Lee Stefanik called the January 6th Insurrectionists "Hostages" on TV Today

There was no insurrection, so I guess Stefanik is right. These poor people have been punished far beyond the seriousness of their crimes, which were mostly trespassing. Back to MAGA and government for the people.
And by "these poor people" you are referring to "these poor FBI agents/ANTIFA/BLM" right? Right!?!?!?
Lincoln, in his Second Inaugural: With malice toward none with charity for all. Then Democrats murdered him.
Yeah, there was. YOu just saw clips of it.
Anyone, especially neocon assholes, are capable of splicing a couple clips together to show J6 in absolutely any light they want. I have no doubt that someone could splice a few clips together and make the protest look like an outing on Mr. Rogers neighborhood. Don't be so gullible, and absolutely don't believe the robber barons at the Lincoln project. MAGA
And by "these poor people" you are referring to "these poor FBI agents/ANTIFA/BLM" right? Right!?!?!?
Everyone already knows what you are, Qdog. There's no reason to keep proving it with idiotic posts. Back to MAGA.
The good folks at The Lincoln Project responded w/a video that proves how they were not...

Who are you going to believe, Stefanik or your lying eyes?

Yeah, the Lincoln Projected touted themselves as 'conservatives who didn't like Trump'. Well, it turned out they weren't conservatives at all when it was discovered Soros was bankrolling them. I knew they were frauds when they opposed the nomination of Amy Barrett. Amy could not have been objectionable to any conservative. They also opposed the overturning of Roe v Wade.

Leftwingers lie. That's what they do.
There was no insurrection, so I guess Stefanik is right. These poor people have been punished far beyond the seriousness of their crimes, which were mostly trespassing. Back to MAGA and government for the people.
The average sentence was 60 days. Of the 1,000 or so arrested, about 250 didn’t do any time at all.
There was no insurrection, so I guess Stefanik is right. These poor people have been punished far beyond the seriousness of their crimes, which were mostly trespassing. Back to MAGA and government for the people.
There is no recipe that can turn chicken shit into chicken salad.
The cult doesn't have the manpower to elect Trump

What? FBI still has no interest in, has not posted a Most Wanted photo, or made any inquiries about "Scaffold Commander?" The single most important Fed instigator on J6?


Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6 - Revolver News

Revolver blows open a network of still-unindicted operators who appear to have been intimately involved in the initial Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

Perched right across from FenceCutterBulwark at 12:31 p.m. is the man widely regarded by online researchers as the most infamous of all unindicted January 6 riot leaders—a man unmentioned in the mainstream press but elevated to legendary status online as “#NWScaffoldCommander.


Don’t let looks deceive you: This extremely peculiar middle-aged man with glasses, a nerdy mask and a blue ballcap has been assigned more notoriety by deep researchers than arguably any other person of the thousands they have indexed. NWScaffoldCommander’s frenetic whirlwind of activities, and apparent role as “the ringleader” of the breach, have made him the subject of Russiagate-level rumor and speculation that he was privy to a January 6 “master plan.”


NWScaffoldCommander (we’ll call him just “ScaffoldCommander” for short) gets his name from being the ostensible “commander” of the prominent “media tower” that overlooked the Capitol’s back terrace on January 6. You’ve probably seen this tower in pictures—it’s the tall temporary structure built in November 2020 so that media crews could properly film the January 2021 inauguration ceremony. Here’s what it looks like without people around:


And here’s what it looked like on January 6, with ScaffoldCommander and his crew controlling it:




As you can see, this tower is the most perfect “command post” that anyone seeking to monitor and direct the Capitol crowd could possibly hope for. It stands front and center, everyone can see it, and the man high atop it can see and scream down to all.

One can only imagine the damage a highly aggressive and monomaniacally focused breach leader could do from this perch if he had zero scruples, a plan to attack the Capitol, and an extremely loud megaphone.


If you’ve seen any mid-day January 6 footage, you have probably seen ScaffoldCommander in action without knowing it.

