Leftists Force Northam Off His Own Election Victory Stage

Kicking a man off his own victory stage, the left must be proud today.
Again you play the team game. Are you really that weak minded that you need to see everybody as part of a group. Perhaps it was simply a group of people who wanted a sanctuary state and they were voicing their position to their newly elected governor. Do you doubt that they would have done the exact same thing if the republican was elected?
Not a good answer. I don't remember this type of behavior going on during election time since I became an adult in the early '60s. Not allowing this guy his victory speech, and he's a democrat to boot. Shows how radicalism is taking over. What's next, anarchy?
The left embrace anarchy. Antifa, Occupoopers, etc etc
The left embraces Anarchy? I thought the left was all about government control and socialism. Thats on the opposite side of the spectrum dude. You can't label the wingnuts from both sides as Left, it just shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, indeed. Violent Anarchy is a tool to break down the existing structures of society so that they can be replaced by the Utopian Workers' Paradise (in which everyone is equally miserably poor except for the Elite Dear Leaders who are such Smart Smarty Pants that they should be the bosses and live in obscene luxury).
Oh I see, so the Anarchist are simply trying to break down our current system of government so it can be replaced by a socialist or dictatorship that will then control ever facet of their lives. Your insight is fascinating

It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Yes of course when their interests align... But if you think ANTIFA and BLM are little puppet groups being used by the Left then you aren't paying attention. They are pretty dedicated to their cause for their own reasons... At it isn't to get a dictator
weatherman hates democracy apparently

Hardly a surprise that Fakey confuses Democracy with Mob Anarchy.
Your ilk were saying the TPM yelling at the town halls back in the summer of 2009, so your hypocrisy slip is showing as usual.

We're not the ones who supported the disruptions, but as you did, you should be copacetic with the Northam Fracas.
Yes, you did if you were TPM, and you were. You are happy to disrupt an opponent's meetings. We warned them at town hall in 2009, they still did it, and they were arrested.

Speaking up at meetings is a far cry from pushing a speaker of the stage.

You Leftwing Loonies are the out of control violent creeps.
They need to be locked up. For good.
Not a good answer. I don't remember this type of behavior going on during election time since I became an adult in the early '60s. Not allowing this guy his victory speech, and he's a democrat to boot. Shows how radicalism is taking over. What's next, anarchy?
The left embrace anarchy. Antifa, Occupoopers, etc etc
The left embraces Anarchy? I thought the left was all about government control and socialism. Thats on the opposite side of the spectrum dude. You can't label the wingnuts from both sides as Left, it just shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, indeed. Violent Anarchy is a tool to break down the existing structures of society so that they can be replaced by the Utopian Workers' Paradise (in which everyone is equally miserably poor except for the Elite Dear Leaders who are such Smart Smarty Pants that they should be the bosses and live in obscene luxury).
Oh I see, so the Anarchist are simply trying to break down our current system of government so it can be replaced by a socialist or dictatorship that will then control ever facet of their lives. Your insight is fascinating

It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Remember when occupy protested the DNC and Obama in 2012...

Kicking a man off his own victory stage, the left must be proud today.
Again you play the team game. Are you really that weak minded that you need to see everybody as part of a group. Perhaps it was simply a group of people who wanted a sanctuary state and they were voicing their position to their newly elected governor. Do you doubt that they would have done the exact same thing if the republican was elected?
You lefties are so funny, in a dark humor sort of way.

Can I say dark humor? Did I offend you?
Really think about what you are suggesting In relation to the cause they are trying to support. It’s a horrible idea and would have a negative effect towards their cause. All it would do is pour fuel on the fire and give ammo to those making the case that they shouldn’t be here. Remember, they are not legally protected by our constitution. Just showing their face to protest is a risk

I'm not impressed. if they truly want to protest a law they find unjust, break it, suffer the consequences and come right back.

The idea is to shame your opponents into realizing the law is unjust.

Yelling about it with stupid posters and being wimpy little maggots isn't shaming me, nor impressing me.
How do they break it?

Well the most extreme is to get deported and come back, but one can block access and get arrested, or run up on stage and get arrested.
The law they are protesting isn't about running up on stage its about living, working and participating in this country. Speaking out is in effect putting a spotlight on them defying the law is it not?

