Left wingers need a crash course in reality. Foreign entities have always meddled in others affairs.

Vidence means everything when making accusations, or - in the snowflakes' case - FALSE accusations.

I gave you evidence in a link that you chose to not open. So you're making the choice to not consider evidence while saying you require evidence.

Fucking ridiculous.
You gave me nothing. Snowflakes have no evidence of Russian collusion.if you did have an you should be running the Special Counsel instead of Mueller, who is still desperately searching for any.
so easy, how much are the Russians paying you? Or are ya doing this for free?

he gave you a link, that showed you the republican super paks were in bed with the devil, the Russian gvt, you know....your god.
I think that is the issue. Will Americans care if their news is manufactured by foreign entities and factually false? It's certainly true that the MSM have not covered the reality that small town rural Americans face. There's a reason for that, and the reason is simply advertising revenues. And the fact that urban dwellers don't seem to care.

Trump is merely .... Trump. A con man media personality. He's not really central to the story beyond the fact that Russia thought it could get something from him being elected rather than Hillary. Trump may have broken the law in taking something of value from the Russians, but that's really a separate story.
So you are saying Russian businessmen who gave tbousands of shares of unreported stock to Hillary's campaing manager and donated millions to Hillary and Russian KGB paying Bill Clinton half a million a speech during the campaign was not in hopes of buying influence / favors if Hillary win? REALLY?
Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.
So, it's ok then?
Who knows what Grandpa would think. But what he apparently cannot grasp (and what Trumpettes chose not to consider) is that using facebook and other social media to push an intentionally manufactured and false account of facts is new. It's quite different from Radio Free Europe or something. Even left leaning social media pushed an alternative narrative but one the purveyors thought was "the truth."

It may be that the FBI can track fake news back to a single site. If Trump's campaign used social media to knowingly parrot Russian created fake news ... Houston we have a problem.
Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.
Social media and the internet provide new and more clandestine ways to influence an election. The tools make the ability of foreign governments to have greater influence on our election and not be detected.
You idiot. The world has changed and you have not figured that out. That is why you voted for Trump. You want him to turn the clock back.
Democrats attempted to take out Cuba's leader did they not? Bay of pigs ring a bell? The Democratic party is FAUX RAGE.
So that makes it totally acceptable when it's done to us?
There was evidence the US tried to take out Castro.

There was evidence Barry helped take out Gadaffi.

There was evidence Barry helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how he tried to help oust Netanyahu.

There is evidence to support Barry attempting to help take down Trump.

There is no evidence there was a crime committed Russian collusion or Trump was involved.
Name the US president prior to the idiot we have now who got help from a hostile nation to get elected .

Libs have such short term selective memories ... Pelestinians had 'phone banks' calling Americans to promote Obama as President during an election...

Amanda Carpenter - Palestinians Phonebank for Obama

You will fucking believe anything.
I believe evidence that is presented, which snowflakes and liberals would know nothing about because they have no evidence to support their lies and false accusations...

You believe that people in America got phone calls from Palestinians on behalf of Barack Obama in 2008?
Yes, the US has meddled in such affairs for a long time, that doesn't mean you should sit around and just accept it.
I agree we should do something to ensure the integrity of our elections.

Do tell, what does spending millions to investigate a mythical collusion conspiricy do to protect our elections?
You are deluded if you see the investigation as a mythical conspiracy.
It is a mythical conspiracy until evidence is produced. Libs have not even produced evidence proving a crime was even committed, let alone Trump was involved.
None of us (Libs or otherwise) have access to ALL the evidence, which is totally normal in an ongoing investigation. Do you have access?
Democrats attempted to take out Cuba's leader did they not? Bay of pigs ring a bell? The Democratic party is FAUX RAGE.
So that makes it totally acceptable when it's done to us?
There was evidence the US tried to take out Castro.

There was evidence Barry helped take out Gadaffi.

There was evidence Barry helped the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt and how he tried to help oust Netanyahu.

There is evidence to support Barry attempting to help take down Trump.

There is no evidence there was a crime committed Russian collusion or Trump was involved.
How do you know there is no evidence of a crime? Do you have access to the Mueller investigation evidence?

Oh....and can you point out the evidence of "Barry attempting to help take down trump"?
A foreign power meddling in the election is one thing...when that foreign power colludes with one of the major parties and its Presidential nominee, that's an entirely different bag.

Agreed...like how Barry and Comey colluded with foreign agents to acquire a fake report containing Russia-generated propaganda to politically use against Trump...

...or how Democrats colluded with Ukraine to gather 'dirt' on Trump.
Can you link to what you just claimed happened? That "Barry and Comey colluded with foreign agents to acquire a fake report containing Russia-generated propaganda to politically use against trump...."?
Name the US president prior to the idiot we have now who got help from a hostile nation to get elected .

