Left wingers destroy California energy...the state imports 25% of all of it's energy. The wealthiest state in the Union and it can't provide power.

You are supposed to find ways to promote the general welfare with fine and wonderful, free market Capitalism solutions right winger.

That ended when you spent 4 YEARS dragging America through your Bullshit against Trump and America
That ended when you support policies that ignore the Constitution
Fuck you. You are no longer a fellow American.

Drop dead
Only infidels to our Republic say that.
The Republic is dead. When I was a bit younger in the early 1970's the "changeover" occurred. We became much more secular. We became human intensive over infrastructure intensive. With no safeguards. Everything from the last connection to gold with our currency to extreme feminism to the schools devolving into romper rooms and more. Today half the men in this nation will not help a woman in distress. And the promotion of the most extreme feminism is distorting the competitiveness of our nation. So much so it is trending towards a future war with China as their Males fight our nation dominated by Progressive Socialist Females. It will be a slaughter.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

You leftists nuts have turned "promote the general welfare" into give everybody more and more free stuff. California is a shining example.
They have made a decision (I disagree with it) to not invest in energy and just buy what they need. As a result they have a beautiful state that has energy challenges

Yes, nothing like a 1st world state, the center of high tech, suffering from rolling blackouts.

That's some genius planning right there.

And don't get me started on the expensive green mandates that they forced on
PG&E, to the point that they couldn't update their transmission infrastructure and set half
the fucking state on fire.

That's one beautiful state.

Incredibly beautiful...actually.

You seem upset. Not sure why..

Incredibly beautiful.

Except for the burnt parts.

And the cities covered with shit.

And the parts that have rolling blackouts.

And the homeless encampments.

And the used needles. And the typhus outbreaks. And hepatitis A.

Upset? Nah. California idiots are free to continue their idiocy.
They have made a decision (I disagree with it) to not invest in energy and just buy what they need. As a result they have a beautiful state that has energy challenges

Yes, nothing like a 1st world state, the center of high tech, suffering from rolling blackouts.

That's some genius planning right there.

And don't get me started on the expensive green mandates that they forced on
PG&E, to the point that they couldn't update their transmission infrastructure and set half
the fucking state on fire.

That's one beautiful state.

Incredibly beautiful...actually.

You seem upset. Not sure why..

Incredibly beautiful.

Except for the burnt parts.

And the cities covered with shit.

And the parts that have rolling blackouts.

And the homeless encampments.

And the used needles. And the typhus outbreaks. And hepatitis A.

Upset? Nah. California idiots are free to continue their idiocy.

You spend a lot of time thinking about California. Nobody in California thinks about you. They win.
You spend a lot of time thinking about California.

I spend some time mocking California idiocy.

Nobody in California thinks about you.

They're too busy stepping around piles of shit, avoiding hepatitis tainted needles and
overpaying for imported power, where would they get the time to think about me?

Between visiting Yosemite and Mt. Shasta, surfing in the pacific, between watching the sunsets over the ocean, touring the channel islands, maybe after touring Big Sur, having lunch on the Embarcadero .

All those people enjoying themselves....and you're spending your weekend angry--about something. Nobody knows why.
You spend a lot of time thinking about California.

I spend some time mocking California idiocy.

Nobody in California thinks about you.

They're too busy stepping around piles of shit, avoiding hepatitis tainted needles and
overpaying for imported power, where would they get the time to think about me?

Between visiting Yosemite and Mt. Shasta, surfing in the pacific, between watching the sunsets over the ocean, touring the channel islands, maybe after touring Big Sur, having lunch on the Embarcadero .

All those people enjoying themselves....and you're spending your weekend angry--about something. Nobody knows why.

We know why you're always angry. You're a leftist.
You spend a lot of time thinking about California.

I spend some time mocking California idiocy.

Nobody in California thinks about you.

They're too busy stepping around piles of shit, avoiding hepatitis tainted needles and
overpaying for imported power, where would they get the time to think about me?

