want a specific kind of education for your children.....plan on it. Or don't have children. Just like anything else. If you really really want something specific, make sure you can afford it.

Yeah...no....when you extract the hard earned money from families, you don't then get to preach to them about how they have to afford to also spend extra to get their kids out of democrat party sex grooming schools....
And? If you want a specific kind of education for your children.....plan on it. Or don't have children. Just like anything else. If you really really want something specific, make sure you can afford it.
Terry McCauliff found out who really runs the schools. You're gonna see more of that this election.
I'm not the one going on about scatology and gay sex. That is you. Seems to be your theme. Whatever.

No....that is what too many democrat party schools are going on about....you idiot.......against the wishes of the parents.....you doofus.
Yeah.....the first 3 books mentioned in the article are more than just "gay" characters and have graphic sexual content, you doofus....this was discussed in detail in another thread... blow jobs and dildos for young children are not "gay" characters being banned.....

A mom reading from Lawn Boy for the School Board...

Lol no one is going to care books with that kind of language are going to be banned from schools. Of course I definitely question that book was ever in schools to begin with. That’s just bullshit. Oh and the first three books mentioned had graphic sexual content? That’s bullshit. You made that up. You’re just a pansy who can’t handle the topic on any level.
The Democrats have no room to talk when it comes to banning people, thoughts, ideas or viewpoints they don’t like or agree with. They have shown they are more than willing to support the cancel culture mob when the target is someone they don’t like or agree with we can file this thread under.
Lol no one is going to care books with that kind of language are going to be banned from schools. Of course I definitely question that book was ever in schools to begin with. That’s just bullshit. Oh and the first three books mentioned had graphic sexual content? That’s bullshit. You made that up. You’re just a pansy who can’t handle the topic on any level.

Lawn Boy, Gender queer, All Boys aren't blue........sex with underage children, in our public schools.....you idiot...


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