Leftists feign outrage over the cost of the MOABs

Why should believe anything they post anymore anyway..............they push fake news because they don't care about the truth......only propoganda............

I saw the articles of Hyper pricing and once they are caught in the lie they just move to another Fake News story after they are caught.

Typical of them.
You really can't make this up. Why not just wave in the white flag and accept that Trump has had you, at least that would be honest. Since when have hard leftists cared about the cost of government programs? Obama doubled the government debt from an insane level and not a word was uttered. If something, he was supposed to spend even more money...

Besides, isn't saving the human lives invaluable, surely we can't measure the value of human lives saved by mere costs?

Moab attack on Isis was a baffling choice in cold-blooded terms of cost

And to top it, they of course had to lie about the cost, multiplying it by over 20 times.

One MOAB Costs $16 Million, Not $314 Million

When the hard leftists decide to bring up the cost argument be it about MOABs or tomahawk's, you know they have got nothing. It's going to be painful 8 years for these folks.

Up next: The issue with Trump's wall is the cost, even if it's a drop in the bucket compared to Obama stimulus, which Obama was praised for.

Yeah, let's hear the right bitch and moan because Obamacare increased their health insurance from really fucking expensive to slightly more really fucking expensive, but they love wasting another $16 million on a bomb in a country they shouldn't even be in.
as seen by the recent events where the leftist douche wads got their ass kicked in Berkley, people are reaching the limit for leftist trash. It's getting closer and closer to time to take out the trash.
You really can't make this up. Why not just wave in the white flag and accept that Trump has had you, at least that would be honest. Since when have hard leftists cared about the cost of government programs? Obama doubled the government debt from an insane level and not a word was uttered. If something, he was supposed to spend even more money...

Besides, isn't saving the human lives invaluable, surely we can't measure the value of human lives saved by mere costs?

Moab attack on Isis was a baffling choice in cold-blooded terms of cost

And to top it, they of course had to lie about the cost, multiplying it by over 20 times.

One MOAB Costs $16 Million, Not $314 Million

When the hard leftists decide to bring up the cost argument be it about MOABs or tomahawk's, you know they have got nothing. It's going to be painful 8 years for these folks.

Up next: The issue with Trump's wall is the cost, even if it's a drop in the bucket compared to Obama stimulus, which Obama was praised for.

Yeah, let's hear the right bitch and moan because Obamacare increased their health insurance from really fucking expensive to slightly more really fucking expensive, but they love wasting another $16 million on a bomb in a country they shouldn't even be in.
Less than 200K.
You really can't make this up. Why not just wave in the white flag and accept that Trump has had you, at least that would be honest. Since when have hard leftists cared about the cost of government programs? Obama doubled the government debt from an insane level and not a word was uttered. If something, he was supposed to spend even more money...

Besides, isn't saving the human lives invaluable, surely we can't measure the value of human lives saved by mere costs?

Moab attack on Isis was a baffling choice in cold-blooded terms of cost

And to top it, they of course had to lie about the cost, multiplying it by over 20 times.

One MOAB Costs $16 Million, Not $314 Million

When the hard leftists decide to bring up the cost argument be it about MOABs or tomahawk's, you know they have got nothing. It's going to be painful 8 years for these folks.

Up next: The issue with Trump's wall is the cost, even if it's a drop in the bucket compared to Obama stimulus, which Obama was praised for.

Yeah, let's hear the right bitch and moan because Obamacare increased their health insurance from really fucking expensive to slightly more really fucking expensive, but they love wasting another $16 million on a bomb in a country they shouldn't even be in.
Why are you continuing the propaganda? Cost was $170,000.
You really can't make this up. Why not just wave in the white flag and accept that Trump has had you, at least that would be honest. Since when have hard leftists cared about the cost of government programs? Obama doubled the government debt from an insane level and not a word was uttered. If something, he was supposed to spend even more money...

Besides, isn't saving the human lives invaluable, surely we can't measure the value of human lives saved by mere costs?

Moab attack on Isis was a baffling choice in cold-blooded terms of cost

And to top it, they of course had to lie about the cost, multiplying it by over 20 times.

One MOAB Costs $16 Million, Not $314 Million

When the hard leftists decide to bring up the cost argument be it about MOABs or tomahawk's, you know they have got nothing. It's going to be painful 8 years for these folks.

Up next: The issue with Trump's wall is the cost, even if it's a drop in the bucket compared to Obama stimulus, which Obama was praised for.

Yeah, let's hear the right bitch and moan because Obamacare increased their health insurance from really fucking expensive to slightly more really fucking expensive, but they love wasting another $16 million on a bomb in a country they shouldn't even be in.
Why are you continuing the propaganda? Cost was $170,000.
Because he's a lying traitor that wants to hurt this country.
as seen by the recent events where the leftist douche wads got their ass kicked in Berkley, people are reaching the limit for leftist trash. It's getting closer and closer to time to take out the trash.
You were in Berkeley participating, right? Or do you get your kicks while hiding under your bed?

When Trump leaves you speechless, why not just default to the "small hands/small penis" argument. Sure makes you look very intelligent, especially when everyone knows the true depth of certain matters.
The left stands against killing those terrorists because those terrorists are the left's allies in the war against whites and Christians.