It makes them look like twits. "hey look at me! I'm heckling the guy our side just elected!!!!"

No balls, no sympathy from me.
How do you know that it is "Their side"? If they are DACA then they support DACA and what to stay in the country they've called home for so long. You don't think they can want that but also be fiscally conservative, want lower taxes and less regulation, be pro life etc.?? Many hispanics have those values ya know
The left embrace anarchy. Antifa, Occupoopers, etc etc
The left embraces Anarchy? I thought the left was all about government control and socialism. Thats on the opposite side of the spectrum dude. You can't label the wingnuts from both sides as Left, it just shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, indeed. Violent Anarchy is a tool to break down the existing structures of society so that they can be replaced by the Utopian Workers' Paradise (in which everyone is equally miserably poor except for the Elite Dear Leaders who are such Smart Smarty Pants that they should be the bosses and live in obscene luxury).
Oh I see, so the Anarchist are simply trying to break down our current system of government so it can be replaced by a socialist or dictatorship that will then control ever facet of their lives. Your insight is fascinating

It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Remember when occupy protested the DNC and Obama in 2012...

I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
Kicking a man off his own victory stage, the left must be proud today.
Again you play the team game. Are you really that weak minded that you need to see everybody as part of a group. Perhaps it was simply a group of people who wanted a sanctuary state and they were voicing their position to their newly elected governor. Do you doubt that they would have done the exact same thing if the republican was elected?
You lefties are so funny, in a dark humor sort of way.

Can I say dark humor? Did I offend you?
Come on OP, this is your thread, I shouldn't need to tell you to stay on topic...
The left embraces Anarchy? I thought the left was all about government control and socialism. Thats on the opposite side of the spectrum dude. You can't label the wingnuts from both sides as Left, it just shows that you don't know what you are talking about.

Yes, indeed. Violent Anarchy is a tool to break down the existing structures of society so that they can be replaced by the Utopian Workers' Paradise (in which everyone is equally miserably poor except for the Elite Dear Leaders who are such Smart Smarty Pants that they should be the bosses and live in obscene luxury).
Oh I see, so the Anarchist are simply trying to break down our current system of government so it can be replaced by a socialist or dictatorship that will then control ever facet of their lives. Your insight is fascinating

It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Remember when occupy protested the DNC and Obama in 2012...

I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Yes, indeed. Violent Anarchy is a tool to break down the existing structures of society so that they can be replaced by the Utopian Workers' Paradise (in which everyone is equally miserably poor except for the Elite Dear Leaders who are such Smart Smarty Pants that they should be the bosses and live in obscene luxury).
Oh I see, so the Anarchist are simply trying to break down our current system of government so it can be replaced by a socialist or dictatorship that will then control ever facet of their lives. Your insight is fascinating

It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Remember when occupy protested the DNC and Obama in 2012...

I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
Oh I see, so the Anarchist are simply trying to break down our current system of government so it can be replaced by a socialist or dictatorship that will then control ever facet of their lives. Your insight is fascinating

It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Remember when occupy protested the DNC and Obama in 2012...

I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
I dont support wingnuts that block speech on any side. But don't pretend it is only coming from the Left. Turning Point has been trying to shut down liberal professors on campus by creating the professor watchlist that calls out liberal professors and rallies protests against "Leftists"... And I guess you haven't noticed the many different movements by conservative groups to ban books... The left has done the same stuff. ANTIFA has done it most recently in a grotesque way. But don't say it is ONLY the left. That isn't honest
It's true. It's why the Left uses Antifa, BLM, Occupy and SEIU thugs to do the dirty work. Using volence and mayhem to terrorize normal people is part of the playbook.
Remember when occupy protested the DNC and Obama in 2012...

