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Leave It To The Kooks In Vermont

the truth is...we won the election and run both houses of congress.....

try swallowing the barrel

what has been accomplished?

Raum Emanuel even says they are not out to take on the real issues

Vulture Politics
By Tony Blankley

David Ignatius, the highly esteemed Washington Post journalist, wrote a revealing column last week based on an extensive interview with Democratic Congressional leader Rahm Emanuel. In fairness to both Mr. Emanuel and Mr. Ignatius, I am going to quote the noteworthy last two paragraphs in full and unedited:

"And here's what Emanuel doesn't want to do: fall into the political trap of chasing overambitious or potentially unpopular measures. Ask about universal health care, and he shakes his head. Four smart presidents -- Truman, Johnson, Nixon and Clinton -- tried and failed. That one can wait. Reform of Social Security and other entitlements? Too big, too woolly, too risky. If the president wants to propose big changes to entitlements, he can lead the charge.

"The secret for the Democrats, says Emanuel, is to remain the party of reform and change. The country is angry, and it will only get more so as the problems in Iraq deepen. Don't look to Emanuel's Democrats for solutions on Iraq. It's Bush's war, and as it splinters the structure of GOP power, the Democrats are waiting to pick up the pieces."

Emanuel's thoughts in the first paragraph expressing an intent for the two years of the 110th Congress to avoid dealing with the biggest domestic problems -- health care financing and Social Security -- while far short of heroic leadership, at least falls within the zone of conventional, practical, hack politics. Talk about change and reform, but carefully avoid doing anything about it.

Although, it is quite something to read that Emanuel's Democratic Party plans to let the (first?) two years of their congressional majority pass by without even trying to address the health care financing mess -- about which the Democratic Party has for so long spoken so loudly and so earnestly. Regretfully, too routinely both parties fail even to aspire to genuine leadership. So be it.

But it is that second paragraph that sits up and grabs one's attention. With America at war and our troops dying regularly in battle with greater national danger and death in prospect: "Don't look to Emanuel's Democrats for solutions on Iraq. It's Bush's war, and as it splinters the structure of GOP power, the Democrats are waiting to pick up the pieces." [!]

This is vulture politics. It is so far from respectable that it brings to mind the admired liberal twice Democratic candidate for president against Eisenhower, Governor Adlai Stevenson's, definition of patriotism:

"What do we mean by patriotism in the context of our times? I venture to suggest that what we mean is a sense of national responsibility ... a patriotism which is not short, frenzied outbursts of emotion, but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime."

But Rahm Emanuel's Democratic Party is so bereft of a sense of national responsibility that he apparently feels comfortable brazenly telling the Washington Post that his plans for his Democratic Party is to not even try to stop things from getting worse in Iraq -- so they can pick up the political pieces afterward. Mr. Emanuel is a "smart" politician. He thinks the more dire America's place in the world is in 2008, the more likely the voters are to vote Democratic. The more of our troops are left in more pieces the better for Rahm Emanuel's Democrats.

Maybe he is right -- electorally. In pre-revolutionary Russia, Vladimir Lenin wrote a famous pamphlet in which he referred favorably to Nikolai Chernyshevsky's appallingly cynical phrase: "The worse, the better" -- the political view that the worse the social conditions for the poor, the more willing they would be to support a revolution."

Let me be careful, I am not accusing Mr. Emanuel of being a Leninist (that would at least require convictions -- albeit perverted convictions). Emanuel has merely bought in to the cynical view that party interests are more important than national interests.

But perhaps he has forgotten that the art of being a successful party cynic entails not publicly announcing his cynicism. It might upset "his" voters if they knew how coldly he calculates the value of American soldiers' lives and American national interest.

Mr. Emanuel, when he used to work for President Clinton, was pleased to tell people -- including me -- that he enjoyed literally swimming with sharks -- where on one occasion he lost part of one of his fingers. Being a sharp political operative, he seemed to like the metaphor.

