Leftists/liberals hit another home run

Bernie introduced a bill in 2015 for a national $15 minimum wage. It had zero chance of passing. Today it would have less than zero chance, if less than zero were possible.

The case in the OP is in SF. SF is a special case with the highest cost of living in the country. And Californians aee building the future robot workforce no matter what the minimum wage is.

If we had a national $15 mw, that would hasten our conversion to a robot workforce, but we don't have that law and it isn't one that could realistically pass.

Conclusion: the told-you-so element of the OP falls flat
Where in the country is MacDonald's base pay at 15 dollars an hour?

Some where in the dakotas and why is that?

God you are not that well up in news and politics ars you?

So that's nationwide. Really?

You asked a question and i told you,.deport 20 million illegal tacos and yes it would be in more places.

You liberals are so stupid on economics its pathetic

So the only place McDonald's is going to automate is in the Dakotas?
Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide

"As the labor union-backed Fight for $15 begins yet another nationwide strike on November 29, I have a simple message for the protest organizers and the reporters covering them: I told you so.

It brings me no joy to write these words. The push for a $15 starter wage has negatively impacted the career prospects of employees who were just getting started in the workforce while extinguishing the businesses that employed them. I wish it were not so. But it’s important to document these consequences, lest policymakers elsewhere decide that the $15 movement is worth embracing...And in a scene stolen from The Jetsons, the Starship delivery robot is now navigating the streets of San Francisco with groceries and other consumer goods. The company’s founder pointed to a rising minimum wage as a key factor driving the growth of his automated delivery business."

Another winning move by the screaming automatons on the left, whose collective brainpower could not power a single 10-watt bulb.

Will the MSM come out with a mea culpa-type editorial? Of course not, the scumbags didn't after Trump was elected, so why would they do so with this topic?

OK, so you tell us,

at what wage would people have to work at MacDonald's in order to keep the automation out?

I guess this question was too hard for your know-it-alls. lol
Thanks To 'Fight For $15' Minimum Wage, McDonald's Unveils Job-Replacing Self-Service Kiosks Nationwide

"As the labor union-backed Fight for $15 begins yet another nationwide strike on November 29, I have a simple message for the protest organizers and the reporters covering them: I told you so.

It brings me no joy to write these words. The push for a $15 starter wage has negatively impacted the career prospects of employees who were just getting started in the workforce while extinguishing the businesses that employed them. I wish it were not so. But it’s important to document these consequences, lest policymakers elsewhere decide that the $15 movement is worth embracing...And in a scene stolen from The Jetsons, the Starship delivery robot is now navigating the streets of San Francisco with groceries and other consumer goods. The company’s founder pointed to a rising minimum wage as a key factor driving the growth of his automated delivery business."

Another winning move by the screaming automatons on the left, whose collective brainpower could not power a single 10-watt bulb.

Will the MSM come out with a mea culpa-type editorial? Of course not, the scumbags didn't after Trump was elected, so why would they do so with this topic?
If the store has a self checkout I always use it…
Leftists have a huge blind spot when it comes to economics.

They believe that ANYTHING THAT BENEFITS A LOT OF PEOPLE is a "Good Thing."

A $15 minimum wage will definitely benefit a lot of people; whether it is mandated legitimately through (unconstitutional) legislation, or brought about by the kind of force we are seeing now.

But a $15 minimum wage will harm more people than it helps, and the people harmed will be the very people that Leftists claim to support. With a $15 minimum wage, there will be no jobs available for students, people without a high school education, ex-convicts, or adults with no work experience (i.e., people "trying to get off welfare").

At $15, we will have college graduates happily taking jobs in restaurants, as janitors, night watchmen, courtesy bus drivers, and so on. At $15, many non-working spouses will decide that it is worthwhile to get that part time job that they previously scorned. At $15, many retired people will decide to work part time to supplement their incomes.

Again, for the most wretched of our population, the $15 minimum wage will be a disaster. There will be a few pockets of the economy, mainly in very high cost of living locations, where the most unqualified will be able to get work, but not in Trump Country - the vast majority of the United States.

To reiterate, Whenever the compulsory price of any commodity (including basic human labor) is raised significantly above its economic value, (a) the consumers of that commodity will use less of it, (b) they will seek out alternatives, and (c) a black market will come into being.

It is a law of economics, as sure and predictable as the law of gravity.

But Leftists are too stupid to see it.

It wouldn't harm more people than it helps. The corporations will automate at 15 dollars an hour or 8 dollars an hour.

Economics and labor prices aren't your strong suit, I see. smh
Leftists have a huge blind spot when it comes to economics.

They believe that ANYTHING THAT BENEFITS A LOT OF PEOPLE is a "Good Thing."

A $15 minimum wage will definitely benefit a lot of people; whether it is mandated legitimately through (unconstitutional) legislation, or brought about by the kind of force we are seeing now.

But a $15 minimum wage will harm more people than it helps, and the people harmed will be the very people that Leftists claim to support. With a $15 minimum wage, there will be no jobs available for students, people without a high school education, ex-convicts, or adults with no work experience (i.e., people "trying to get off welfare").

At $15, we will have college graduates happily taking jobs in restaurants, as janitors, night watchmen, courtesy bus drivers, and so on. At $15, many non-working spouses will decide that it is worthwhile to get that part time job that they previously scorned. At $15, many retired people will decide to work part time to supplement their incomes.

Again, for the most wretched of our population, the $15 minimum wage will be a disaster. There will be a few pockets of the economy, mainly in very high cost of living locations, where the most unqualified will be able to get work, but not in Trump Country - the vast majority of the United States.

To reiterate, Whenever the compulsory price of any commodity (including basic human labor) is raised significantly above its economic value, (a) the consumers of that commodity will use less of it, (b) they will seek out alternatives, and (c) a black market will come into being.

It is a law of economics, as sure and predictable as the law of gravity.

But Leftists are too stupid to see it.

It wouldn't harm more people than it helps. The corporations will automate at 15 dollars an hour or 8 dollars an hour.

Economics and labor prices aren't your strong suit, I see. smh

Are you denying that businesses are automating where the minimum is around 8 bucks?
Where in the country is MacDonald's base pay at 15 dollars an hour?

Some where in the dakotas and why is that?

God you are not that well up in news and politics ars you?

So that's nationwide. Really?

You asked a question and i told you,.deport 20 million illegal tacos and yes it would be in more places.

You liberals are so stupid on economics its pathetic

So the only place McDonald's is going to automate is in the Dakotas?

This so confuses you right, ?
The other Leftist blind spot has to do with the source of funds for mandated goodies. They tend to have one of two different theories on the source of funds: (a) It will materialize out of thin air, or (b) The greedy capitalist employer will eat the additional cost.

Neither, of course, is the case. The cost will be tolerated through reduced work hours, higher prices, and reduced profit margins. Many small businesses will simply go under, as the owner will decide that he can make more money by simply getting a job. But as Hillary Rodman Clinton reminded us many years ago, "We can't be responsible for the loss of every undercapitalized business."

Fuck 'em?

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