Left-Wing Conspiracies Explained...

...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:

Everyone should understand this. It explains "everything" spat out by the Media.
That's how you define the deep state, textbook.
Robert Mueller was a hard charging Marine who was a Republican all his life. He reported:

As set forth in detail in this report, the Special Counsel’s investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents. The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.

But don't let that stop ya from believing the lies they feed ya'll over at Faux Not News. They bank on ya'll believing you know.
Troll social media accounts is not "russian collusion".
Troll social media accounts is not "russian collusion".
The is no crime called collusion and Mueller didn't look far a crime called collusion.

The MAGANUTS would be howling to the devil herself if the Russians had been trolling Benedict Donald and the Dem candidate blatantly ask them for more help. But such is the hypocrisy of the rabid right.
they voted 80% in favor of hamas and sat back for yrs as hamas built tunnels under hospitals and schools,,

so its they that put children in harms way and now have to live with and die for that decision,,
At present, children make up roughly half of Gaza’s population, meaning only a fraction of the territory’s current population ever cast a ballot for Hamas.

In the 2006 elections 44 percent of the vote went to Hamas and 40 percent went to Fatah. This situation exploded in a bloody set of battles that saw Hamas violently take full control of the Gaza Strip in 2007. No more votes have occurred

The is no crime called collusion and Mueller didn't look far a crime called collusion.

The MAGANUTS would be howling to the devil herself if the Russians had been trolling Benedict Donald and the Dem candidate blatantly ask them for more help. But such is the hypocrisy of the rabid right.
🥨 🥨 🥨

At present, children make up roughly half of Gaza’s population, meaning only a fraction of the territory’s current population ever cast a ballot for Hamas.

In the 2006 elections 44 percent of the vote went to Hamas and 40 percent went to Fatah. This situation exploded in a bloody set of battles that saw Hamas violently take full control of the Gaza Strip in 2007. No more votes have occurred

maybe the people of gaza should stand up against hamas and save the children from the war they allowed to happen,,
The is no crime called collusion and Mueller didn't look far a crime called collusion.

The MAGANUTS would be howling to the devil herself if the Russians had been trolling Benedict Donald and the Dem candidate blatantly ask them for more help. But such is the hypocrisy of the rabid right.

Did the Russians have Hillary's missing emails?
The is no crime called collusion and Mueller didn't look far a crime called collusion.

The MAGANUTS would be howling to the devil herself if the Russians had been trolling Benedict Donald and the Dem candidate blatantly ask them for more help. But such is the hypocrisy of the rabid right.
Your team is the traitors. You are all going spend an eternity in hell, fucking marxist losers.
maybe the people of gaza should stand up against hamas and save the children from the war they allowed to happen,,
They are unarmed and face savage rulers funded and armed by Arab extremist. I imagine just staying alive is hard enough much less fighting a well armed force with nothing.
They are unarmed and face savage rulers funded and armed by Arab extremist. I imagine just staying alive is hard enough much less fighting a well armed force with nothing.
those are excuses,,

wouldnt take much to over power a few get their weapons and kill more and get more weapons,,

their childrens lives depend on them doing it,,

what would you do to protect your children,,

shit I forgot I was talking to a leftist that use children and dont protect them,,
those are excuses,,

wouldnt take much to over power a few get their weapons and kill more and get more weapons,,

their childrens lives depend on them doing it,,

what would you do to protect your children,,

shit I forgot I was talking to a leftist that use children and dont protect them,,
You live inside a Hollywood movie don't you?
You live inside a Hollywood movie don't you?
are you saying israel should allow their children to be killed and or raped and do nothing??

I bet you would like that,,

I live in a country that allows me to have a gun to defend my family,,

and even if I didnt I wouldnt sit back and let other people do stuff that gets me or my family killed over what they are doing,,
...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:

Everyone should understand this. It explains "everything" spat out by the Media.
If that poor, deluded fool is the best the Right has it explains why all you folks do is spew conspiratorial nonsense and denial of the truth.

are you saying israel should allow their children to be killed and or raped and do nothing??

I bet you would like that,,

I live in a country that allows me to have a gun to defend my family,,

and even if I didnt I wouldnt sit back and let other people do stuff that gets me or my family killed over what they are doing,,
No not at all. I've been saying that Hama didn't win a majority of votes in the only election they ever had, and then took complete power in 2007 with violence. Most of he civilians never even voted. They are unarmed and have no training. To think they could rise up against Hamas is asking a bit too much imo. My sympathies for those women, children doesn't change my feeling about the Oct. 7th massacre. They are both epic tragedies.
No not at all. I've been saying that Hama didn't win a majority of votes in the only election they ever had and then took complete power in 2007 with violence. Most of he civilians never even voted. They are unarmed and have no training. To think they could rise up against Hamas is asking a bit too much imo. My sympathies for those women, children doesn't change my feeling about the Oct. 7th massacre. They are both epic tragedies.
and I am saying the people of gaza allowed them to stage a war from under their schools and hospitals,,

so what happens to them is on them,,
A fine conspieracy theory from a right-wing sore-loser conspiracy kook, Victor David Hanson, America's #1 pajama-boi crybaby.

Why are so many righties open conspiracy kooks?

Sore-loserdom explains a lot of it. Mentally, they're spoiled toddlers, unable to admit that they lost fair and square.

Also, there's the senility, substance abuse, lead poisoning and fetal alcohol syndrome at work. Righties tend to not be normal in the head.

And there's the fact that they're sicko addicts. Spouting the lies and conspiracy theories gives them a hit a dopamine. They crave that rush, they need that rush. Like any addict, a conservative needs a bigger and bigger hit to get the same thrill, so they have to go off on ever-crazier lies and conspiracy theories.

And so we get threads like this one.
"Why are so many righties open conspiracy kooks?" It makes them feel smart. Thus superior.
That's how cults work.
and I am saying the people of gaza allowed them to stage a war from under their schools and hospitals,,

so what happens to them is on them,,
Sure, sure. I bet the mothers of all the babies killed asked, no begged, Hamas to position their forces in close proximity to them so their children can be martyrs too!
I can explain them. Have popular programs, be inclusive of persons who are tolerant, and try to be better every day. 81m votes, winning every popular vote since 1992 ( except 04), and splitting the opposition party means that it’s working.

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