Leftist professor at Stanford says HAMAS actions are legitimate and forces Jews to stand in corner

To put this all in perspective, this is an ages-old conflict between the descendants of Abraham's offspring. First, Ishmael was the bastard son he had with his handmaid, Hagar (Gen. 16:1-16), Ishmael being the Father of the Arabs, and Isaac, born of Abraham and his wife Sarah, being the Father of the Israelites and where the Messianic line would originate. The only real solution is not found within the realm of mankind, although Antichrist will foster a seven year peace, but as G-d Himself returns to reclaim what is rightfully His, and that is all of Creation.
Only the Democrat-party pleasing secular Jews - which there are a lot. Fucking pathetic.
Well yea it’s the vast majority of them. Even the rightwing ones are getting bat shit crazy though, like Ben Shapiro. It’s clear they all put Israel first, not America.
Greenberg, the Chabad rabbi, said the students he’d spoken to were afraid to speak up in class out of fear that they would be penalized grade-wise

A bunch of cuckolds. I’m always amazed by how many people are so afraid to stand up for themselves.
Yup….you read that right. A liberal professor at Stanford (are there any other kind?) defended Hamas, condemned Israel, and asked the Jewish students to raise their hands to identify themselves (shades of Nazi Germany), and then asked them to stand on a corner so they’d know what it feels like.

The professor has been suspended. He needs to be fired.

Did the Nazis make Jews stand in the corner also?
And yet Jews will keep voting for these wackjob lefties.
I've seen videos of white liberals kissing black people feet. So yeah, there's some retarded people out there that are so brainwashed, they'll take shit in the face and smear it with their own hands. Hahaha
Yup….you read that right. A liberal professor at Stanford (are there any other kind?) defended Hamas, condemned Israel, and asked the Jewish students to raise their hands to identify themselves (shades of Nazi Germany), and then asked them to stand on a corner so they’d know what it feels like.

The professor has been suspended. He needs to be fired.

He needs a visit from the Mossad
I've seen videos of white liberals kissing black people feet. So yeah, there's some retarded people out there that are so brainwashed, they'll take shit in the face and smear it with their own hands. Hahaha
Virtue signaling is a lefty moonbat tradition.
Your punkass is always trying to tell blacks folks what we have had to deal with and what we haven't. You don't have a clue.

You folks haven't been put in a corner in decades. You keep wailing "oh woe is me!" Like a whiney little bitch, but YOU, and YOUR folks, haven't been hunted in your homes and killed like the Israelis were.

So take your whiney little bitch ass and piss off.

You aren't worth a tinkers damn.
Black students have dealt with shit much worse than this. Not surprising that the forum boot licker would come running.
You asked a poster why he/she hadn’t said anything when black kids got worse

When did that happen?
When did a college professor tell all the black students that they had to stand in the corner?

And why in the world do you say I claim to be Jewish? Really weird.
He is really stupid too, so there's that....

If there is any other proof anyone needs that the democrook criminal syndicate would be just as savage and deadly as the bolsheviks and nazis combined if not for the 2nd Amendment they're beyond help.

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