Leftards Tear Down US Grant Statue

The Left are making white supremacy groups very happy these days. No minorities on product labeling and tearing down statues of anti-racist figures.

Get it right. It is right Tards.

What a pathetic liar you are. Obviously you’re a white supremest.
You have been on USMB for years now, posting incendiary fodder. On the contrary, I do not lie.
Tell us more then about ANTIFA is a RW organization.
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.
So mobs can decide what gets destroyed?
What an f’kd up person you are.
A statue of Francis Scott Key went down also. This is the democrat war against America.
Take all the lawyers out to sea and throw 'em off the boat.

Yawn...until you need one

I can't count the number of 2 and 3 am phone calls my husband has received from people needing those corrupt lawyers
Just pokin' Tipsy 'cuz she's such a bitch.
As a group, lawyers are the funnest, most enjoyable people I've ever worked for and with.
The real culprit is our media that has been egging them on.


The good news is they can all be rebuilt, even better and bigger. It's just a matter of finally facing up to the fact the scum need to be imprisoned or deported. Jefferson and the Founders preferred tha latter option.
Do you really think San Francisco will rebuild the statue of a man who dedicated his life fighting slavery and the KKK? The police just allowed it to be torn down.

SF will be the bloodiest streets in the U.S. if the mobs starts going after the wealthy enclaves with arsons and looting. the shithole is loaded with lots of trust fund hippies who wet themselves at the sight of brown and black people when they're out alone on the streets, which is rare. They live in towers and gated townhouses. As long as the 'oppressed minorities' burn down their own businesses and houses the sociopaths and faggots will mince around with raised fists babbling all kinds of idiocy. Those trust funds and real estate start prices start dropping and the fancy restaurants, boutiques, and pervert clubs, etc. start getting burned down, they'll bring in North Korean murder squads.

Notice the police in LA suddenly started drawing lines in certain zip codes?
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.
If we repeat the history, then let's do it right this time?
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.
So mobs can decide what gets destroyed?
What an f’kd up person you are.
I don't agree with it, no. I never said they did. It's so hard being on a message board with semi-illiterates.
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.
If we repeat the history, then let's do it right this time?
I meant "recite" the history. God knows we don't need to be repeating history.
I've been saying from the very beginning that I was against tearing down Confederate statues and removing Confederate flags, not because I'm a southerner and have any connection with them, but because I knew it wouldn't end there and that we'd start seeing statues and memorials of all sorts of historical figures being taken down. Look what's happening.

This is no longer about the Civil War or Confederate military and political leaders; it has become a purge of the history and memory of any white historical figure.
Statue of FDR in DC remains untouched. I guess going after Americans of Asian decent and Jews is acceptable in Leftardia.

Give it time. I've no doubt that one will come down too.
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.
So mobs can decide what gets destroyed?
What an f’kd up person you are.
I don't agree with it, no. I never said they did. It's so hard being on a message board with semi-illiterates.
Learn to write then.
“ People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue.”
The Left are making white supremacy groups very happy these days. No minorities on product labeling and tearing down statues of anti-racist figures.

Get it right. It is right Tards.

What a pathetic liar you are. Obviously you’re a white supremest.
You have been on USMB for years now, posting incendiary fodder. On the contrary, I do not lie.
Tell us more then about ANTIFA is a RW organization.
2020 Alert. Scroll by this USMB poster. Scroll right on by. Dip Shit Alert.
I've been saying from the very beginning that I was against tearing down Confederate statues and removing Confederate flags, not because I'm a southerner and have any connection with them, but because I knew it wouldn't end there and that we'd start seeing statues and memorials of all sorts of historical figures being taken down. Look what's happening.

This is no longer about the Civil War or Confederate military and political leaders; it has become a purge of the history and memory of any white historical figure.
Statue of FDR in DC remains untouched. I guess going after Americans of Asian decent and Jews is acceptable in Leftardia.

Give it time. I've no doubt that one will come down too.
Nope. He’s a Democrat hero. This is all about politics.
The Left are making white supremacy groups very happy these days. No minorities on product labeling and tearing down statues of anti-racist figures.

Get it right. It is right Tards.

What a pathetic liar you are. Obviously you’re a white supremest.
You have been on USMB for years now, posting incendiary fodder. On the contrary, I do not lie.
Tell us more then about ANTIFA is a RW organization.
2020 Alert. Scroll by this USMB poster. Scroll right on by. Dip Shit Alert.
How did I know you’re a pathetic liar?
The Left are making white supremacy groups very happy these days. No minorities on product labeling and tearing down statues of anti-racist figures.

These people hate America.
The left with a light saber....

These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.
If we repeat the history, then let's do it right this time?
I meant "recite" the history. God knows we don't need to be repeating history.
We don’t need to repeat history?
Ending slavery
Ridding Europe of Fascism
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.

There is NO good reason to pull down Statues in the US, it's breaking the law.
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.

There is NO good reason to pull down Statues in the US, it's breaking the law.
No one is stopping them.
These fools are history challenged

Another sad prime example of public education fail.

Fools in Great Britain tried to take down a Abraham Lincoln statue. I guess they've never heard of the Emancipation Proclamation

Or they know exactly what they are doing, and any sin against current orthodoxy equals being declared an unperson.

Grant married a slave owning woman? Down with Grant
Lincoln was slow in emancipating the slaves? Down with Lincoln
Statue is of some white guy even if he was an abolitionist? Who cares, take it down anyway.
Well, he did own a personal servant, a slave he bought, who he freed a couple years before the war. If we're going to repeat the history, let's repeat the whole thing, please. People can decide if that is a good reason to pull down his statue. But imo they ought to get the bill, too.

Grant also worked with them in the fields, free a man

Myths & Misunderstandings | Grant as a slaveholder


"Finding farming less lucrative than he’d hoped, Grant asked his father for a loan. Jesse Grant reportedly replied, “Ulysses, when you are ready to come North I will give you a start, but so long as you make your home among a tribe of slave-owners I will do nothing.”

After the death of Julia’s mother, the Grant family left “Hardscrabble” and moved to her father’s farm, “White Haven,” which Grant managed from 1854-1859. Novelist Hamlin Garland, an early biographer who spoke with Grant’s Missouri neighbors, wrote,

“The use of slaves on the farm…was a source of irritation and shame to Grant. Jefferson Sapington told me that he and Grant used to work in the fields with the blacks. He said with glee, ‘Grant was helpless when it came to making slaves work,’ and Mrs. Boggs corroborated this. ‘He was no hand to manage negroes,’she said. ‘He couldn’t force them to do anything. He wouldn’t whip them. He was too gentle and good tempered and besides he was not a slavery man.’”

Whether or not Grant wasn’t a “slavery man” by inclination, we know he briefly owned William Jones. He does not mention Jones in his memoirs or other writings, so the exact nature of their relationship remains a mystery. We do know that in March 1859 Grant filed the following manumission document."

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