Leftists Force Northam Off His Own Election Victory Stage

Makes ya wonder how he won by such a large margin.
dude, with everything we've learned about rigging things by the left, I have no doubt, the vote was tampered with bigly!!
So when democrats win, the vote is rigged but when republicans win its a fair election.
Deplorable logic.
Yet there’s incontrovertible proof the Russians helped Trump win last year in a REAL rigged election. Reality always slaps you in the face.
when the voting board identifies many different demoloser fraud, well yeah! especially after I watch a tape of the winner being pushed off stage by the supposed people who voted for him. WTF!
There has been countless studies concerning voter fraud even going back to the Bush administration and they all concluded the same thing. Almost no voting fraud in this country. But you continue to spew your own false reality.
You’re a fucking liar and need to be called out.
especially the latest study that found fraud all over the country. oops. what was that third party candidate that asked for a recount? her's alone proved beyond any doubt what the left does. LOL.

Being pushed off stage by the people that supposedly voted for ya, wow.
The left keep people from speaking at their own event and the usual leftist suspects defend it.

Yep, the fascism is strong in Leftism.
I don't like disruptive protests, but I also can't deny that without those types of actions then things like women's suffrage and the civil rights movement probably would not have happened. Wouldn't you agree?

Those protests were 100% different from what we see now. They were either defiant public marches in the face of often violent responses, defiant boycotts of things they didn't like, or people deliberately breaking laws they found unjust, getting arrested, paying fines/spending time in jail, and then going RIGHT BACK OUT to do the same thing again.

They were not being prissy little wimps yelling over someone speaking and whining when they get thrown out or arrested.
Speaking up at meetings is a far cry from pushing a speaker of the stage.

You Leftwing Loonies are the out of control violent creeps.
Now you are shifting, are not you not. I am not left wing and you certainly are a far right wack.

So you agree the protesters should have been arrested if they

You are a total leftwing hack, bub. The Northam protestors are the Left reaping what they have sewn. It's karma.
Is Northam a Leftie as well?

Yes, he supports the typical lefty agenda: climate change, abortion, high minimum wage, Obamacare etc.
If he is a Lefty and the Lefties are going after him then that doesn't make much sense. Maybe it isn't as simple as you try and paint it. Maybe this whole team mentality isn't reality. Maybe our nation is comprised of hundreds of millions of people with diverse political viewpoints that don't all clump into two sides. The protestors were obviously passionate about the sanctuary city issue and were voicing their opinion to the newly elected governor. They were doing so because he had come out against sanctuary cities in the past and they want to see change. That kind of protest has been part of our political system since the beginning. The same thing happens on the "Right" I'm not sure what point you are trying to make

Well then, maybe we're getting too diverse. This disrespectful behavior is on the increase and it's always the lefties. Another reason a lot of dems no longer identify as democrat anymore.
Can’t handle the truth I see.

You haven't posted any truth. You've just spewed typical Prog Talking Points.

Congrats. You get a snausage, widdle doggie.
Trump / Pruitt isnt trying to dismantle the EPA?
They’re not installing fossil fuel CEO’s in the EPA?
Your media is keeping you dumb and that’s the way you like it.

You are making the flawed assumption that fossil fuels do not benefit humanity, so the rest of insinuations also pin the bogometer.
Roflmao. The fossil fuel executives are there for one reason and it’s not for a cleaner environment you Trump whore. It’s for giving free rein for them to pollute like Trump already has with the coal industry.
It’s was one of his first EO. To let Big Coal to dump their wastes in our rivers and streams.
You don’t know this or don’t want to admit it?

You really are a sad specimen. Go try living in a third world paradise with no fossil fuels and get back to us on how your quality of life is.
More skewed logic. To regulate runaway polluters means to not have fossil fuels.
Do you work at being this stupid?
dude, with everything we've learned about rigging things by the left, I have no doubt, the vote was tampered with bigly!!
So when democrats win, the vote is rigged but when republicans win its a fair election.
Deplorable logic.
Yet there’s incontrovertible proof the Russians helped Trump win last year in a REAL rigged election. Reality always slaps you in the face.
when the voting board identifies many different demoloser fraud, well yeah! especially after I watch a tape of the winner being pushed off stage by the supposed people who voted for him. WTF!
There has been countless studies concerning voter fraud even going back to the Bush administration and they all concluded the same thing. Almost no voting fraud in this country. But you continue to spew your own false reality.
You’re a fucking liar and need to be called out.
especially the latest study that found fraud all over the country. oops.
Link? You’re a goddamn liar.
What happened to Trump’s commission where he said 3-6 million illegals voted?
Conclusion: no evidence it ever happened.
Did you call out the liar in chief on this one?
Of course not whore..
here, that's simple:

FACT CHECK: More Votes than Voters in Detroit?

