Leave it to Texas republicans to ban books. Free speech is circumstantial, apparently.

It absolutely matters developmentally and psychologically. Preteen children have no understanding of sexual identity. That understanding does not begin to start until adolescence and does not fully form until adulthood. What you are advocating is extremely damaging to young children. It is sick.
Precisely why the left wants to get them before they develop.If they can get into their heads early on they have a better chance of turning them.
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Your opinion is entirely emotional. There’s no logic to what you’re saying. You think it’s correct simply because it sounds like it is correct.
Sorry fool that is what I was taught in psychology. You are clueless, most of this crap you spew was taught in ABNORMAL psychology classes.
Sorry fool that is what I was taught in psychology. You are clueless, most of this crap you spew was taught in ABNORMAL psychology classes.
My bachelors is in psychology so I know that’s bullshit. Homosexuality hasn’t been in the DSM for decades therefore it isn’t abnormal. Of course you putting “abnormal” in all caps tells me you don’t quite understand the context of the word in this case.
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

Such is the neo-fascist, authoritarian right.
First it was how wonderful the world would be under socialist and communism rule, now it’s how wonderful life is being sexually confused. Is there no end to this nonsense? Social engineering is not what tax payers pay for!
Umm okay. Again think about this rationally. A kid picks up a book with gay characters in it. There’s no sex or nudity in it. That would do….what to the kid?
Does this mean that the gay parades will stop? For they seem to be a lot more than just clothed people walking down the street.
Umm okay. Again think about this rationally. A kid picks up a book with gay characters in it. There’s no sex or nudity in it. That would do….what to the kid?
You don't need to be talking about sex to kids. Gay, promiscuous, celibate, sterile, horny, incestuous, etc. Don't talk to kids about your sex life
So republicans are concerned books are “pornographic” if they have gay characters in it. There doesn’t have to be sex or nudity in these books of course. They are simply pornographic for having gay characters lol. Republicans have the emotional maturity of 8th graders. This is ironic, of course, because they are pretending to they want to protect kids of such an age.

Think about this critically, republicans. Let’s say a kid’s book has a gay character in it who is fully clothed through out and a child read it. Do you really think with any rationality that this would turn the kid gay?

Why would the book even point out that anyone is gay? How many books do you know about that goes out of it's way to point out someone is heterosexual? Why provide anything to a child that says someone is gay. Once again it's about the lefts agenda to groom children.

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