Left wingers need a crash course in reality. Foreign entities have always meddled in others affairs.

It is ILLEGAL for politicians to have direct influence with or over a Super Pac.

Yeah, we know that. But...you really think these PACs don't coordinate with the candidate's campaigns? Come on. Surely you're not that naive.
What I think and what I can prove are often two different things. I am not a prosecutor, judge or jury.
That's why you don't see me starting threads about Hillary being sent to jail.
I may have my opinions but at the end of the day they remain just my opinions.
As a former felon myself I have an affinity for innocent until proven guilty.
What I think and what I can prove are often two different things. I am not a prosecutor, judge or jury.

So isn't it possible that the line between Super PACs and the candidates they support gets blurred from time to time? I'm not asking whether or not you think it happens, only that it's possible.

That's why you don't see me starting threads about Hillary being sent to jail.

For what? Flynn looks like he's the one going to jail. Manafort too. I'm sure given the "strength of their characters" that they'll roll over on Trump and the rest of the GOP the minute an indictment looks imminent. Manafort and Flynn are cowards and slimebags. They're not going to jail to protect Donald fucking Trump, that's for sure.

Personally, I think they've already rolled on everyone. But the unfortunate thing for them is that I think what they told the investigators was probably what the investigators already knew.

How fucking funny is it going to be when Flynn is the one who ends up behind bars? I think Clinton should go outside his cell and chant "lock him up" over and over.

I may have my opinions but at the end of the day they remain just my opinions.
As a former felon myself I have an affinity for innocent until proven guilty.

When it comes to Conservatives, I don't give the benefit of the doubt. Because I believe them to be inherently bad people.
What I think and what I can prove are often two different things. I am not a prosecutor, judge or jury.

So isn't it possible that the line between Super PACs and the candidates they support gets blurred from time to time? I'm not asking whether or not you think it happens, only that it's possible.

That's why you don't see me starting threads about Hillary being sent to jail.

For what? Flynn looks like he's the one going to jail. Manafort too. I'm sure given the "strength of their characters" that they'll roll over on Trump and the rest of the GOP the minute an indictment looks imminent. Manafort and Flynn are cowards and slimebags. They're not going to jail to protect Donald fucking Trump, that's for sure.

Personally, I think they've already rolled on everyone. But the unfortunate thing for them is that I think what they told the investigators was probably what the investigators already knew.

How fucking funny is it going to be when Flynn is the one who ends up behind bars? I think Clinton should go outside his cell and chant "lock him up" over and over.

I may have my opinions but at the end of the day they remain just my opinions.
As a former felon myself I have an affinity for innocent until proven guilty.

When it comes to Conservatives, I don't give the benefit of the doubt. Because I believe them to be inherently bad people.

How do you expect to have an honest conversation with this kind of attitude?


No point in even being here with this attitude. GO find yourself an echo chamber and leave the discussions for those interested in them.
I'm a left-winger and I thought the Russia hacked the election excuse for Clinton losing a makes democrats look as dumb as the Tea Party. And Hillary isn't a left-winger.
How do you expect to have an honest conversation with this kind of attitude?.

Well let's see:

1. They want to take health care away from 23 million people.
2. They want to make it legal to discriminate against gays
3. They want to kick out 11,000,000 people including 900,000 Dreamers who probably have cleaner records and speak better English than them
4. They want to deny a woman the right to choose what she wants to do with her own body
5. They want to bomb muslims
6. They want to allow corporations to dump pollution into our water supply and belch it out into the air
7. They want to take from the poor and give to the rich
8. They want to let people with records of domestic violence and abuse be able to buy a gun
9. They equate Black Lives Matter with Nazis
10. They defend fascism
11. They defend religious bigotry

So if that doesn't make them bad people, what does?
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I'm a left-winger and I thought the Russia hacked the election excuse for Clinton losing a makes democrats look as dumb as the Tea Party. And Hillary isn't a left-winger.

1. I don't believe you when you claim to be a liberal considering you created this profile less than three weeks ago, and we now know that Russians have been pretending they're Americans in order to undermine our democracy

2. Russia most definitely hacked our election, and the State Department spokesperson even said so today.

3. Russia hacked not only the servers of the political opponents of their Republican comrades, but also the voting systems of at least 21 states including WI, PA, and MI.

4. Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign head for a while, was wiretapped by the FBI -while he was head of Trump's campaign- because he was a Russian "operative" (The FBI's words, not mine).

5. Flynn was working on a nuclear deal between Russia and Saudi Arabia during the transition, and lied about it.

6. Pence, the head of the transition, knew of Flynn's shady dealings yet pretended he didn't, which means he's either a liar or the worst transition head of any administration, ever.

7. Trump, who repeatedly said during the campaign that he had no business in Russia, had business in Russia and was working on business in Russia during the campaign, specifically Trump Tower Moscow which was suddenly and inexplicably cancelled after he was sworn in.
Hmm yeah, the Japanese meddled in our affairs in 1941, but we meddled in other's affairs many times before that so where's the harm?

Honestly, you (the OP) are trying to defend Russia's interference in a US presidential election by saying "meh, it happens all the time so we should ignore it".

Nah we probably shouldn't.
How do you expect to have an honest conversation with this kind of attitude?.