"GOP Calling for Investigation Into Voter Fraud In Detroit a/Jill’s Recount Exposes More Votes Than Act Registered Voters in 37% of Precincts FoxNewsInsider on Twitter"
JC the liar couldn’t back up his latest lie.
Business as usual here.
because of Jill Stein we learned:

"Voting machines in more than one-third of all Detroit precincts registered more votes than they should have during [the] presidential election, according to Wayne County records prepared at the request of The Detroit News.

Detailed reports from the office of Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett show optical scanners at 248 of the city’s 662 precincts, or 37 percent, tabulated more ballots than the number of voters tallied by workers in the poll books. Voting irregularities in Detroit have spurred plans for an audit by Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson’s office, Elections Director Chris Thomas said."
The left keep people from speaking at their own event and the usual leftist suspects defend it.

Yep, the fascism is strong in Leftism.
I don't like disruptive protests, but I also can't deny that without those types of actions then things like women's suffrage and the civil rights movement probably would not have happened. Wouldn't you agree?

Those protests were 100% different from what we see now. They were either defiant public marches in the face of often violent responses, defiant boycotts of things they didn't like, or people deliberately breaking laws they found unjust, getting arrested, paying fines/spending time in jail, and then going RIGHT BACK OUT to do the same thing again.

They were not being prissy little wimps yelling over someone speaking and whining when they get thrown out or arrested.
So are you advocating for them to act like the people you just described? How does an illegal alien break the law they want changed? You think they should try and get deported then sneak back over? I’m not following your logic.
So when democrats win, the vote is rigged but when republicans win its a fair election.
Deplorable logic.
Yet there’s incontrovertible proof the Russians helped Trump win last year in a REAL rigged election. Reality always slaps you in the face.
when the voting board identifies many different demoloser fraud, well yeah! especially after I watch a tape of the winner being pushed off stage by the supposed people who voted for him. WTF!
There has been countless studies concerning voter fraud even going back to the Bush administration and they all concluded the same thing. Almost no voting fraud in this country. But you continue to spew your own false reality.
You’re a fucking liar and need to be called out.
especially the latest study that found fraud all over the country. oops.
Link? You’re a goddamn liar.
What happened to Trump’s commission where he said 3-6 million illegals voted?
Conclusion: no evidence it ever happened.
Did you call out the liar in chief on this one?
Of course not whore..
here, that's simple:

FACT CHECK: More Votes than Voters in Detroit?

"GOP Calling for Investigation Into Voter Fraud In Detroit a/Jill’s Recount Exposes More Votes Than Act Registered Voters in 37% of Precincts FoxNewsInsider on Twitter"
The idiot JC punks himself with his own link:

“Precincts in Detroit showed more votes than voters due to inaccurate voter tallies by poll workers rather than voting fraud.”
Ha ha ha ha
That’s what happens when trump whores use respectable sources. They come back to kick them in the ass.
Now you are shifting, are not you not. I am not left wing and you certainly are a far right wack.

So you agree the protesters should have been arrested if they

You are a total leftwing hack, bub. The Northam protestors are the Left reaping what they have sewn. It's karma.
Is Northam a Leftie as well?

Yes, he supports the typical lefty agenda: climate change, abortion, high minimum wage, Obamacare etc.
If he is a Lefty and the Lefties are going after him then that doesn't make much sense. Maybe it isn't as simple as you try and paint it. Maybe this whole team mentality isn't reality. Maybe our nation is comprised of hundreds of millions of people with diverse political viewpoints that don't all clump into two sides. The protestors were obviously passionate about the sanctuary city issue and were voicing their opinion to the newly elected governor. They were doing so because he had come out against sanctuary cities in the past and they want to see change. That kind of protest has been part of our political system since the beginning. The same thing happens on the "Right" I'm not sure what point you are trying to make

Well then, maybe we're getting too diverse. This disrespectful behavior is on the increase and it's always the lefties. Another reason a lot of dems no longer identify as democrat anymore.
That line has been used throughout our history
A lot of Democrats are not aware of how the ultra racist Aztlan Nationalist are taking over the Democratic Party state by state
The left keep people from speaking at their own event and the usual leftist suspects defend it.

Yep, the fascism is strong in Leftism.
I don't like disruptive protests, but I also can't deny that without those types of actions then things like women's suffrage and the civil rights movement probably would not have happened. Wouldn't you agree?

Those protests were 100% different from what we see now. They were either defiant public marches in the face of often violent responses, defiant boycotts of things they didn't like, or people deliberately breaking laws they found unjust, getting arrested, paying fines/spending time in jail, and then going RIGHT BACK OUT to do the same thing again.

