Leftist Professor Gives His View of a Coming American Civil War

This podcast by Tim Pool and his friends is very interesting as the leftwing view of an American Civil War.

It does seem like we're already having a civil war declared by Democrats.

Is it time to organize and fight them now? What about all the taxes we pay to government?
Not saying I won't, but damn! What were all those taxes I paid for? If for nothing, I won't pay ever again!

The Demonrats are sending out their minions to try and recreate the Kent State event they used to begin the destruction of Richard Nixon.

I better spend some serious time at vespers this evening to ask God to save us from the hateful Democrats who are so willing to destroy other people's property and waste taxpayer money in order to indebt the country to make taxes go to an all-time high according to the Marxist/Saul Alinsky recipe for destroying a democracy. Democrats seem to be sick folk with something-for-nothing sugar plums dancing in their heads.
The one good point in there I most liked was when he pointed out that the right and moderates get their conservative news from the same places conservatives do, and their liberal news from the same place liberals do, but the hard left only get all of their news from the bubble world of the left, so always have a skewed perception of reality.
It's a great point and it is true...I'm a democrat voting for biden and I despise the white left privilege class that currently owns the party even more than the right does...
...in fact until trump himself came along I saw no hope of removing them form the political spectrum, while I will be voting for biden I will be rooting for a trump victory of the left in this party.
Right. You'll be voting for Biden but rooting for Trump to win.
He said "trump victory of the left", not a Trump victory. In other words a shake up that Trump promised, but didn't deliver.
He's been a little busy tearing the layers of lies off himself that you and your fellow Democrat operatives piled upon him with calumny aforethought.
The one good point in there I most liked was when he pointed out that the right and moderates get their conservative news from the same places conservatives do, and their liberal news from the same place liberals do, but the hard left only get all of their news from the bubble world of the left, so always have a skewed perception of reality.
It's a great point and it is true...I'm a democrat voting for biden and I despise the white left privilege class that currently owns the party even more than the right does...
...in fact until trump himself came along I saw no hope of removing them form the political spectrum, while I will be voting for biden I will be rooting for a trump victory of the left in this party.
Right. You'll be voting for Biden but rooting for Trump to win.
Dr. Victor Frankenstein's scalpel must have been a little dull when he was workin' on the monster that worried people in the talkies era. :laughing0301:
This podcast by Tim Pool and his friends is very interesting as the leftwing view of an American Civil War.

It does seem like we're already having a civil war declared by Democrats.

Is it time to organize and fight them now? What about all the taxes we pay to government?
Not saying I won't, but damn! What were all those taxes I paid for? If for nothing, I won't pay ever again!

I agree. I'm not paying taxes to the locals if their police cannot even protect my property and I have to use my own ammo, and I'm not paying anymore taxes to the schools when the fucking building isn't even open.
This podcast by Tim Pool and his friends is very interesting as the leftwing view of an American Civil War.

It does seem like we're already having a civil war declared by Democrats.

Is it time to organize and fight them now? What about all the taxes we pay to government?
Not saying I won't, but damn! What were all those taxes I paid for? If for nothing, I won't pay ever again!

Yes, we have been robbed big time over our life times. Nothing has gone right, and now we are getting our own money shoved back down our throats in the worse ways imaginable..
I think we should do like this black kid did:

...and print off some "N-word" passes and sell them online! We'd make a fortune off all the leftist scum buying them.
What's an 11 year old doing with $50 loose cash laying around just to spend on an N-word pass, why did they need it, and just what the hell did they do with it after they got it? When I was 11, I think I got something like 35, 50, or 75¢ a week allowance and was glad for it so I could buy an ice cream off the passing ice cream man.

Orange creamsicle, please.

BTW, whatever happened to those ice cream trucks?
One too many child porn/child abuse drivers frightened parents into keeping their children indoors when the familiar musical trucks were nearby, as I recollect. I miss the banana fudgsicles most.
We used to hit the Ice Cream truck almost every day!
My favorite..cannot remember the name..
Waffle cone with vanilla ice cream, chocolate on top with nuts.
Nutty Buddy, maybe?
That was before beer. :aargh:

See? Marion loved the ice cream truck, and he was only molested 7 times.
Actually in my hood, some bad little 11 year olds beat up the ice cream man. He was kinda skittish after that.
Here's the thing about the impact of social media in the forthcoming civil war ... IP addresses can be traced to very specific GPS coordinates.

Just keep tweeting ...

The one good point in there I most liked was when he pointed out that the right and moderates get their conservative news from the same places conservatives do, and their liberal news from the same place liberals do, but the hard left only get all of their news from the bubble world of the left, so always have a skewed perception of reality.
It's a great point and it is true...I'm a democrat voting for biden and I despise the white left privilege class that currently owns the party even more than the right does...
...in fact until trump himself came along I saw no hope of removing them form the political spectrum, while I will be voting for biden I will be rooting for a trump victory of the left in this party.
So you are going to. One for a globalist. Thanks for helping the elite achieve their goals to destroy America,well done.
This podcast by Tim Pool and his friends is very interesting as the leftwing view of an American Civil War.

We sure need one against our government,we are the ones that are going to have to get rid of the evil cia fbi nsa and the other three letter alphabet institutions because trump and our government aren’t going to do it.

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