Left wingers need a crash course in reality. Foreign entities have always meddled in others affairs.

None of us (Libs or otherwise) have access to ALL the evidence, which is totally normal in an ongoing investigation. Do you have access?

Why not just admit, "I GOT NOTHING"?
Right now, none of us (unless we're on that Investigative team) have anything for sure. None of us. That includes those posters who claim that they KNOW that the Mueller team has.
...Except you're lying you ass off again, pushing the same ol' lie you STILL can't substantiate with evidence because you stll don't have any evidence.

There is plenty of evidence of Paul Ryan-linked PACs accepting money from Russia and then providing Russia with the electorate data they needed to run their $100K Facebook ad campaign targeting key districts. In fact, it's not even up for dispute.

Just because you refuse to accept it doesn't mean it didn't happen.

It's perfectly legal for Facebook to accept money from russia to pay for ads. Remember from the other thread, you think a company should be forced to do business with someone? Well then they should certainly have a right to voluntarily do business with them, right?
Yes...it IS legal. But I'm glad they let the Mueller team know.
Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.

Where are you going with this exactly? That we should just forget the whole thing and pretend like nothing happened?

Pretend our political systems weren't getting hacked?
Pretend that Manafort wasn't a foreign agent running a presidential campaign?
Pretend that Trump and his admin is not lying on the daily basis about their Russian dealings?
Pretend that FBI director wasn't fired because he refused to pretend like all of this is not happening?

I've got a better idea - we let congress and special prosecutor get to the bottom of this fucking mess.
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You're such an unabashed liar.

You're in denial.

The requirement to prove someone guilty is EVIDENCE. Seditious snowflakes continue to declare Trump guilty and call for his Impeachment while having NO EVIDENCE.

I provided you a link detailing how Paul Ryan's PAC was provided information from Russian hackers that was then used in political campaigns.

You don't consider that evidence because it destroys your argument.
So you are saying super paks collecting money is now the same thing as Trump colluding with Russia?.

In this case they were accepting money and hacked information from Russia to then use in their campaigns against Democrats.

That's what happened. It's not just Trump...it's Trump and the GOP and who knows who else in the Conservative movement was involved?

Should we talk about how Hillary refused to give back money donated to her from a criminal who went to jail during her Senate race, even after she was informed the donation was illegal?

Hillary isn't President, Trump is. Let it go already.

No, I will stick with the pathetic liberal changing storyline of how donations to superpaks are suddenly evidence of 'Trump-Russia Collusion'.

So we've gone from "Russia did no meddling at all" to "Russia did meddle, so what's wrong with that?" to "OK, Russia did meddle AND collude with Trump and the GOP, so what's wrong with that?"

Anyone else get the impression that guy is full of shit?
Why is it, when I ask the totally reasonable question about whether Easy has access to the Mueller Investigation evidence...he deflects, ignores, goes personal, or runs away? Everything but answer?

Because he's a piece of shit.
I haven't moved any goal posts. I am responsible for my position not someone else's.

You're here arguing on behalf of those positions, so that makes them your positions too. Secondly, yes, you all have moved the goalposts. Up until now, you all maintained that there was no Russian meddling. Then you said, OK there was Russian meddling, so what? Then you said OK there was Russian meddling and they worked with the right, so what?

So what? So how about enlisting the help of a foreign power to win an election and then lie about it?

That's the "so what" moment for you???

And no collusion has been discovered besides the collusion of delusion between many leftwits

Of course they colluded. We know for a fact that a Paul Ryan PAC exchanged money and information with the Russian hackers. THAT IS A FACT THAT IS UNDENIABLE. So if that's not collusion, what is?
Paul Ryan LINKED (aka independent organization since colluding with pacs is illegal)

LOL! You expect me to believe that a Paul Ryan-linked SUPER PAC has no connection to Paul Ryan?

For fuck's sake, are you really arguing that Super PACs don't coordinate with campaigns? Come on.
How were Clinton and other Cabinet members protected from indictment? There were investigations, were there not? Which investigation RECOMMENDED indictments?

Now you're going to play thr 'Stupid' game?

We already discussed how Holder was protected, but STILL became the 1st Cabinet member to be Censured. It was not within Congress' power to override Barry's & his DOJ's protection of Holder so they did the only thing they had the power to do - CENURE him.

Obsma set a new revord for ILLEGAL non-compliance of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act.

Among Hillary's crimes the FBI has revealed there are over 15,000 official documents that have been retrieved from her server that were never turned in as tequired by the law. That is over 15,000 violations of the FOIA and the Federal Records Act

Comey testified about Lynch's obstruction and admitted he leaked classified information ...

...and much more we have discussed numerous times...

...which makes your choice to pull the 'stupid' act that much more Intellectualky Dishonest.
Paul Ryan LINKED (aka independent organization since colluding with pacs is illegal)

LOL! You expect me to believe that a Paul Ryan-linked SUPER PAC has no connection to Paul Ryan?

For fuck's sake, are you really arguing that Super PACs don't coordinate with campaigns? Come on.
So candidates are ALWAYS connected to their donors?!

Good to know since Russians and the KKK donated / gave to Hillary... :p
I suppose this is progress. The Trumpflakes have changed their party propaganda chants from "There was no interference!" to "But interference is totally normal!".

Oddly, they expect loyal Americans to just ignore how they've been wrong about everything for months, how the Trumpflakes were all so willingly running cover for the enemies of the USA.

Trumpflakes, if you want to move from the "treasonous" category to the "probationary American" category, you'll need to show some actual contrition for allowing yourself to be used as pawns. And that will have to start with denouncing the head traitor.
Time to start shooting those traitor Russian supporters wearing their Red Russian hats.
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Yes, the US has meddled in such affairs for a long time, that doesn't mean you should sit around and just accept it.
I agree we should do something to ensure the integrity of our elections.

Do tell, what does spending millions to investigate a mythical collusion conspiricy do to protect our elections?

Dem's want voter ID laws? Oh wait they don't :eusa_think: Dem's want to make sure campaigns don't accept money from other countries like China? Oh wait they don't :eusa_think:

You know you made you a damn good point. The same party who wants illegals who swim the river to sneak into the country to vote for our president, are up in arms about the very remote chance that Russia influenced our elections, even though they haven't provided one iota of evidence in over a year. Yet, people know that illegals sneak over and vote but they don't question that.

Is it that they only care about people influencing the elections in favor of republicans, or they just are too stupid to realize they are hypocritical?

What can I say, the left are filthy scum who talk out of both sides of their mouths.
Paul Ryan LINKED (aka independent organization since colluding with pacs is illegal)

LOL! You expect me to believe that a Paul Ryan-linked SUPER PAC has no connection to Paul Ryan?

For fuck's sake, are you really arguing that Super PACs don't coordinate with campaigns? Come on.
It is ILLEGAL for politicians to have direct influence with or over a Super Pac.
THAT is what I'm arguing. I've not seen Ryan charged with a crime so you know what you can do with your OPINION
So candidates are ALWAYS connected to their donors?!

Not all their donors...but the ones providing them with hacked info from their political opponents sure as shit do. It's naive to think Paul Ryan had no idea that the PAC linked to him was coordinating with Russia. It's strains credulity.

Good to know since Russians and the KKK donated / gave to Hillary... :p

They did? According to whom? Where's your evidence?

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