They were not being prissy little wimps yelling over someone speaking and whining when they get thrown out or arrested.
So are you advocating for them to act like the people you just described? How does an illegal alien break the law they want changed? You think they should try and get deported then sneak back over? I’m not following your logic.

I'm saying exactly that. That's what the Civil Rights people did, that's what the women's suffrage movement did, that's what they should do.

They can also take to the streets, try a little large scale civil disobedience, and pay for the consequences.

Yelling over someone trying to speak makes them look like idiots.
weatherman hates democracy apparently

Are you morons for real?

Leftists shut down the stage for another leftist and weatherman who isn’t a leftist thinks that is wrong. Yet you make the erroneous conclusion he is against democracy.

I have to ask, are you both retarded?

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The left keep people from speaking at their own event and the usual leftist suspects defend it.

Yep, the fascism is strong in Leftism.
I don't like disruptive protests, but I also can't deny that without those types of actions then things like women's suffrage and the civil rights movement probably would not have happened. Wouldn't you agree?

Those protests were 100% different from what we see now. They were either defiant public marches in the face of often violent responses, defiant boycotts of things they didn't like, or people deliberately breaking laws they found unjust, getting arrested, paying fines/spending time in jail, and then going RIGHT BACK OUT to do the same thing again.

They were not being prissy little wimps yelling over someone speaking and whining when they get thrown out or arrested.
So are you advocating for them to act like the people you just described? How does an illegal alien break the law they want changed? You think they should try and get deported then sneak back over? I’m not following your logic.

I'm saying exactly that. That's what the Civil Rights people did, that's what the women's suffrage movement did, that's what they should do.

They can also take to the streets, try a little large scale civil disobedience, and pay for the consequences.

Yelling over someone trying to speak makes them look like idiots.
Really think about what you are suggesting In relation to the cause they are trying to support. It’s a horrible idea and would have a negative effect towards their cause. All it would do is pour fuel on the fire and give ammo to those making the case that they shouldn’t be here. Remember, they are not legally protected by our constitution. Just showing their face to protest is a risk
Yes, you did if you were TPM, and you were. You are happy to disrupt an opponent's meetings. We warned them at town hall in 2009, they still did it, and they were arrested.

Speaking up at meetings is a far cry from pushing a speaker of the stage.

You Leftwing Loonies are the out of control violent creeps.
Now you are shifting, are not you not. I am not left wing and you certainly are a far right wack.

So you agree the protesters should have been arrested if they

You are a total leftwing hack, bub. The Northam protestors are the Left reaping what they have sewn. It's karma.
Is Northam a Leftie as well?

Yes, he supports the typical lefty agenda: climate change, abortion, high minimum wage, Obamacare etc.
Prove it. You are all hot air. You support a fouled and polluted American landscape, no abortion at all, no wage structure at all, and letting the poor die.
weatherman hates democracy apparently

Are you morons for real?

Leftists shut down the stage for another leftist and weatherman who isn’t a leftist thinks that is wrong. Yet you make the erroneous conclusion he is against democracy.

I have to ask, are you both retarded?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
What are you talking about? Progressives yelled at an Opportunity Democrat. You are silly.
The left keep people from speaking at their own event and the usual leftist suspects defend it.

Yep, the fascism is strong in Leftism.
I don't like disruptive protests, but I also can't deny that without those types of actions then things like women's suffrage and the civil rights movement probably would not have happened. Wouldn't you agree?

Those protests were 100% different from what we see now. They were either defiant public marches in the face of often violent responses, defiant boycotts of things they didn't like, or people deliberately breaking laws they found unjust, getting arrested, paying fines/spending time in jail, and then going RIGHT BACK OUT to do the same thing again.

They were not being prissy little wimps yelling over someone speaking and whining when they get thrown out or arrested.
So are you advocating for them to act like the people you just described? How does an illegal alien break the law they want changed? You think they should try and get deported then sneak back over? I’m not following your logic.

I'm saying exactly that. That's what the Civil Rights people did, that's what the women's suffrage movement did, that's what they should do.

They can also take to the streets, try a little large scale civil disobedience, and pay for the consequences.

Yelling over someone trying to speak makes them look like idiots.
Really think about what you are suggesting In relation to the cause they are trying to support. It’s a horrible idea and would have a negative effect towards their cause. All it would do is pour fuel on the fire and give ammo to those making the case that they shouldn’t be here. Remember, they are not legally protected by our constitution. Just showing their face to protest is a risk

I'm not impressed. if they truly want to protest a law they find unjust, break it, suffer the consequences and come right back.

The idea is to shame your opponents into realizing the law is unjust.

Yelling about it with stupid posters and being wimpy little maggots isn't shaming me, nor impressing me.

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