Leftist white nationalist Richard Spencer complains that Trump's platform is inclusive of minorities

Hey @XponentialChaos

Do you consider Kim Jung-un a member of the political right or of the political left?

I’m not familiar with his political ideologies other than being fine with being an authoritarian dictator.

If you have a point to make, then make it.

Jung-un's North Korea practices much of what much of the American left supports, such as opposition to free-market capitalism, treating "citizens" as subjects, total government control over every facet of the nation. Yea, Jung-un is a leftist.

You cannot accept that the extreme of your ideology leads to guys like Jung-un, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. You delude yourself into believing that the left does not have a dangerous propensity to seize total power, which then often leads to oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies.

Yup, I figured this was going to turn into a "Hitler is a leftist" kind of argument.

You hate that truth, don't you?

You’re retarded, aren’t you?

Why do you ask?
Hey @XponentialChaos

Do you consider Kim Jung-un a member of the political right or of the political left?

I’m not familiar with his political ideologies other than being fine with being an authoritarian dictator.

If you have a point to make, then make it.

Jung-un's North Korea practices much of what much of the American left supports, such as opposition to free-market capitalism, treating "citizens" as subjects, total government control over every facet of the nation. Yea, Jung-un is a leftist.

You cannot accept that the extreme of your ideology leads to guys like Jung-un, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc. You delude yourself into believing that the left does not have a dangerous propensity to seize total power, which then often leads to oceans of blood and mountains of dead bodies.

Yup, I figured this was going to turn into a "Hitler is a leftist" kind of argument.

You hate that truth, don't you?

You’re retarded, aren’t you?

Why do you ask?

So yes then. Got it.
When OP states "leftist" he really means "alt right."

Unite the right!

That's who Trump was referring to when he said "both sides are good."
What part of "unite the right" do you not understand, you dumb bastard?

Nobody here has ever accused you of being a deep thinker. You're more like a parrot.

Nah, that's delusional paranoia. They serve profit. typical right wing crybabying.

CNN is owned by AT&T. CNN serves the Democratic Party 100%. Why does AT&T permit CNN to earn LESS? It's because the Democratic Party is GOOD to AT&T and, therefore, they consider CNN an investment into advancing AT&T.
Nah, that's delusional paranoia. They serve profit. typical right wing crybabying.

CNN is owned by AT&T. CNN serves the Democratic Party 100%. Why does AT&T permit CNN to earn LESS? It's because the Democratic Party is GOOD to AT&T and, therefore, they consider CNN an investment into advancing AT&T.
And those outlets serve profit, not a political party. And the republicans are extreme corporatists. they can't run on their actual agenda (because so few would support it), so they whip people like you into a delusional fr4enzy over pure fantasy. Tell us about the communist plot to steal the election, ya fruitcake. And make my point for me.
And those outlets serve profit, not a political party.

That's where you're wrong, as usual. CNN's ratings suck and have sucked for YEARS but AT&T is content with CNN underperforming. And it's LAUGHABLE that you don't believe that CNN is all-in for the Democratic Party.
Nah, that's delusional paranoia. They serve profit. typical right wing crybabying.

CNN is owned by AT&T. CNN serves the Democratic Party 100%. Why does AT&T permit CNN to earn LESS? It's because the Democratic Party is GOOD to AT&T and, therefore, they consider CNN an investment into advancing AT&T.

Theoretically they should serve profit
Thats what business is supposed to do
The Democrat Media is an extension of the Political Party and "profit" otherwise.
Satan blinded unbelievers to many other things when he blinded them to God's existence, as this thread demonstrates. Satan needs his unwitting followers to be both blind to God and to himself in order that they can serve his evil agenda.

2 Corinthians 4:4

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
The Democrat Media is an extension of the Political Party and "profit" otherwise.

That's exactly right.

AT&T can control the narrative through CNN and control who serves in power in order to serve their interests and then the left accuses Republicans of being "in bed with corporations". LOL.
And those outlets serve profit, not a political party.

That's where you're wrong, as usual. CNN's ratings suck and have sucked for YEARS but AT&T is content with CNN underperforming. And it's LAUGHABLE that you don't believe that CNN is all-in for the Democratic Party.
"Hail Trump, hail our people, hail victory!" -Richard Spencer

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