Between visiting Yosemite and Mt. Shasta, surfing in the pacific, between watching the sunsets over the ocean, touring the channel islands, maybe after touring Big Sur, having lunch on the Embarcadero .

All those people enjoying themselves....and you're spending your weekend angry--about something. Nobody knows why.

I have enough liberal idiocy in Chicago to get angry about.
California idiocy just makes me laugh.
You spend a lot of time thinking about California.

I spend some time mocking California idiocy.

Nobody in California thinks about you.

They're too busy stepping around piles of shit, avoiding hepatitis tainted needles and
overpaying for imported power, where would they get the time to think about me?

Between visiting Yosemite and Mt. Shasta, surfing in the pacific, between watching the sunsets over the ocean, touring the channel islands, maybe after touring Big Sur, having lunch on the Embarcadero .

All those people enjoying themselves....and you're spending your weekend angry--about something. Nobody knows why.

I have enough liberal idiocy in Chicago to get angry about.
California idiocy just makes me laugh.

You sound pissed.... your blob getting his assed handed to him really set you off.
You spend a lot of time thinking about California.

I spend some time mocking California idiocy.

Nobody in California thinks about you.

They're too busy stepping around piles of shit, avoiding hepatitis tainted needles and
overpaying for imported power, where would they get the time to think about me?

Between visiting Yosemite and Mt. Shasta, surfing in the pacific, between watching the sunsets over the ocean, touring the channel islands, maybe after touring Big Sur, having lunch on the Embarcadero .

All those people enjoying themselves....and you're spending your weekend angry--about something. Nobody knows why.

I have enough liberal idiocy in Chicago to get angry about.
California idiocy just makes me laugh.

You sound pissed.... your blob getting his assed handed to him really set you off.

Liberal idiocy in California amuses me.
I chuckle when liberal morons do stupid, wasteful things.
When liberal morons make things worse and waste billions thinking they're making things better.
You spend a lot of time thinking about California.

I spend some time mocking California idiocy.

Nobody in California thinks about you.

They're too busy stepping around piles of shit, avoiding hepatitis tainted needles and
overpaying for imported power, where would they get the time to think about me?

Between visiting Yosemite and Mt. Shasta, surfing in the pacific, between watching the sunsets over the ocean, touring the channel islands, maybe after touring Big Sur, having lunch on the Embarcadero .

All those people enjoying themselves....and you're spending your weekend angry--about something. Nobody knows why.

I have enough liberal idiocy in Chicago to get angry about.
California idiocy just makes me laugh.

You sound pissed.... your blob getting his assed handed to him really set you off.
You are behind Iowa and Nebraska on wind energy production.

The only green thing about KKKalifornia is the piles of homeless shit on your streets.
What's the negative focus on California about? almost all negative posts are from people who have never lived there or even visited. So it must be political, hate a whole state because more than half the people are Democrats. Can you get any more petty.
I don't have to jump in a volcano to know I probably wouldn't enjoy it.
Danielpalos isn't going to tell us why Elon Musk took his company to Nevada and Texas.
Just market based metrics. California still needs an upgraded energy grid.
Texas and Nevada have no state income tax.
California has had State income tax for decades yet is still the largest economy in the Union.
Why California Is In Trouble – 340,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $45 Billion
Despite California’s $54 billion budget deficit and $1 trillion unfunded pension liability, there are 340,390 government employees bringing home six-figure salary and pension checks.
Yeah, sounds like Cali's doing great. Very fiscally responsible. Good work, guys!
Thats what the red states are for....cheap dirty labor. In this world, you're either the guy holding the strings or the guy whose a puppet. California holds the strings. Sorry. Its cheaper to import energy from states that don't mind oil and coal companies ass raping them.
Poor 3-layered Candy Corn missed the memo about President Trump closing out the minimum wage issue by conspiring with other Americans to give high-paying jobs to everyone including minorities who never had a chance at the American dream come true for themselves.

Mr CC, you also missed the memo on the Demmies ahutting down those jobs President Trump furnished, using Covid to close down schools, churches, indoor theaters, almost all places selling sit down dinners and entertainment, etc. Why it brought sadness to every happy heart in America on the road to Democrat perdition.

