Leave it to Texas republicans to ban books. Free speech is circumstantial, apparently.

"charged with something"...................such as?
What does federal law say?

In 2003, Congress passed the PROTECT Act, which stands for the, “Prosecutorial Remedies and Other Tools to end the Exploitation of Children Today” Act. Under the Protect Act, it is illegal to create, possess, or distribute, "a visual depiction of any kind, including a drawing, cartoon, sculpture or painting", that "depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct and is ‘obscene' or ‘depicts an image that is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in...sexual intercourse...and lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.” (18 U.S. Code § 1466A). To clarify, under federal law, drawing and animation are considered child pornography, and you can be convicted for possession or marketing of such material.
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

Should Mein Kampf be in every school library in the country?
The problem....

Imagine if 7 separate charges of pedophilia against Catholic priests had surfaced in one day. The progressive media would have blared the total on front pages and on newscasts all day long.

But yesterday, 7 separate cases of accused pedophile teachers came to light, and it took astute blogger (and veteran newspaperman) Don Surber to put together the story of the crime wave.
But that suffering and institutional failure apparently is dwarfed by the magnitude of the pedophilia and grooming problem (they are closely related) in government schools. In both institutions, people entrusted with leadership responsibilities failed their young charges and used them for their own perverse sexual gratification. The media highlighted pedophilia cases in the Church to the point that pedophile priests became a cliché because of their hostility to the Catholic Church for its unwavering commitment to unchanging moral standards given by God (including the sanctity of human life). But now that government schools have become indoctrination camps, dominated by left-wing teachers’ unions and boards of education that do their bidding, the media usually limit coverage of teachers’ pedophilia to local media, if that. (The sole exception seems to be hot, young female teachers who have posed for pictures in provocative outfits.)

Wanting to know if this is over kill? (with out lies,) could you give me a list of banned books that those young children under age 9 have the ability to read?
am a avid book reader, from the first time I could reach the book shelf. do not remember having any interest in books about sex or life style. Never Remember my children or my grand children having any interest in books about sex or life style. at that age you are talking about, parents chose the books.
Very very Leary of people who want to burn or ban books.
Umm okay. Again think about this rationally. A kid picks up a book with gay characters in it. There’s no sex or nudity in it. That would do….what to the kid?
Let’s say the kid who is reading the book is having no luck with the girls. He might decide to see if he can score with boys. He might even decide to try being a bisexual to double his chances.

Now to be totally honest I don’t see a novel with gay characters but no porn as all that big a deal. I worked with a number of gay people during my career and never felt any desire to try their lifestyle. I found gays to be intelligent and good workers.

I grew up the the 1950s and 60s. They were a couple of guys in my classes that people felt were gay. I felt sorry for them as they were often picked on.
Umm okay. Again think about this rationally. A kid picks up a book with gay characters in it. There’s no sex or nudity in it. That would do….what to the kid?
What do gay characters have to do with a tory in a kid's book? Why do they need to be designated by their sexual fetish?
It's not "republicans", it's parents. The movement started in Virginia when a father complained that his daughter was molested (raped?) by a confused boy in a dress. The father was arrested and the boy went free and it set off a firestorm that put a republican in the governor's chair. The outrage spread throughout the U.S. but it seems that democrats are confused and angry and flustered by all the fuss. Republicans are the only party that understands that parents have the right to dictate what their children learn. If democrats refuse to abandon their grooming agenda they are finished as a political party and good riddance.
Umm okay. Again think about this rationally. A kid picks up a book with gay characters in it. There’s no sex or nudity in it. That would do….what to the kid?
if there's no sex or nudity, how do you know?
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

WE're talking about schools, douchebag. Ths schools have the right and the authority to control what books are on their shelves. You opinion is irrelevant. You complaint is like me complaining that you don't have "Lady Chatterley's Lover" on the selves in your house.
Lol I’m not sure what point you are trying to make. If the characters are fully clothed, it wouldn’t make a difference either way if the characters are gay, right?
Which is my exact point. So it looks like in some way you understand it. Why put that in there unless it’s part of the story. And if it’s part of the story it can’t be given to kids under a certain age.
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

As usual, you are missing the point. There is no reason to present sexually oriented material to pre-sexual kids.
Because the artist wrote the books that way. You're not the arbiter of what is allowed in a teen book
Yes, we are the arbitrators of what kind of shit you’re trying to sell our kids on our tax payer fucking dime. Fuck this “artist” and every one of you pearl clutching over it.
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

Democrats have their own book they ban. Huck Finn, Grapes of Wrath.

Each side wants and does ban books.
Lol I’m not sure what point you are trying to make. If the characters are fully clothed, it wouldn’t make a difference either way if the characters are gay, right?
If it doesn't make any difference, then why are turds like you so intent on getting such books into our public schools?
Lawn Boy, Gender queer, All Boys aren't blue........sex with underage children, in our public schools.....you idiot...

Hey idiot were these books in schools to begin with? I highly doubt it. You’re all such whining drama queens lol

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