Well let's see:

1. They want to take health care away from 23 million people.
2. They want to make it legal to discriminate against gays
3. They want to kick out 11,000,000 people including 900,000 Dreamers who probably have cleaner records and speak better English than them
4. They want to deny a woman the right to choose what she wants to do with her own body
5. They want to bomb muslims
6. They want to allow corporations to dump pollution into our water supply and belch it out into the air
7. They want to take from the poor and give to the rich
8. They want to let people with records of domestic violence and abuse be able to buy a gun
9. They equate Black Lives Matter with Nazis
10. They defend fascism
11. They defend religious bigotry

So if that doesn't make them bad people, what does?
You are a hyper partisan tool.
Democrats have a size advantage over Russians.

In Russia...50% of their Women are beautiful and the other 50% look like
they could throw the discus 200'.

The ratio is 10% to 90% with Democrats.
Is this the topic of this thread?

What's wrong Snowflake? Truth hurt?
What exactly was the truth....connected to the topic of this thread, which is foreign entities meddling in other countries' affairs....in your post?
Yes, the US has meddled in such affairs for a long time, that doesn't mean you should sit around and just accept it.
No one more blatantly meddled in the 2016 election than the mayor of london

Actually the reverse seems to be true, the US, especially the right, seemed to drag the Mayor of London into the election simply because he's a Muslim. He says stuff and the US listens because he's a Muslim, had he not been, he'd have been ignored. People looking to demonize all Muslims, use the Mayor.

Like last week when he was accused of not condemning Radical Islam because he didn't say "radical Islam" therefore he must be pro-Islamic extremism. But then I showed how the Prime Minister said basically the same thing as him.
Stated by The Derp:

Well let's see:

1. They want to take health care away from 23 million people.---they don't have health care, they have health insurance, with deductibles in the thousands, so its useless anyway. But don't let facts stand in your way.
2. They want to make it legal to discriminate against gays--Meaning they want to actually give a private business the right to deny a cake to a gay couple when the business owner is a Christian.
3. They want to kick out 11,000,000 people including 900,000 Dreamers who probably have cleaner records and speak better English than them--They want to actually enforce immigration law. Imagine that.
4. They want to deny a woman the right to choose what she wants to do with her own body--And liberals pretend to care about babies, but kill the bastards in the womb, suck them out through a tube and throw them into the garbage. Ahhh, liberal baby lovin!!!
5. They want to bomb muslims-- Who killed 3000 people on 9/11 Yup we sure do, we actually want to kill those who want to kill us. Imagine that.
6. They want to allow corporations to dump pollution into our water supply and belch it out into the air--Oh yes, we breathe a different set of air than liberals do, so pollute the shit out the water, fuck it.
7. They want to take from the poor and give to the rich--If they are so poor, they have nothing to take.
8. They want to let people with records of domestic violence and abuse be able to buy a gun--I don't know where the fuck you got this from. Must be deep within thine anus. But me, I say if you're out of prison you should be able to own a gun. If you're than dangerous, you should be in jail. if not, own a gun.
9. They equate Black Lives Matter with Nazis--And liberals equate donald trump with nazis.
10. They defend fascism--You don't know WTF facism is so STFU.
11. They defend religious bigotry--Meaning republicans support freedom of religion, all religions.

So if that doesn't make them bad people, what does?

Yea, they're just awful!! LOL
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Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.
Left wingers need a crash course in reality. Foreign entities have always meddled in others affairs.

Oh, well, thanks for clearing that up for us. Thanks for letting us know it's OK and all right. To be expected and we should just accept it. Got it!
Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.
Left wingers need a crash course in reality. Foreign entities have always meddled in others affairs.

Oh, well, thanks for clearing that up for us. Thanks for letting us know it's OK and all right. To be expected and we should just accept it. Got it!
You're welcome. It's clear that you need to be bottle fed however. I used a spoon and you still missed 80% of the point of the post.
Your stupidity proceeds you perfectly. Like a big titted woman it's the first thing noticable about you.
2. Russia most definitely hacked our election, and the State Department spokesperson even said so today.

3. Russia hacked not only the servers of the political opponents of their Republican comrades, but also the voting systems of at least 21 states including WI, PA, and MI.

Really? Funny that with all of the news networks running 24/7, your post is the only place that this was stated. Do you have proof? Not just someone saying it, I can find someone to say that the moon is made of cream cheese, I mean real proof.

You like to twist the shit out of stuff. What REALLY happened was that Russia TRIED to hack these states. They didn't succeed in a single state. But to make it sound better, AND TO BE DISHONEST, you say they HACKED these states, not that they tried and failed.

Russians tried to hack election systems of 21 states in 2016, officials say

I've now proven you wrong twice without even barely trying. Why are you still here? Your credibility is nill at this point.
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Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.
Left wingers need a crash course in reality. Foreign entities have always meddled in others affairs.

Oh, well, thanks for clearing that up for us. Thanks for letting us know it's OK and all right. To be expected and we should just accept it. Got it!
Reagan got away with giving Iran weapons for holding US hostages to destroy Carter in election.
Yes, the US has meddled in such affairs for a long time, that doesn't mean you should sit around and just accept it.
No one more blatantly meddled in the 2016 election than the mayor of london

Actually the reverse seems to be true, the US, especially the right, seemed to drag the Mayor of London into the election simply because he's a Muslim. He says stuff and the US listens because he's a Muslim, had he not been, he'd have been ignored. People looking to demonize all Muslims, use the Mayor.

Like last week when he was accused of not condemning Radical Islam because he didn't say "radical Islam" therefore he must be pro-Islamic extremism. But then I showed how the Prime Minister said basically the same thing as him.
good story

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