Now he has risen to high elective office, and though he has so far failed to manifest any sense of national responsibility during wartime, he seems likely to live up to Adlai Stevenson's definition of false patriotism as the 2008 election approaches and give off patriotic sounding "short, frenzied outbursts of emotion."

Copyright 2007 Creators Syndicate
an op-ed piece? LOL

with Mr Emanuel's quotes. You must have "overlooked" them

Dems have no intention of deaing with the issues. However, that is normal. Libs are always ready with a firm maybe

Dems would rather have the issue then actually solve a problem
"The secret for the Democrats, says Emanuel, is to remain the party of reform and change. The country is angry, and it will only get more so as the problems in Iraq deepen. Don't look to Emanuel's Democrats for solutions on Iraq. It's Bush's war, and as it splinters the structure of GOP power, the Democrats are waiting to pick up the pieces."

obviously a fake quote.... the ending quotation mark belongs after the word "deepen"
"The secret for the Democrats, says Emanuel, is to remain the party of reform and change. The country is angry, and it will only get more so as the problems in Iraq deepen. Don't look to Emanuel's Democrats for solutions on Iraq. It's Bush's war, and as it splinters the structure of GOP power, the Democrats are waiting to pick up the pieces."

obviously a fake quote.... the ending quotation mark belongs after the word "deepen"

no, it is a very real quote. That is why your shorts is in a knot. The last things libs want is for the people to know what they REALLY want to do with their power:

no, it is a very real quote. That is why your shorts is in a knot. The last things libs want is for the people to know what they REALLY want to do with their power:


no...it is fake... emmanuel does not refer to himself in the third person.
Like the seat belt law, this is only the beginning. Libs will expand the law, be more oppressive, and increase what you can and cannot do while driving your car

What will be next? No talking? No radio or CD playing?

Try enforcing a law where you tell people they cannot eat, drink, or smoke while driving

I think you've been driving for a while now. I've been at it over 25 years and I remember in D/Ed reading in my book about not driving with flip/flops or barefooted, did it anyway. Or about not drinking and eating because it takes away from focus of the duty of driving. I see your point as to you've bought this vehicle, and you maintain it and what is next. But honestly-----HONESTLY is it safe? not your opinion but is it safe to witness some person on the phone damn near side swipe you? Just because the phone has more priority than this precious privilege? I believe we've gotten out of control whether it is libs, conservatives whomever we need to focus on our responsibility and if making laws to do then forget about it. Would you point a loaded gun at your child, wife, and best friend? Then why do it in a moving vehicle while on the phone? My point is more about safety than personal preference. Seat belts are there for a reason! And I can assure you it isn't for looks either! I'm tired of people using phones and making excuses for lack of focus on them. It is an accessory and nothing more.
I think you've been driving for a while now. I've been at it over 25 years and I remember in D/Ed reading in my book about not driving with flip/flops or barefooted, did it anyway. Or about not drinking and eating because it takes away from focus of the duty of driving. I see your point as to you've bought this vehicle, and you maintain it and what is next. But honestly-----HONESTLY is it safe? not your opinion but is it safe to witness some person on the phone damn near side swipe you? Just because the phone has more priority than this precious privilege? I believe we've gotten out of control whether it is libs, conservatives whomever we need to focus on our responsibility and if making laws to do then forget about it. Would you point a loaded gun at your child, wife, and best friend? Then why do it in a moving vehicle while on the phone? My point is more about safety than personal preference. Seat belts are there for a reason! And I can assure you it isn't for looks either! I'm tired of people using phones and making excuses for lack of focus on them. It is an accessory and nothing more.

Once again, we have laws to cover this. It is called rackless driving or failure to pay attention

This will only be the beginning. I know liberals very well, and if this goes thru - they will press for more
Good point about being careful what you wish for....

I recall the seat belt law. Libs bellowed how the Police will NEVER use that as the only reason to pull you over

One day, there were FOUR cops at a intersection writing tickets for not wearing your seat belt

I guess the murderers, rapists, and drug dealers were all in jail that day

The Police are being used to raise revenue. Plain and simple
Well yes and when you see the police don't you review what you are doing? it is a deterant and nothing more.