You don't expect me to say thank you for nothing, do ya? :puhleeze:
Meanwhile back in reality...20+ Million Americans are out of work thanks to the blob's mismanagement of Covid 19.

He didn't mismanage anything.....your lying about it won't change that fact.....it is cuomo the killer who should be in an orange jump suit after he caused the deaths of those senior citizens in nursing homes, and the democrat party's alliance with china needs to be examined.......China either let the virus loose on purpose or let it escape from their lab...and the democrat party is protecting them from the consequences of that action...

As per usual, zero evidence supports your statements. The blob screwed up the response....and he was voted out of office as a result.

He was voted out of office because too many Americans are stupid....they will allow the democrats to raise their taxes, send jobs to their allies in china, destroy our energy sector, destroy more American cities with out of control crime, flood the country with illegal aliens who will reduce our wages, end freedom of religion and allow our enemies to run wild around the world...

Cause they don't like Trump's tweets...

That is fucking stupid....
And they'll continue to blame Trump for Biden's failures and incompetence -- exactly as programmed.
California is beautiful and they don't want their state to resemble a red state shit hole.


A beautiful state with rolling blackouts. And shit in the streets.

They have their challenges....
I think they should allow more green energy in myself.

But I see their calculus. They could be like Dallas...disgusting, angry, and have shit in the streets or they could enjoy what they have...postcard views everywhere and some shit in the streets.

You know imported Dallas power doesn't mean less CO2 than a nat gas plant built in California.
New nat gas plants are extremely clean and more reliable than importing power that might
not be available during a hot spell, right?

Wow....you're really wasting a lot of time on this.

Pointing out California's green idiocy isn't a waste of time.

Sure it is. They have made a decision (I disagree with it) to not invest in energy and just buy what they need. As a result they have a beautiful state that has energy challenges instead of a state that looks like Louisiana.
Burning forests are beautiful to you?
They have made a decision (I disagree with it) to not invest in energy and just buy what they need. As a result they have a beautiful state that has energy challenges

Yes, nothing like a 1st world state, the center of high tech, suffering from rolling blackouts.

That's some genius planning right there.

And don't get me started on the expensive green mandates that they forced on
PG&E, to the point that they couldn't update their transmission infrastructure and set half
the fucking state on fire.

That's one beautiful state.

Incredibly beautiful...actually.

You seem upset. Not sure why..

Incredibly beautiful.

Except for the burnt parts.

And the cities covered with shit.

And the parts that have rolling blackouts.

And the homeless encampments.

And the used needles. And the typhus outbreaks. And hepatitis A.

Upset? Nah. California idiots are free to continue their idiocy.
But they demand the rest of the country pay for their idiocy, their incompetence, their corruption, and their lack of foresight. Hell, they act like they're entitled to it.
They have made a decision (I disagree with it) to not invest in energy and just buy what they need. As a result they have a beautiful state that has energy challenges

Yes, nothing like a 1st world state, the center of high tech, suffering from rolling blackouts.

That's some genius planning right there.

And don't get me started on the expensive green mandates that they forced on
PG&E, to the point that they couldn't update their transmission infrastructure and set half
the fucking state on fire.

That's one beautiful state.

Incredibly beautiful...actually.

You seem upset. Not sure why..

Incredibly beautiful.

Except for the burnt parts.

And the cities covered with shit.

And the parts that have rolling blackouts.

And the homeless encampments.

And the used needles. And the typhus outbreaks. And hepatitis A.

Upset? Nah. California idiots are free to continue their idiocy.
California is only ugly where leftists have been in control for decades.
Burning forests are beautiful to you?

As long as they don't have to burn nat gas for electricity.
candycorn thinks Kalifornia is saving the planet by not producing their own energy and relying on other states to burn fossil fuels for their energy needs.

She is that dumb.

California's Cities Lead the Way to a Gas-Free Future | Sierra Club

Look at these fucking morons.

They deserve blackouts.

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