I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
I dont support wingnuts that block speech on any side. But don't pretend it is only coming from the Left. Turning Point has been trying to shut down liberal professors on campus by creating the professor watchlist that calls out liberal professors and rallies protests against "Leftists"... And I guess you haven't noticed the many different movements by conservative groups to ban books... The left has done the same stuff. ANTIFA has done it most recently in a grotesque way. But don't say it is ONLY the left. That isn't honest
Denial of reality. Only the left is busy attempting to keep people from freely speaking. Don’t drag others into your cesspool of fascism.
I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
I dont support wingnuts that block speech on any side. But don't pretend it is only coming from the Left. Turning Point has been trying to shut down liberal professors on campus by creating the professor watchlist that calls out liberal professors and rallies protests against "Leftists"... And I guess you haven't noticed the many different movements by conservative groups to ban books... The left has done the same stuff. ANTIFA has done it most recently in a grotesque way. But don't say it is ONLY the left. That isn't honest
Denial of reality. Only the left is busy attempting to keep people from freely speaking. Don’t drag others into your cesspool of fascism.
Bringing facts is denying reality? Ok buddy. Its pointless to talk to you. You deny facts, divert the conversation, don't address specific issues, and spew nothing but partisan garbage. I'm done with you. Good day.
I also remember the Nazis murderering one of their own top Generals, so what’s your point?
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
I dont support wingnuts that block speech on any side. But don't pretend it is only coming from the Left. Turning Point has been trying to shut down liberal professors on campus by creating the professor watchlist that calls out liberal professors and rallies protests against "Leftists"... And I guess you haven't noticed the many different movements by conservative groups to ban books... The left has done the same stuff. ANTIFA has done it most recently in a grotesque way. But don't say it is ONLY the left. That isn't honest
Denial of reality. Only the left is busy attempting to keep people from freely speaking. Don’t drag others into your cesspool of fascism.
Bringing facts is denying reality? Ok buddy. Its pointless to talk to you. You deny facts, divert the conversation, don't address specific issues, and spew nothing but partisan garbage. I'm done with you. Good day.
You don’t provide any evidence that the right are doing the same thing because you have no evidence. You’re just a partisan hack spinning in support of the lefts fascism.
My point is it isn't all about the "team game" I believe more people are passionate about issues and not so much a specific party. I think most people actually despise both parties and the corruption they have both been fostering. What it comes down to for most people are the issues and people are all over the board when it comes to those.
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
I dont support wingnuts that block speech on any side. But don't pretend it is only coming from the Left. Turning Point has been trying to shut down liberal professors on campus by creating the professor watchlist that calls out liberal professors and rallies protests against "Leftists"... And I guess you haven't noticed the many different movements by conservative groups to ban books... The left has done the same stuff. ANTIFA has done it most recently in a grotesque way. But don't say it is ONLY the left. That isn't honest
Denial of reality. Only the left is busy attempting to keep people from freely speaking. Don’t drag others into your cesspool of fascism.
Bringing facts is denying reality? Ok buddy. Its pointless to talk to you. You deny facts, divert the conversation, don't address specific issues, and spew nothing but partisan garbage. I'm done with you. Good day.
You don’t provide any evidence that the right are doing the same thing because you have no evidence. You’re just a partisan hack spinning in support of the lefts fascism.
I specifically name a group and what they were doing but I guess that just bounced off your hard head. I have no interest in talk to people incapable of listening and responding. I'd get further talking to a brick wall
Only one side is busy trying to deny others their right to speak.
I dont support wingnuts that block speech on any side. But don't pretend it is only coming from the Left. Turning Point has been trying to shut down liberal professors on campus by creating the professor watchlist that calls out liberal professors and rallies protests against "Leftists"... And I guess you haven't noticed the many different movements by conservative groups to ban books... The left has done the same stuff. ANTIFA has done it most recently in a grotesque way. But don't say it is ONLY the left. That isn't honest
Denial of reality. Only the left is busy attempting to keep people from freely speaking. Don’t drag others into your cesspool of fascism.
Bringing facts is denying reality? Ok buddy. Its pointless to talk to you. You deny facts, divert the conversation, don't address specific issues, and spew nothing but partisan garbage. I'm done with you. Good day.
You don’t provide any evidence that the right are doing the same thing because you have no evidence. You’re just a partisan hack spinning in support of the lefts fascism.
I specifically name a group and what they were doing but I guess that just bounced off your hard head. I have no interest in talk to people incapable of listening and responding. I'd get further talking to a brick wall
Sorry, but too busy laughing at you saying a list of names is the equivalent to violent riots to keep people from speaking.

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