Left wing wokism now demands that all men find obese women attractive. You have no choice.

Although young Ms. Jenner is slender, she is absolutely not a little boy type. I wouldn’t complain if she distributed a few more pounds around her frame. But as things stand, I find her delightful.

Frankly, I see Lizzo as fairly pretty, but her big size is a turn off. (I seriously doubt that she would give a damn if she read this post.) 😁
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind slender women, but I prefer a couple more lbs than your Ms. Jenner--distributed in the obvious lacking areas.
Leftists are so fucked up now, they're programmed, honest to shit. Two recently told me the economy was doing so well. How is that possible?


All a part of our woke society brought about by 60 years of indoctrination and resulting in pure contamination of minds to the point were we can't make of anything and nothing can even be discussed rationally.

Shake the dust off your sandals and let them go. Shun them all.

Once again you're posting Libs on Tik Tok bullshit. Not taking the bait on stupid.
Scientifically a persons genes can give them as much as an 8o% predisposition to be overweight - however - 100% can be overcome by diet and lifestyle. A person who, through their unfortunate genes, has a strong chance of being too heavy simply cannot eat high fat foods and lead a sedentary life.
Unfortunately the American diet and lifestyle is horrible and almost guarantees they will be fat

I walked two miles in the airport yesterday waiting for a plane. Left the luggage with hubby and got some miles in. At any rate, I observed what I normally do in American airports: most Americans seem overweight (I am American, but not overweight, but that is probably more genetic than anything. I don't know).

Lately I think though that our nasty food has a lot to do with it. Fake food. Trans fats, etc. Yes we are sedentary, yes we eat too much. But still.

All a part of our woke society brought about by 60 years of indoctrination and resulting in pure contamination of minds to the point were we can't make of anything and nothing can even be discussed rationally.

Shake the dust off your sandals and let them go. Shun them all.
Shut up!!! You idiot!!!
It's an individual choice. For me, it's who this person behind the eyes instead of dress size.

This is a non-issue
So dress size, commands the kill shot!

Some people here, do dress as women... jus sayin...

Loo, OK shortbus. Yet have not seen any of the left on here tell ya you gotta love fat women. Has the influence worked? Ya getting chubby when ya see a chubby women? Hilarious
Wow. Twice with the "shortbus". You're losing credibility in the "original invective" category.

PS -- We'll wait while you look it up.

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