From high atop the tower between 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m, ScaffoldCommander issued the iconic bellows and non-stop commands that are loud and clear on almost every video clip from January 6 filmed in that time interval. For nearly 90 minutes straight, he bombards the otherwise leaderless crowd below him with endless variations on a single instruction: “Don’t just stand there. Keep moving forward!”


But once the crowd had continuously “moved forward” for over an hour, and the very first handful of rioters entered the building, ScaffoldCommander suddenly threw the switch: “Okay we’re in! We’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol! Come on! Come now! We need help We gotta fill up the Capitol! They got in.”

This clip below is checkmate. It should make ScaffoldCommander one of the top criminal suspects on the entire FBI Capitol Most Wanted List (spoiler alert: he isn’t even on the list, and no charges have been filed, and the FBI to date has still never acknowledged his existence).
There was no insurrection, so I guess Stefanik is right. These poor people have been punished far beyond the seriousness of their crimes, which were mostly trespassing. Back to MAGA and government for the people.
There was no hang mike pence?
What? FBI still has no interest in, has not posted a Most Wanted photo, or made any inquiries about "Scaffold Commander?" The single most important Fed instigator on J6?


Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web of Unindicted Operators at the Heart of January 6 - Revolver News

Revolver blows open a network of still-unindicted operators who appear to have been intimately involved in the initial Jan. 6 Capitol breach.

Perched right across from FenceCutterBulwark at 12:31 p.m. is the man widely regarded by online researchers as the most infamous of all unindicted January 6 riot leaders—a man unmentioned in the mainstream press but elevated to legendary status online as “#NWScaffoldCommander.


Don’t let looks deceive you: This extremely peculiar middle-aged man with glasses, a nerdy mask and a blue ballcap has been assigned more notoriety by deep researchers than arguably any other person of the thousands they have indexed. NWScaffoldCommander’s frenetic whirlwind of activities, and apparent role as “the ringleader” of the breach, have made him the subject of Russiagate-level rumor and speculation that he was privy to a January 6 “master plan.”


NWScaffoldCommander (we’ll call him just “ScaffoldCommander” for short) gets his name from being the ostensible “commander” of the prominent “media tower” that overlooked the Capitol’s back terrace on January 6. You’ve probably seen this tower in pictures—it’s the tall temporary structure built in November 2020 so that media crews could properly film the January 2021 inauguration ceremony. Here’s what it looks like without people around:


And here’s what it looked like on January 6, with ScaffoldCommander and his crew controlling it:




As you can see, this tower is the most perfect “command post” that anyone seeking to monitor and direct the Capitol crowd could possibly hope for. It stands front and center, everyone can see it, and the man high atop it can see and scream down to all.

One can only imagine the damage a highly aggressive and monomaniacally focused breach leader could do from this perch if he had zero scruples, a plan to attack the Capitol, and an extremely loud megaphone.


If you’ve seen any mid-day January 6 footage, you have probably seen ScaffoldCommander in action without knowing it.

From high atop the tower between 1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m, ScaffoldCommander issued the iconic bellows and non-stop commands that are loud and clear on almost every video clip from January 6 filmed in that time interval. For nearly 90 minutes straight, he bombards the otherwise leaderless crowd below him with endless variations on a single instruction: “Don’t just stand there. Keep moving forward!”


But once the crowd had continuously “moved forward” for over an hour, and the very first handful of rioters entered the building, ScaffoldCommander suddenly threw the switch: “Okay we’re in! We’re in! Come on! We gotta fill up the Capitol! Come on! Come now! We need help We gotta fill up the Capitol! They got in.”

This clip below is checkmate. It should make ScaffoldCommander one of the top criminal suspects on the entire FBI Capitol Most Wanted List (spoiler alert: he isn’t even on the list, and no charges have been filed, and the FBI to date has still never acknowledged his existence).

Git, you fruitcake. Derail another thread

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