When Trump leaves you speechless, why not just default to the "small hands/small penis" argument. Sure makes you look very intelligent, especially when everyone knows the true depth of certain matters.

So as an argument against Trump, you genius bring forth Benghazi.

Truly special! From the frying pan into the fire we go...

Trump supporters constantly put forward better arguments against Trump than you do, you should be embarrassed.
Truly special! From the frying pan into the fire we go...

Nothing is as special as a pompous blow hard defender of Stupid ...you know like Faithful to the end Trump supporting you.,..give me the Einstein Intellectual argument from Trump .... because 6 bankruptcies and having to pay a million dollar fine for running a scam University is a sign of genius
Truly special! From the frying pan into the fire we go...

Nothing is as special as a pompous blow hard defender of Stupid ...you know like Faithful to the end Trump supporting you.,..give me the Einstein Intellectual argument from Trump .... because 6 bankruptcies and having to pay a million dollar fine for running a scam University is a sign of genius

You just double down on the idiocy as if there was no tomorrow. Now, you bring forth your most genius argument to date. One that no hard leftists haven't ever thought of before. Yes, indeed... you are now arguing that a billionaire ranked in the top 400 wealthiest men in the world is a bad businessman.

And this is why, these people have rightfully earned the "retarded" title. Trump supporters have better critiques of Trump than these people. They even win against you in the field where you have every advantage.

Bunch of sore losers...

You just double down on the idiocy..

If you say so of course Chief :piss2:

are you under the impression you are demonstrating maturity and wisdom ? You are not ...you are demonstrating submission to a liar a bully a cheap skate and a cheat...that is Trump...and you know I can document this ...so you are "striking a pose" like you represent "non idiocy"...there is a reason the Orange one loves the poorly educated....there is a reason Trump had to pay $25 million for his fake University scam ....you just want to "strike a pose":9:

You just double down on the idiocy..

If you say so of course Chief :piss2:

are you under the impression you are demonstrating maturity and wisdom ? You are not ...you are demonstrating submission to a liar a bully a cheap skate and a cheat...that is Trump...and you know I can document this ...so you are "striking a pose" like you represent "non idiocy"...there is a reason the Orange one loves the poorly educated....there is a reason Trump had to pay $25 million for his fake University scam ....you just want to "strike a pose":9:

And now, to personal insults...

Yes, we know you are, and always will be full of shit. Thank you for proving it, once and for all.

Get back to watching CNN, here people like to think independently.
You really can't make this up. Why not just wave in the white flag and accept that Trump has had you, at least that would be honest. Since when have hard leftists cared about the cost of government programs? Obama doubled the government debt from an insane level and not a word was uttered. If something, he was supposed to spend even more money...

Besides, isn't saving the human lives invaluable, surely we can't measure the value of human lives saved by mere costs?

Moab attack on Isis was a baffling choice in cold-blooded terms of cost

And to top it, they of course had to lie about the cost, multiplying it by over 20 times.

One MOAB Costs $16 Million, Not $314 Million

When the hard leftists decide to bring up the cost argument be it about MOABs or tomahawk's, you know they have got nothing. It's going to be painful 8 years for these folks.

Up next: The issue with Trump's wall is the cost, even if it's a drop in the bucket compared to Obama stimulus, which Obama was praised for.
<<Besides, isn't saving the human lives invaluable, surely we can't measure the value of human lives saved by mere costs?>> You are right, Norman. But I am puzzled why you don't feel that way about Americans though, as in healthcare, before and after school meals, Planned Parenthood, college costs, clean water, infrastructure...a whole myriad of domestic issues. I am aware that no matter how we spend our capital, somebody will have a complaint that it could have been done better. But if we paid $16 mil for a MOAB to take out 20-some terrorists, what's the calculation for a whole camp or town or city of them? And why is that a priority over domestic needs?

Before attempting to derail my thread any further, please answer, when was the left concerned about the issues of costs or "how to best spend money" the last time...

I can't recall a period when that happened when Obama spent like a drunken sailor. So where does this sudden concern come from?
Can you be specific on Obama term spending? Travel? Security? Entertaining at private locations then billing government? I presume you are outraged about spending on such projects... as opposed to people in need.. of jobs, safety from terrorists and other matters that value the human life that merits your concern in the ME, if not in America.
You telling us Obama paid for his travels as president?
And now, to personal insults...

Yes, we know you are, and always will be full of shit. Thanks for proving it for all.

what personal insults by me ????

who am I quoting here "Fat Bimbo...Sad weak" who am I quoting "strike a pose guy"

who is this doing the mocking here of the disabled

" I like war heroes that were not captured "...Donald Trump mocks POW s
Trumps drone

Obama's drone

And how many did he get with that enormous phallic symbol?

Yes of course the size of the missile is designed to make up for what lacks in "hand" size but he will never catch up to Obama's incredible accomplishments. Not In any way.

That's okay though, you just keep on lying for him.

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Incredible accomplishments? Lol, thanks for the laugh. Please name the so called great accomplishments.

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