Lecturer uses word ‘negro’ from black-authored source material, university apologizes to students

Good thing the lecturer wasn't reading from Mark Twain. The students would have smashed the windows, looted the televisions and other equipment, and burned the building down.
What would have happened if he had read Huckleberry Finn? They may have had to close the school.
From now on, every lecture in universities, when mentioning black people from old books, the reader must say... "the unpronounceable word"


10 Poems by African-American Poets | JSTOR Daily

As Langston Hughes pointed out in his famous essay “200 Years of American the unpronounceable word Poetry,” “Poets and versifiers of African descent have been publishing poetry on American shores since the year 1746 when a slave woman named Lucy Terry penned a rhymed description of an Indian attack on the town of Deerfield, Massachusetts.”

Rather than

As Langston Hughes pointed out in his famous essay “200 Years of American Negro Poetry,” “Poets and versifiers of African descent have been publishing poetry on American shores since the year 1746 when a slave woman named Lucy Terry penned a rhymed description of an Indian attack on the town of Deerfield, Massachusetts.”


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