Libs have such short term selective memories ... Pelestinians had 'phone banks' calling Americans to promote Obama as President during an election...

Amanda Carpenter - Palestinians Phonebank for Obama

You will fucking believe anything.
I believe evidence that is presented, which snowflakes and liberals would know nothing about because they have no evidence to support their lies and false accusations...
And...where is that evidence that is presented on your accusation that Barry and Comey blah blah blah?
...Except you're lying you ass off again, pushing the same ol' lie you STILL can't substantiate with evidence because you stll don't have any evidence.

There is plenty of evidence of Paul Ryan-linked PACs accepting money from Russia and then providing Russia with the electorate data they needed to run their $100K Facebook ad campaign targeting key districts. In fact, it's not even up for dispute.

Just because you refuse to accept it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
You snow flakes continue to say there is lots of evidence while failing again and again to produce any

The only reason the country is having to suffer through liberal Russia-phobia is because they can't accept the outcome of Elections...
And I keep asking you HOW you can see into the Mueller investigation to KNOW that there is no evidence. You never answer that.
I suppose this is progress. The Trumpflakes have changed their party propaganda chants from "There was no interference!" to "But interference is totally normal!".

That's what Conservatives do...continually and consistently redefine parameters and move the goalposts because even they know their arguments are shit.
You're such an unabashed liar.

The requirement to prove someone guilty is EVIDENCE. Seditious snowflakes continue to declare Trump guilty and call for his Impeachment while having NO EVIDENCE.
I don't declare trump guilty of anything. I am waiting for the Mueller investigation to run its course.

However, I will add that it's Ironic to see a trumpanzee make such an erroneous complaint when they've spent so much time declaring Former President Obama and Hillary Clinton guilty of crimes for so long with not one indictment with multiple investigations done and finished..............tho we keep getting promised an indictment any day now....any day now....any day now....
Democrats have a size advantage over Russians.

In Russia...50% of their Women are beautiful and the other 50% look like
they could throw the discus 200'.

The ratio is 10% to 90% with Democrats.
Is this the topic of this thread?
Why is it, when I ask the totally reasonable question about whether Easy has access to the Mueller Investigation evidence...he deflects, ignores, goes personal, or runs away? Everything but answer?
But I thought Conservatives said Russia did no meddling at all. Sooooooo, you've just moved the goalposts from saying Russia didn't meddle, to saying Russian meddling did happen.

A foreign power meddling in the election is one thing...when that foreign power colludes with one of the major parties and its Presidential nominee, that's an entirely different bag.
I haven't moved any goal posts. I am responsible for my position not someone else's.

And no collusion has been discovered besides the collusion of delusion between many leftwits
...Except you're lying you ass off again, pushing the same ol' lie you STILL can't substantiate with evidence because you stll don't have any evidence.

There is plenty of evidence of Paul Ryan-linked PACs accepting money from Russia and then providing Russia with the electorate data they needed to run their $100K Facebook ad campaign targeting key districts. In fact, it's not even up for dispute.

Just because you refuse to accept it doesn't mean it didn't happen.
Paul Ryan LINKED (aka independent organization since colluding with pacs is illegal)

It is YOU that is moving goalposts.
Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.
Granny would excuse Trump for running commericals with Putin.
Bendog will continue to post asinine & foolish shit that he knows to be bullshit because he's still reeling from me wrecking him months ago.

Fuck off troll
I suppose this is progress. The Trumpflakes have changed their party propaganda chants from "There was no interference!" to "But interference is totally normal!".

Oddly, they expect loyal Americans to just ignore how they've been wrong about everything for months, how the Trumpflakes were all so willingly running cover for the enemies of the USA.

Trumpflakes, if you want to move from the "treasonous" category to the "probationary American" category, you'll need to show some actual contrition for allowing yourself to be used as pawns. And that will have to start with denouncing the head traitor.
My tune has not changed at all. This thread is mine. You are a liar. Period
Most notably WE HAVE.

Analysis | The long history of the U.S. interfering with elections elsewhere

Russia's attempts to influence our elections is not a surprise. It's nothing new. It also has nothing to do with our sitting president. The attempts would have taken place no matter who the nominees were.
An intelligent person could easily conclude that their actions were a direct result of our attempts to meddle in the Ukraine.
An unintelligent person believes that it's because of or attributed to Trump.

Does that mean the US is not allowed to have laws against foreign meddling in our elections?
So you support having to prove you are an American citizen before being allowed to vote?

You asshat double talking hypocrites are so easy to bust.

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