It is nice to know the Police are bringing to justice the vicious crminials who are using cell phones, eating, drinkg, smoking, and listening to music while driving

Then as I walk into my home the muggers can attack me since all the cops are on the roads looking to raise money for the state
It is nice to know the Police are bringing to justice the vicious crminials who are using cell phones, eating, drinkg, smoking, and listening to music while driving

Then as I walk into my home the muggers can attack me since all the cops are on the roads looking to raise money for the state

I don't think there is an easy answer. If the majority of the population was doing what they were supposed to be doing then this wouldn't be an issue because we'd police ourselves.
I don't think there is an easy answer. If the majority of the population was doing what they were supposed to be doing then this wouldn't be an issue because we'd police ourselves.

There is a very easy answer

First, stop voting the libs into office

Second, enforce the laws we have on the books already

Problem solved
you wish!

Here's a suggestion: wish in one hand and crap in the other...see which one fills up faster.

with libs in the world, there will never be a shortage of crap. That is all they sprew

The old man was critically ill. Feeling that death was near, he called his lawyer. "I want to become a Democrat. Get me a change of registration form." "You can do it", the lawyer said, "But why? You'll be dead soon, why do you want to become a Democrat?" "That's my business! Get me the form!"

Four days later, the old man got his registration changed. His lawyer was at his bedside making sure his bill would be paid. Suddenly the old man was racked with fits of coughing, and it was clear that this would be the end. Still curious, the lawyer leaned over and said, "Please, before it's too late, tell me why you wanted to become a Democrat so badly before you died?" In a faint whisper, as he breathed his last, the old man said: "One less Democrat".

A Norquist Islamist reinvents himself as a Bernie leftist.
March 17, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Vermont Democrats have something else to celebrate besides the creation and failure of the first statewide socialized medicine system in America. Recovering from that glorious triumph, Vermont Democrats have elected their first Muslim state party chairman.

The lucky fellow is Faisal Gill who called his victory a rebuke of President Trump. "To have a Muslim and immigrant to be the state party chair sends a really strong message to Trump and his type of politics that this is not where the country is at."

Gill’s election doesn’t send much of a message about where America is at. But it certainly sends a message about where the Democrats are at.

Back when Gill was playing a Republican, courtesy of Grover Norquist, left-wing media outlets like Salon were willing to report on his troubling Islamist ties. But Faisal Gil has been reborn as a supporter of Bernie Sanders and Keith Ellison. The left has become a warm and moist safe space for Islamists. The Salon article which Gill blamed for many of his problems would be nearly inconceivable today. Could anyone really imagine a leftist publication today describing the Muslim Brotherhood as a terror nexus?

But did Faisal Gill really go from Norquist Republican to Sanders Democrat? Did he shift from believing in free enterprise to embracing Socialism? Or did Gill always hold to an overriding ideology in whose shadow the distinction between Capitalism and Socialism becomes pointless infidel quibbling?


An FBI-Investigated Islamist Takes Over the Vermont Democrats
Not Just Cell Phones

Vermont legislators want drivers to keep their eyes on the road. They're considering a ban not just on cellphones... but also on eating, drinking, smoking, reading, writing, personal grooming, playing an instrument, or interacting with pets or cargo while driving. Violators would face a fine of up to $600.

Representative Thomas Koch, who sponsored the bill, drew from his own experience, saying, quote, "...somebody opposite me was trying to navigate around the corner with a cell phone... in one hand and a cigarette in the other , and she wasn't doing very well."

If the bill passes, you won't be able to comb your hair, pet your dog, or drink coffee... much less play the flugelhorn... while driving.
One U.S. State May Soon Prohibit You From Doing This in Your Car
They have much stupider shytt in red states that PASS. Cell phones I'm in favor of. This won't pass, dupes.

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