Leftist professor at Stanford says HAMAS actions are legitimate and forces Jews to stand in corner

I understand your outrage at this since you claim you are Jewish, but why is your attitude different when black folks are outraged when we face this type of behavior.
You cant find a comparable example against blacks
I love your new image!

And yes, the pro-Palestinian leftists marching in hate-filled groups are saying that Israel has to be eliminated “by any means possible.”
There was a pro-Palestinian march around Niagara Square in my hometown today and I really had to bite my tongue. As a transit operator while on duty, I have to be real careful about what I say and how I act.
When did a college professor tell all the black students that they had to stand in the corner?

And why in the world do you say I claim to be Jewish? Really weird.
From reading your hysterically anti Muslim posts I assumed you are. No?
Anti Semitism is the highest it's been since the Holocaust.
These pro-HAMAS protestors are yelling “Gas the Jews!” and ”Kill the Jews!” The normal reaction after 1300 innocent Jews are murdered would be to be sympathetic to Jews, and yet the opposite has happened: it’s emboldened Jew-haters worldwide.
Yup….you read that right. A liberal professor at Stanford (are there any other kind?) defended Hamas, condemned Israel, and asked the Jewish students to raise their hands to identify themselves (shades of Nazi Germany), and then asked them to stand on a corner so they’d know what it feels like.

The professor has been suspended. He needs to be fired.

I would have told him to go to hell.
Our nation has got to get a handle on what the schools are teaching our kids.... its far worse than anyone thought....
I would have told him to go to hell.
They’re withholding the identity, but someone from Stanford was discussing it and referred to “she.”

From what I’ve seen at these lib universities, she’s like a Rashid Tlaib type.
These pro-HAMAS protestors are yelling “Gas the Jews!” and ”Kill the Jews!” The normal reaction after 1300 innocent Jews are murdered would be to be sympathetic to Jews, and yet the opposite has happened: it’s emboldened Jew-haters worldwide.
The over riding impression from American coverage is that Palestinians are regarded as less than human.
Yup….you read that right. A liberal professor at Stanford (are there any other kind?) defended Hamas, condemned Israel, and asked the Jewish students to raise their hands to identify themselves (shades of Nazi Germany), and then asked them to stand on a corner so they’d know what it feels like.

The professor has been suspended. He needs to be fired.

you would think the college students would just say no.

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