Left-wingers DEMAND ‘change the racist National Anthem!’

Wow, unbelievable.

If they think the American National Anthem is violent, they should read the words to the Mexican National Anthem:

"Mexicans, at the cry of war
Make ready the steel and the bridle
And let the earth shake to the core
At the roar of the cannon
And let the earth shake to the core
At the roar of the cannon

Gird, oh country, your head with an olive wreath
Given by the divine archangel of peace
Since your eternal destiny was written in heaven
by the finger of God
But should a foreign enemy
Profane your ground with their sole
Think, oh beloved country, that heaven
Has given you a soldier in every son

Dear homeland! Dear homeland!
Your children swear
To exhale breath in your cause
If the bugle in its belligerent (warlike) tone
Summons them to fight with courage
You will get the olive garlands!
They will have a memory of glory!
You will get a laurel of victory!
They will have a tomb of honor!"
The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.
The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.

You're referring to the third verse, right? Maybe you'd like to explain to the class just how it "celebrates the murder of escaped slaves"?

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I don't see it. Does anyone else see it?
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The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.

You're referring to the third verse, right? Maybe you'd like to explain to the class just how it "celebrates the murder of escaped slaves"?

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I don't see it. Does anyone else see it?
Leftists see only what they want to see. No argument, no evince can sway them. All they have is their hatred of imaginary wrongs. They are professional victims who crave power over others. They cloak themselves in righteousness while trampling the rights of others, failing to recognize that they have become the very thing they claim to hate.
A solution might be Madagascar. The people are killing themselves with the plague. The little nation might be completely depopulated of humans before long. Send the America haters there.
I'm really getting sick and tired of these America-hating pieces of shit!

Left-wingers DEMAND ‘change the racist National Anthem!’
And the American people have been sick and tired of rightwing lies and dishonesty for a very long time now.

This thread is yet another example of conservative dishonesty.

It is not ‘un-American’ to express an opinion or make demands of government – indeed, it’s the epitome of American patriotism.
A solution might be Madagascar. The people are killing themselves with the plague. The little nation might be completely depopulated of humans before long. Send the America haters there.

That seems a rather exessive trip that would contribute to global warming and so on. We should save the planet and send them to Cuba or Venezuela, their socialist utopian paradise.
The National Anthem is racist.
America is racist.
America is greedy.
America is imperialist.
America is stupid.
America must be fundamentally changed.
Capitalism is evil.
Christianity is evil.
American corporations are evil.
All "offensive" American traditions must be wiped from public view.
All "offensive" American speech must be shut down, shouted down or punished.
America was stolen from Mexico.
America was stolen from the Indians.
America's Constitution is outdated.
America's Constitution was written by rich, white slave rapists.

... all brought to you by the same people. They make their opinion of this country crystal clear.
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The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.

You're referring to the third verse, right? Maybe you'd like to explain to the class just how it "celebrates the murder of escaped slaves"?

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution!
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I don't see it. Does anyone else see it?
The song was written by Frances Scott Key, who watched the attack from a British ship.
The ship was full of POW's.
Key was negotiating their release, and yes many of the POW's were hirelings or ex-slaves.
Sorry, but take this into context, not verbatim.
The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.
Whomever told you that is a pure and simple liar. Post the words of the anthem to which they refer. I say they because obviously you have not read the words. Especially concentrate on the racist words in the first verse, you know the only one that people are familiar with. Then you can move on to the verse they say does something other then present the reality of the time.
All this is, is the blacks trying to impress their will onto everyone else. I too am sick of being lectured by the left let alone blacks. If the goal of blacks is to alienate all whites against them they are doing a very fine job of it. Of course white liberals who hate America will still be on the side of blacks, the enemy of my enemy is my friend type of thing. And it ain't me separating the races, it is blacks and liberals.
A solution might be Madagascar. The people are killing themselves with the plague. The little nation might be completely depopulated of humans before long. Send the America haters there.

That seems a rather exessive trip that would contribute to global warming and so on. We should save the planet and send them to Cuba or Venezuela, their socialist utopian paradise.
Who said anything about providing transportation? I guess we could put them in a leaky boat. Row boat, that is. No emissions, and they'd get plenty of exercise rowing and bailing water.
The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.

And you're FULL OF SHIT.
The anthem is obviously racist, being it celebrates the murder of escaped slaves. I know stating that simple fact will trigger many of the snowflakes, but they need to dragged screaming into reality.

If they disagree, they should explain why celebrating the murder of escaped slaves isn't racist. But they won't. They'll just throw a snowflake tantrum.

And you're FULL OF SHIT.
I would say he's overflowing with it.

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