Leftist bews producer lies to cover for PP and admits wife works for them


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
PP paid propagandist:

"....blogger Steve Benen offered a piece of audacious spin headlined “Planned Parenthood faring far better than its critics.”

"Some state investigations aren’t turning up wrongdoing, like in Pennsylvania – not the strongest state at policing abortion clinics (Gosnell ahem) – but Benen declared “At this point, the group keeps facing investigations, and its critics keep turning up nothing.”
Pay no attention to more frightening developments for the America’s leading abortion conglomerate, such as four states defunding them since the videotapes surfaced — Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Utah."

PP's propaganda team in the media is not reporting the reality, and instead lying about what is going on.

Four states have defunded PP. Though you won't hear about it from the mainstream media, who are scuttling to hide all the facts of the monster they helped create and are still protecting.

Florida has shut down clinics because they're performing ILLEGAL late term abortions that they aren't licensed for, and because they aren't keeping records of what they're doing with fetal remains. Hmmm, wonder why?

"Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, said in a statement that he has directed the state’s Department of Human Services to end its contracts with the organization.
“It is apparent that after the recent revelations on the actions of Planned Parenthood, that this organization does not represent the values of the people of our state and Arkansas is better served by terminating any and all existing contracts with them. This includes their affiliated organization, Planned Parenthood of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma,” Hutchinson said."

One of the arguments the butchers like to use is that without PP, who will serve the women? They act as if PP, out of the goodness of their hearts, provides free contraception to the public. It's a lie, of course, as is everything else the left blathers about. The truth is, federal funds PAY for the contraceptives. And they don't have to pay PP. There are plenty of other outlets who can, and do, provide all the services PP does...only they do it legally, openly, and they don't do it just to cover their baby harvesting racket:

"....there are currently 13,540 clinics providing comprehensive health care for women, versus 665 Planned Parenthood locations".

Arkansas, Utah Become the Latest States to Defund Planned Parenthood

MSNBC Reporter Defending Planned Parenthood Admits: My Wife Works For Them
Haw, that's "news producer" not "bews producer" though honestly, it can't really be called news anyway. Might as well call it bews.

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